path: root/lib/cpt-pkg
diff options
authormerakor <cem@ckyln.com>2021-01-06 10:51:25 +0000
committermerakor <cem@ckyln.com>2021-01-06 10:51:25 +0000
commit4494a117ed31897513235090b8282c2b033b6407 (patch)
tree3825c70cb3d5db34db2d4e39672b29e961a14445 /lib/cpt-pkg
parentca1d37bfdd5d936a183989d7a49ad31d1d8911c9 (diff)
lazyload experiment: separate libraries
FossilOrigin-Name: 8660559c9b7b280bd5113dfcb54bb4a0a2ef0bda65036c0fbe6c1a4dfc9ba8a1
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cpt-pkg')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cpt-pkg b/lib/cpt-pkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfaa428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cpt-pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+# Package functions
+# shellcheck source=lib-cpt
+run_hook() {
+ # Store the CPT_HOOK variable so that we can revert it if it is changed.
+ # If a fourth parameter 'root' is specified, source the hook from a
+ # predefined location to avoid privilige escalation through user scripts.
+ [ "$4" ] && CPT_HOOK=$CPT_ROOT/etc/cpt-hook
+ [ -f "$CPT_HOOK" ] || { CPT_HOOK=$oldCPT_HOOK; return 0 ;}
+ [ "$2" ] && log "$2" "Running $1 hook"
+ TYPE=${1:-null} PKG=${2:-null} DEST=${3:-null} . "$CPT_HOOK"
+pkg_lint() {
+ # Check that each mandatory file in the package entry exists.
+ log "$1" "Checking repository files"
+ repo_dir=$(pkg_find "$1")
+ cd "$repo_dir" || die "'$repo_dir' not accessible"
+ [ -f sources ] || warn "$1" "Sources file not found"
+ [ -x build ] || die "$1" "Build file not found or not executable"
+ [ -s version ] || die "$1" "Version file not found or empty"
+ read -r _ release 2>/dev/null < version || die "Version file not found"
+ [ "$release" ] || die "Release field not found in version file"
+ [ "$2" ] || [ -f checksums ] || die "$pkg" "Checksums are missing"
+pkg_cache() {
+ read -r version release 2>/dev/null < "$(pkg_find "$1")/version"
+ # Initially assume that the package tarball is built with the CPT_COMPRESS
+ # value.
+ if [ -f "$bin_dir/$1#$version-$release.tar.$CPT_COMPRESS" ]; then
+ tar_file="$bin_dir/$1#$version-$release.tar.$CPT_COMPRESS"
+ else
+ set +f; set -f -- "$bin_dir/$1#$version-$release.tar."*
+ tar_file=$1
+ fi
+ [ -f "$tar_file" ]
+pkg_strip() {
+ # Strip package binaries and libraries. This saves space on the
+ # system as well as on the tarballs we ship for installation.
+ # Package has stripping disabled, stop here.
+ [ -f "$mak_dir/$pkg/nostrip" ] && return
+ log "$1" "Stripping binaries and libraries"
+ find "$pkg_dir/$1" -type f | while read -r file; do
+ case $(od -A o -t c -N 18 "$file") in
+ # REL (object files (.o), static libraries (.a)).
+ *177*E*L*F*0000020\ 001\ *|*\!*\<*a*r*c*h*\>*)
+ strip -g -R .comment -R .note "$file"
+ ;;
+ # EXEC (static binaries).
+ # DYN (shared libraries, dynamic binaries).
+ # Shared libraries keep global symbols in a separate ELF section
+ # called '.dynsym'. '--strip-all/-s' does not touch the dynamic
+ # symbol entries which makes this safe to do.
+ *177*E*L*F*0000020\ 00[23]\ *)
+ strip -s -R .comment -R .note "$file"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done 2>/dev/null ||:
+pkg_manifest() (
+ # Generate the package's manifest file. This is a list of each file
+ # and directory inside the package. The file is used when uninstalling
+ # packages, checking for package conflicts and for general debugging.
+ log "$1" "Generating manifest"
+ # This function runs as a sub-shell to avoid having to 'cd' back to the
+ # prior directory before being able to continue.
+ cd "${2:-$pkg_dir}/$1"
+ # find: Print all files and directories and append '/' to directories.
+ # sort: Sort the output in *reverse*. Directories appear *after* their
+ # contents.
+ # sed: Remove the first character in each line (./dir -> /dir) and
+ # remove all lines which only contain '.'.
+ find . -type d -exec printf '%s/\n' {} + -o -print |
+ sort -r | sed '/^\.\/$/d;ss.ss' > "${2:-$pkg_dir}/$1/$pkg_db/$1/manifest"
+pkg_etcsums() (
+ # This function runs as a sub-shell to avoid having to 'cd' back to the
+ # prior directory before being able to continue.
+ cd "$pkg_dir/$1/etc" 2>/dev/null || return 0; cd ..
+ # Generate checksums for each configuration file in the package's
+ # /etc/ directory for use in "smart" handling of these files.
+ log "$1" "Generating etcsums"
+ find etc -type f | while read -r file; do
+ sh256 "$file"
+ done > "$pkg_dir/$1/$pkg_db/$1/etcsums"
+pkg_tar() {
+ # Create a tarball from the built package's files.
+ # This tarball also contains the package's database entry.
+ log "$1" "Creating tarball"
+ # Read the version information to name the package.
+ read -r version release < "$(pkg_find "$1")/version"
+ # Create a tarball from the contents of the built package.
+ "$tar" cf - -C "$pkg_dir/$1" . |
+ case $CPT_COMPRESS in
+ bz2) bzip2 -z ;;
+ xz) xz -zT 0 ;;
+ gz) gzip -6 ;;
+ zst) zstd -3 ;;
+ *) gzip -6 ;; # Fallback to gzip
+ esac \
+ > "$bin_dir/$1#$version-$release.tar.$CPT_COMPRESS"
+ log "$1" "Successfully created tarball"
+ run_hook post-package "$1" "$bin_dir/$1#$version-$release.tar.$CPT_COMPRESS"
+pkg_build() {
+ # Build packages and turn them into packaged tarballs. This function
+ # also checks checksums, downloads sources and ensure all dependencies
+ # are installed.
+ pkg_build=1
+ log "Resolving dependencies"
+ for pkg do contains "$explicit" "$pkg" || {
+ pkg_depends "$pkg" explicit
+ # Mark packages passed on the command-line
+ # separately from those detected as dependencies.
+ explicit="$explicit $pkg "
+ } done
+ [ "$pkg_update" ] || explicit_build=$explicit
+ # If an explicit package is a dependency of another explicit
+ # package, remove it from the explicit list as it needs to be
+ # installed as a dependency.
+ # shellcheck disable=2086,2031
+ for pkg do
+ contains "$deps" "$pkg" && explicit=$(pop "$pkg" from $explicit)
+ done
+ # See [1] at top of script.
+ # shellcheck disable=2046,2086,2031
+ set -- $deps $explicit
+ log "Building: $*"
+ # Only ask for confirmation if more than one package needs to be built.
+ [ $# -gt 1 ] || [ "$pkg_update" ] && { prompt || exit 0 ;}
+ log "Checking for pre-built dependencies"
+ for pkg do pkg_lint "$pkg"; done
+ # Install any pre-built dependencies if they exist in the binary
+ # directory and are up to date.
+ for pkg do ! contains "$explicit_build" "$pkg" && pkg_cache "$pkg" && {
+ log "$pkg" "Found pre-built binary, installing"
+ (CPT_FORCE=1 cpt-install "$tar_file")
+ # Remove the now installed package from the build list.
+ # See [1] at top of script.
+ # shellcheck disable=2046,2086
+ set -- $(pop "$pkg" from "$@")
+ } done
+ for pkg do pkg_sources "$pkg"; done
+ pkg_verify "$@"
+ # Finally build and create tarballs for all passed packages and
+ # dependencies.
+ for pkg do
+ log "$pkg" "Building package ($((in = in + 1))/$#)"
+ pkg_extract "$pkg"
+ repo_dir=$(pkg_find "$pkg")
+ read -r build_version _ < "$repo_dir/version"
+ # Copy the build file to the build directory to users to modify it
+ # temporarily at runtime.
+ cp -f "$repo_dir/build" "$mak_dir/$pkg/.build.cpt"
+ # Install built packages to a directory under the package name
+ # to avoid collisions with other packages.
+ mkdir -p "$pkg_dir/$pkg/$pkg_db"
+ # Move to the build directory.
+ cd "$mak_dir/$pkg"
+ log "$pkg" "Starting build"
+ run_hook pre-build "$pkg" "$pkg_dir/$pkg"
+ # Notify the user if the build script is changed during the pre-build
+ # hook.
+ diff -q "$repo_dir/build" .build.cpt ||
+ log "$pkg" "Executing the modified build file"
+ # Call the build script, log the output to the terminal
+ # and to a file. There's no PIPEFAIL in POSIX shelll so
+ # we must resort to tricks like killing the script ourselves.
+ { ./.build.cpt "$pkg_dir/$pkg" "$build_version" "$sys_arch" 2>&1 || {
+ log "$pkg" "Build failed"
+ log "$pkg" "Log stored to $log_dir/$pkg-$time-$pid"
+ run_hook build-fail "$pkg" "$pkg_dir/$pkg"
+ pkg_clean
+ kill 0
+ } } | tee "$log_dir/$pkg-$time-$pid"
+ # Run the test script if it exists and the user wants to run tests. This
+ # is turned off by default.
+ [ -x "$repo_dir/test" ] && [ "$CPT_TEST" = 1 ] && {
+ run_hook pre-test "$pkg" "$pkg_dir/$pkg"
+ log "$pkg" "Running tests"
+ "$repo_dir/test" "$pkg_dir/$pkg" "$build_version" "$sys_arch" 2>&1 || {
+ log "$pkg" "Test failed"
+ log "$pkg" "Log stored to $log_dir/$pkg-$time-$pid"
+ run_hook test-fail "$pkg" "$pkg_dir/$pkg"
+ pkg_clean
+ kill 0
+ } } | tee -a "$log_dir/$pkg-$time-$pid"
+ # Delete the log file if the build succeeded to prevent
+ # the directory from filling very quickly with useless logs.
+ [ "$CPT_KEEPLOG" = 1 ] || rm -f "$log_dir/$pkg-$time-$pid"
+ # Copy the repository files to the package directory.
+ # This acts as the database entry.
+ cp -LRf "$repo_dir" "$pkg_dir/$pkg/$pkg_db/"
+ # Copy the modified build file to the package directory.
+ pkg_build="$pkg_dir/$pkg/$pkg_db/$pkg/build"
+ diff -U 3 "$pkg_build" .build.cpt > "$pkg_build.diff" &&
+ rm -f "$pkg_build.diff"
+ # We don't want the package manager to track 'dir' pages of the info
+ # directory. We don't want every single package to create their own dir
+ # files either.
+ rm -f "$pkg_dir/$pkg/usr/share/info/dir"
+ # We never ever want this. Let's end the endless conflicts
+ # and remove it.
+ find "$pkg_dir/$pkg" -name charset.alias -exec rm -f {} +
+ # Remove libtool's '*.la' library files. This removes cross-build
+ # system conflicts that may arise. Build-systems change, libtool
+ # is getting deprecated, we don't want a package that depends on
+ # some package's '.la' files.
+ find "$pkg_dir/$pkg" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} +
+ log "$pkg" "Successfully built package"
+ run_hook post-build "$pkg" "$pkg_dir/$pkg"
+ # Create the manifest file early and make it empty.
+ # This ensures that the manifest is added to the manifest.
+ : > "$pkg_dir/$pkg/$pkg_db/$pkg/manifest"
+ # If the package contains '/etc', add a file called
+ # 'etcsums' to the manifest. See comment directly above.
+ [ -d "$pkg_dir/$pkg/etc" ] &&
+ : > "$pkg_dir/$pkg/$pkg_db/$pkg/etcsums"
+ pkg_strip "$pkg"
+ pkg_manifest "$pkg"
+ pkg_fix_deps "$pkg"
+ pkg_manifest "$pkg"
+ pkg_etcsums "$pkg"
+ pkg_tar "$pkg"
+ # Install only dependencies of passed packages.
+ # Skip this check if this is a package update.
+ contains "$explicit" "$pkg" && [ -z "$pkg_update" ] && continue
+ log "$pkg" "Needed as a dependency or has an update, installing"
+ (CPT_FORCE=1 cpt-install "$pkg")
+ done
+ # End here as this was a system update and all packages have been installed.
+ [ "$pkg_update" ] && return
+ log "Successfully built package(s)"
+ # Turn the explicit packages into a 'list'.
+ # See [1] at top of script.
+ # shellcheck disable=2046,2086
+ set -- $explicit
+ # Only ask for confirmation if more than one package needs to be installed.
+ [ $# -gt 1 ] && prompt "Install built packages? [$*]" && {
+ cpt-install "$@"
+ return
+ }
+ log "Run 'cpt i $*' to install the package(s)"
+pkg_checksums() {
+ # Generate checksums for packages.
+ repo_dir=$(pkg_find "$1")
+ [ -f "$repo_dir/sources" ] || return 0
+ while read -r src _ || [ "$src" ]; do
+ # Comment.
+ if [ -z "${src##\#*}" ]; then
+ continue
+ # File is local to the package.
+ elif [ -f "$repo_dir/$src" ]; then
+ src_path=$repo_dir/${src%/*}
+ # File is remote and was downloaded.
+ elif [ -f "$src_dir/$1/${src##*/}" ]; then
+ src_path=$src_dir/$1
+ # File is a git repository.
+ elif [ -z "${src##git+*}" ]; then continue
+ # Die here if source for some reason, doesn't exist.
+ else
+ die "$1" "Couldn't find source '$src'"
+ fi
+ # An easy way to get 'sha256sum' to print with the 'basename'
+ # of files is to 'cd' to the file's directory beforehand.
+ (cd "$src_path" && sh256 "${src##*/}") ||
+ die "$1" "Failed to generate checksums"
+ done < "$repo_dir/sources"
+pkg_verify() {
+ # Verify all package checksums. This is achieved by generating a new set of
+ # checksums and then comparing those with the old set.
+ verify_cmd="NR==FNR{a[\$1];next}/^git .*/{next}!((\$1)in a){exit 1}"
+ for pkg; do
+ repo_dir=$(pkg_find "$pkg")
+ [ -f "$repo_dir/sources" ] || continue
+ pkg_checksums "$pkg" | awk "$verify_cmd" - "$repo_dir/checksums" || {
+ log "$pkg" "Checksum mismatch"
+ # Instead of dying above, log it to the terminal. Also define a
+ # variable so we *can* die after all checksum files have been
+ # checked.
+ mismatch="$mismatch$pkg "
+ } done
+ [ -z "$mismatch" ] || die "Checksum mismatch with: ${mismatch% }"
+pkg_conflicts() {
+ # Check to see if a package conflicts with another.
+ log "$1" "Checking for package conflicts"
+ # Filter the tarball's manifest and select only files
+ # and any files they resolve to on the filesystem
+ # (/bin/ls -> /usr/bin/ls).
+ while read -r file; do
+ case $file in */) continue; esac
+ # Use $CPT_ROOT in filename so that we follow its symlinks.
+ file=$CPT_ROOT/${file#/}
+ # We will only follow the symlinks of the directories, so we reserve the
+ # directory name in this 'dirname' value. If we cannot find it in the
+ # system, we don't need to make this much more complex by trying so hard
+ # to find it. Simply use the original directory name.
+ dirname="$(_readlinkf "${file%/*}" 2>/dev/null)" ||
+ dirname="${file%/*}"
+ # Combine the dirname and file values, and print them into the
+ # temporary manifest to be parsed.
+ printf '%s/%s\n' "${dirname#$CPT_ROOT}" "${file##*/}"
+ done < "$tar_dir/$1/$pkg_db/$1/manifest" > "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/manifest"
+ p_name=$1
+ # Generate a list of all installed package manifests
+ # and remove the current package from the list.
+ # shellcheck disable=2046,2086
+ set -- $(set +f; pop "$sys_db/$p_name/manifest" from "$sys_db"/*/manifest)
+ [ -s "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/manifest" ] || return 0
+ # In rare cases where the system only has one package installed
+ # and you are reinstalling that package, grep will try to read from
+ # standard input if we continue here.
+ #
+ # Also, if we don't have any packages installed grep will give an
+ # error. This will not cause the installation to fail, but we don't
+ # need to check for conflicts if that's the case anyway. If we have
+ # only zero packages or one package, just stop wasting time and continue
+ # with the installation.
+ [ "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ] || return 0
+ # Store the list of found conflicts in a file as we will be using the
+ # information multiple times. Storing it in the cache dir allows us
+ # to be lazy as they'll be automatically removed on script end.
+ "$grep" -Fxf "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/manifest" -- "$@" > "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/conflict" ||:
+ # Enable alternatives automatically if it is safe to do so.
+ # This checks to see that the package that is about to be installed
+ # doesn't overwrite anything it shouldn't in '/var/db/cpt/installed'.
+ "$grep" -q ":/var/db/cpt/installed/" "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/conflict" ||
+ choice_auto=1
+ # Use 'grep' to list matching lines between the to
+ # be installed package's manifest and the above filtered
+ # list.
+ if [ "$CPT_CHOICE" != 0 ] && [ "$choice_auto" = 1 ]; then
+ # This is a novel way of offering an "alternatives" system.
+ # It is entirely dynamic and all "choices" are created and
+ # destroyed on the fly.
+ #
+ # When a conflict is found between two packages, the file
+ # is moved to a directory called "choices" and its name
+ # changed to store its parent package and its intended
+ # location.
+ #
+ # The package's manifest is then updated to reflect this
+ # new location.
+ #
+ # The 'cpt choices' command parses this directory and
+ # offers you the CHOICE of *swapping* entries in this
+ # directory for those on the filesystem.
+ #
+ # The choices command does the same thing we do here,
+ # it rewrites manifests and moves files around to make
+ # this work.
+ #
+ # Pretty nifty huh?
+ while IFS=: read -r _ con; do
+ printf '%s\n' "Found conflict $con"
+ # Create the "choices" directory inside of the tarball.
+ # This directory will store the conflicting file.
+ mkdir -p "$tar_dir/$p_name/${cho_dir:=var/db/cpt/choices}"
+ # Construct the file name of the "db" entry of the
+ # conflicting file. (pkg_name>usr>bin>ls)
+ con_name=$(printf %s "$con" | sed 's|/|>|g')
+ # Move the conflicting file to the choices directory
+ # and name it according to the format above.
+ mv -f "$tar_dir/$p_name/$con" \
+ "$tar_dir/$p_name/$cho_dir/$p_name$con_name" 2>/dev/null || {
+ log "File must be in ${con%/*} and not a symlink to it"
+ log "This usually occurs when a binary is installed to"
+ log "/sbin instead of /usr/bin (example)"
+ log "Before this package can be used as an alternative,"
+ log "this must be fixed in $p_name. Contact the maintainer"
+ die "by checking 'git log' or by running 'cpt-maintainer'"
+ }
+ done < "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/conflict"
+ # Rewrite the package's manifest to update its location
+ # to its new spot (and name) in the choices directory.
+ pkg_manifest "$p_name" "$tar_dir" 2>/dev/null
+ elif [ -s "$CPT_TMPDIR/$pid/conflict" ]; then
+ log "Package '$p_name' conflicts with another package" "" "!>"
+ log "Run 'CPT_CHOICE=1 cpt i $p_name' to add conflicts" "" "!>"
+ die "as alternatives."
+ fi
+pkg_swap() {
+ # Swap between package alternatives.
+ pkg_list "$1" >/dev/null
+ alt=$(printf %s "$1$2" | sed 's|/|>|g')
+ cd "$sys_db/../choices"
+ [ -f "$alt" ] || [ -h "$alt" ] ||
+ die "Alternative '$1 $2' doesn't exist"
+ if [ -f "$2" ]; then
+ # Figure out which package owns the file we are going to swap for
+ # another package's.
+ #
+ # Print the full path to the manifest file which contains
+ # the match to our search.
+ pkg_owns=$(pkg_owner -lFx "$2") ||
+ die "File '$2' exists on filesystem but isn't owned"
+ log "Swapping '$2' from '$pkg_owns' to '$1'"
+ # Convert the current owner to an alternative and rewrite
+ # its manifest file to reflect this. We then resort this file
+ # so no issues arise when removing packages.
+ cp -Pf "$CPT_ROOT/$2" "$pkg_owns>${alt#*>}"
+ sed "s#^$(regesc "$2")\$#${PWD#$CPT_ROOT}/$pkg_owns>${alt#*>}#" \
+ "../installed/$pkg_owns/manifest" |
+ sort -r -o "../installed/$pkg_owns/manifest"
+ fi
+ # Convert the desired alternative to a real file and rewrite
+ # the manifest file to reflect this. The reverse of above.
+ mv -f "$alt" "$CPT_ROOT/$2"
+ sed "s#^${PWD#$CPT_ROOT}/$(regesc "$alt")\$#$2#" "../installed/$1/manifest" |
+ sort -r -o "../installed/$1/manifest"
+pkg_etc() {
+ [ -d "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/etc" ] || return 0
+ (cd "$tar_dir/$pkg_name"
+ # Create all directories beforehand.
+ find etc -type d | while read -r dir; do
+ mkdir -p "$CPT_ROOT/$dir"
+ done
+ # Handle files in /etc/ based on a 3-way checksum check.
+ find etc ! -type d | while read -r file; do
+ { sum_new=$(sh256 "$file")
+ sum_sys=$(cd "$CPT_ROOT/"; sh256 "$file")
+ sum_old=$("$grep" "$file$" "$mak_dir/c"); } 2>/dev/null ||:
+ log "$pkg_name" "Doing 3-way handshake for $file"
+ printf '%s\n' "Previous: ${sum_old:-null}"
+ printf '%s\n' "System: ${sum_sys:-null}"
+ printf '%s\n' "New: ${sum_new:-null}"
+ # Use a case statement to easily compare three strings at
+ # the same time. Pretty nifty.
+ case ${sum_old:-null}${sum_sys:-null}${sum_new} in
+ # old = Y, sys = X, new = Y
+ "${sum_new}${sum_sys}${sum_old}")
+ log "Skipping $file"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ # old = X, sys = X, new = X
+ # old = X, sys = Y, new = Y
+ # old = X, sys = X, new = Y
+ "${sum_old}${sum_old}${sum_old}"|\
+ "${sum_old:-null}${sum_sys}${sum_sys}"|\
+ "${sum_sys}${sum_old}"*)
+ log "Installing $file"
+ new=
+ ;;
+ # All other cases.
+ *)
+ warn "$pkg_name" "saving /$file as /$file.new" "->"
+ new=.new
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cp -fPp "$file" "$CPT_ROOT/${file}${new}"
+ chown root:root "$CPT_ROOT/${file}${new}" 2>/dev/null
+ done) ||:
+pkg_remove() {
+ # Remove a package and all of its files. The '/etc' directory
+ # is handled differently and configuration files are *not*
+ # overwritten.
+ pkg_list "$1" >/dev/null || return
+ # Make sure that nothing depends on this package.
+ [ "$CPT_FORCE" = 1 ] || {
+ log "$1" "Checking for reverse dependencies"
+ (cd "$sys_db"; set +f; grep -lFx "$1" -- */depends) &&
+ die "$1" "Can't remove package, others depend on it"
+ }
+ # Block being able to abort the script with 'Ctrl+C' during removal.
+ # Removes all risk of the user aborting a package removal leaving
+ # an incomplete package installed.
+ trap_set block
+ if [ -x "$sys_db/$1/pre-remove" ]; then
+ log "$1" "Running pre-remove script"
+ "$sys_db/$1/pre-remove" ||:
+ fi
+ # Create a temporary list of all directories, so we don't accidentally
+ # remove anything from packages that create empty directories for a
+ # purpose (such as baselayout).
+ manifest_list="$(set +f; pop "$sys_db/$1/manifest" from "$sys_db/"*/manifest)"
+ # shellcheck disable=2086
+ [ "$manifest_list" ] && grep -h '/$' $manifest_list | sort -ur > "$mak_dir/dirs"
+ run_hook pre-remove "$1" "$sys_db/$1" root
+ while read -r file; do
+ # The file is in '/etc' skip it. This prevents the package
+ # manager from removing user edited configuration files.
+ [ "${file##/etc/*}" ] || continue
+ if [ -d "$CPT_ROOT/$file" ]; then
+ "$grep" -Fxq "$file" "$mak_dir/dirs" 2>/dev/null && continue
+ rmdir "$CPT_ROOT/$file" 2>/dev/null || continue
+ else
+ rm -f "$CPT_ROOT/$file"
+ fi
+ done < "$sys_db/$1/manifest"
+ # Reset 'trap' to its original value. Removal is done so
+ # we no longer need to block 'Ctrl+C'.
+ trap_set cleanup
+ run_hook post-remove "$1" "$CPT_ROOT/" root
+ log "$1" "Removed successfully"
+pkg_install() {
+ # Install a built package tarball.
+ # Install can also take the full path to a tarball.
+ # We don't need to check the repository if this is the case.
+ if [ -f "$1" ] && [ -z "${1%%*.tar*}" ] ; then
+ tar_file=$1
+ pkg_name=${1##*/}
+ pkg_name=${pkg_name%#*}
+ else
+ pkg_cache "$1" ||
+ die "package has not been built, run 'cpt b pkg'"
+ pkg_name=$1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$tar_dir/$pkg_name"
+ log "$pkg_name" "Extracting $tar_file"
+ # Extract the tarball to catch any errors before installation begins.
+ decompress "$tar_file" | "$tar" xf - -C "$tar_dir/$pkg_name"
+ [ -f "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$pkg_db/$pkg_name/manifest" ] ||
+ die "'${tar_file##*/}' is not a valid CPT package"
+ # Ensure that the tarball's manifest is correct by checking that
+ # each file and directory inside of it actually exists.
+ [ "$CPT_FORCE" != 1 ] && log "$pkg_name" "Checking package manifest" &&
+ while read -r line; do
+ # Skip symbolic links
+ [ -h "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$line" ] ||
+ [ -e "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$line" ] || {
+ log "File $line missing from tarball but mentioned in manifest" "" "!>"
+ }
+ done < "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$pkg_db/$pkg_name/manifest"
+ [ "$TARBALL_FAIL" ] && {
+ log "You can still install this package by setting CPT_FORCE variable"
+ die "$pkg_name" "Missing files in manifest"
+ }
+ log "$pkg_name" "Checking that all dependencies are installed"
+ # Make sure that all run-time dependencies are installed prior to
+ # installing the package.
+ [ -f "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$pkg_db/$pkg_name/depends" ] &&
+ [ "$CPT_FORCE" != 1 ] &&
+ while read -r dep dep_type || [ "$dep" ]; do
+ [ "${dep##\#*}" ] || continue
+ [ "$dep_type" ] || pkg_list "$dep" >/dev/null ||
+ install_dep="$install_dep'$dep', "
+ done < "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/$pkg_db/$pkg_name/depends"
+ [ "$install_dep" ] && die "$1" "Package requires ${install_dep%, }"
+ run_hook pre-install "$pkg_name" "$tar_dir/$pkg_name" root
+ pkg_conflicts "$pkg_name"
+ log "$pkg_name" "Installing package incrementally"
+ # Block being able to abort the script with Ctrl+C during installation.
+ # Removes all risk of the user aborting a package installation leaving
+ # an incomplete package installed.
+ trap_set block
+ # If the package is already installed (and this is an upgrade) make a
+ # backup of the manifest and etcsums files.
+ cp -f "$sys_db/$pkg_name/manifest" "$mak_dir/m" 2>/dev/null ||:
+ cp -f "$sys_db/$pkg_name/etcsums" "$mak_dir/c" 2>/dev/null ||:
+ # This is repeated multiple times. Better to make it a function.
+ pkg_rsync() {
+ rsync "--chown=$USER:$USER" --chmod=Du-s,Dg-s,Do-s \
+ -WhHKa --no-compress --exclude /etc "${1:---}" \
+ "$tar_dir/$pkg_name/" "$CPT_ROOT/"
+ }
+ # Install the package by using 'rsync' and overwrite any existing files
+ # (excluding '/etc/').
+ pkg_rsync --info=progress2
+ pkg_etc
+ # Remove any leftover files if this is an upgrade.
+ "$grep" -vFxf "$sys_db/$pkg_name/manifest" "$mak_dir/m" 2>/dev/null |
+ while read -r file; do
+ file=$CPT_ROOT/$file
+ # Skip deleting some leftover files.
+ case $file in /etc/*) continue; esac
+ # Remove files.
+ if [ -f "$file" ] && [ ! -L "$file" ]; then
+ rm -f "$file"
+ # Remove file symlinks.
+ elif [ -h "$file" ] && [ ! -d "$file" ]; then
+ unlink "$file" ||:
+ # Skip directory symlinks.
+ elif [ -h "$file" ] && [ -d "$file" ]; then :
+ # Remove directories if empty.
+ elif [ -d "$file" ]; then
+ rmdir "$file" 2>/dev/null ||:
+ fi
+ done ||:
+ log "$pkg_name" "Verifying installation"
+ { pkg_rsync; pkg_rsync; } ||:
+ # Reset 'trap' to its original value. Installation is done so
+ # we no longer need to block 'Ctrl+C'.
+ trap_set cleanup
+ if [ -x "$sys_db/$pkg_name/post-install" ]; then
+ log "$pkg_name" "Running post-install script"
+ "$sys_db/$pkg_name/post-install" ||:
+ fi
+ run_hook post-install "$pkg_name" "$sys_db/$pkg_name" root
+ log "$pkg_name" "Installed successfully"
+ # Check all installed packages for updates. So long as the installed
+ # version and the version in the repositories differ, it's considered
+ # an update.
+ [ "$CPT_FETCH" = 0 ] || pkg_fetch
+ log "Checking for new package versions"
+ set +f
+ for pkg in "$sys_db/"*; do
+ pkg_name=${pkg##*/}
+ # Read version and release information from the installed packages
+ # and repository.
+ read -r db_ver db_rel < "$pkg/version"
+ read -r re_ver re_rel < "$(pkg_find "$pkg_name")/version"
+ # Compare installed packages to repository packages.
+ [ "$db_ver-$db_rel" != "$re_ver-$re_rel" ] && {
+ printf '%s\n' "$pkg_name $db_ver-$db_rel ==> $re_ver-$re_rel"
+ outdated="$outdated$pkg_name "
+ }
+ done
+ set -f
+ # If the download option is specified only download the outdated packages
+ # and exit.
+ # shellcheck disable=2154
+ [ "$download_only" = 1 ] && {
+ log "Only sources for the packages will be acquired"
+ prompt || exit 0
+ for pkg in $outdated; do
+ pkg_sources "$pkg"
+ done
+ exit 0
+ }
+ contains "$outdated" cpt && {
+ log "Detected package manager update"
+ log "The package manager will be updated first"
+ prompt || exit 0
+ pkg_build cpt
+ cpt-install cpt
+ log "Updated the package manager"
+ log "Re-run 'cpt update' to update your system"
+ exit 0
+ }
+ [ "$outdated" ] || {
+ log "Everything is up to date"
+ return
+ }
+ log "Packages to update: ${outdated% }"
+ # Tell 'pkg_build' to always prompt before build.
+ pkg_update=1
+ # Build all packages requiring an update.
+ # See [1] at top of script.
+ # shellcheck disable=2046,2086
+ {
+ pkg_order $outdated
+ pkg_build $order
+ }
+ log "Updated all packages"
+pkg_clean() {
+ # Clean up on exit or error. This removes everything related
+ # to the build.
+ [ "$CPT_DEBUG" != 1 ] || return 0
+ # Block 'Ctrl+C' while cache is being cleaned.
+ trap_set block
+ # Remove temporary items.
+ rm -rf -- "${CPT_TMPDIR:=$cac_dir/proc}/$pid"
+create_cache() {
+ # A temporary directory can be specified apart from the cache
+ # directory in order to build in a user specified directory.
+ # /tmp could be used in order to build on ram, useful on SSDs.
+ # The user can specify CPT_TMPDIR for this.
+ #
+ # Create the required temporary directories and set the variables
+ # which point to them.
+ mkdir -p "${tmp_dir:=${CPT_TMPDIR:=$cac_dir/proc}/$pid}"
+ # If an argument is given, skip the creation of other cache directories.
+ # This here makes shellcheck extremely angry, so I am globally disabling
+ # SC2119.
+ [ "$1" ] || mkdir -p "${mak_dir:=$tmp_dir/build}" \
+ "${pkg_dir:=$tmp_dir/pkg}" \
+ "${tar_dir:=$tmp_dir/export}"
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: sh
+# End: