path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cpt-lib b/src/cpt-lib
index f95d409..a0c2130 100644
--- a/src/cpt-lib
+++ b/src/cpt-lib
@@ -37,6 +37,239 @@ die() {
exit 1
+# This is the public domain getoptions shell library. It also forms a usage
+# function.
+# License: CC0 (Public Domain)
+# URL: https://github.com/ko1nksm/getoptions
+# shellcheck disable=2016
+getoptions() {
+ URL='https://github.com/ko1nksm/getoptions'
+ LICENSE='Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal'
+ _error='' _on=1 _off='' _export='' _plus='' _mode='' _alt='' restargs=''
+ _opts='' _no='' _equal=1 indent='' IFS=' '
+ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do
+ eval "_$i() { echo \"$indent\$*\"; }"
+ indent="$indent "
+ done
+ quote() {
+ q="$2'" r=''
+ while [ "$q" ]; do r="${r}${q%%\'*}'\''" && q=${q#*\'}; done
+ q="'${r%????}'" && q=${q#\'\'} && q=${q%\'\'}
+ eval "$1=\${q:-\"''\"}"
+ }
+ code() {
+ [ "${1#:}" = "$1" ] && c=3 || c=4
+ eval "[ ! \${$c:+x} ] || $2 \"\$$c\""
+ }
+ args() {
+ on=$_on off=$_off export=$_export init='@empty' _hasarg=$1
+ while [ $# -gt 2 ] && [ "$3" != '--' ] && shift; do
+ case $2 in
+ --no-* | --\{no-\}*) _no=1 ;;
+ -?) [ "${_hasarg#%}" ] || _opts="${_opts}${2#-}" ;;
+ +*) _plus=1 ;;
+ [!-+]*) eval "${2%%:*}=\${2#*:}"
+ esac
+ done
+ }
+ defvar() {
+ case $init in
+ @empty) code "$1" _0 "${export:+export }$1=''" ;;
+ @unset) code "$1" _0 "unset $1 ||:" "unset OPTARG ||:; ${1#:}" ;;
+ *) case $init in @*) eval "init=\"=\${${init#@}}\""; esac
+ case $init in [!=]*) _0 "$init"; return 0; esac
+ quote init "${init#=}"
+ code "$1" _0 "${export:+export }$1=$init" "OPTARG=$init; ${1#:}"
+ esac
+ }
+ setup() {
+ restargs=$1 && shift
+ for i; do [ "$i" = '--' ] && break; eval "_${i%%:*}=\${i#*:}"; done
+ }
+ flag() { args : "$@"; defvar "$@"; }
+ param() { args % "$@"; defvar "$@"; }
+ option() { args % "$@"; defvar "$@"; }
+ disp() { args : "$@"; }
+ msg() { args : _ "$@"; }
+ _0 '# Option parser generated by getoptions'
+ _0 "# URL: $URL"
+ "$@"
+ _0 "${restargs:?}=''"
+ args() {
+ sw='' on=$_on off=$_off validate='' pattern='' counter='' default=''
+ while [ $# -gt 1 ] && [ "$2" != '--' ] && shift; do
+ case $1 in
+ --\{no-\}* ) sw="${sw}${sw:+ | }--${1#--?no-?} | --no-${1#--?no-?}" ;;
+ [-+]? | --*) sw="${sw}${sw:+ | }$1" ;;
+ *) eval "${1%%:*}=\"\${1#*:}\""
+ esac
+ done
+ }
+ setup() { :; }
+ flag() {
+ args "$@"
+ code='$OPTARG'
+ [ "$counter" ] && on=1 off=-1 code="\$((\${$1:-0}+$code))"
+ quote on "$on" && quote off "$off"
+ _3 "$sw)"
+ _4 '[ "${OPTARG:-}" ] && set -- "$1" noarg && break'
+ _4 "eval '[ \${OPTARG+x} ] &&:' && OPTARG=$on || OPTARG=$off"
+ valid "$1" "$code"
+ _4 ';;'
+ }
+ param() {
+ args "$@"
+ _3 "$sw)"
+ _4 '[ $# -le 1 ] && set -- "$1" required && break'
+ _4 'OPTARG=$2'
+ valid "$1" '$OPTARG'
+ _4 'shift ;;'
+ }
+ option() {
+ args "$@"
+ quote default "$default"
+ _3 "$sw)"
+ _4 'case $OPTARG in'
+ _5 '?*) OPTARG=$2 ;;'
+ _5 " *) OPTARG=$default &&" 'set -- "$1" "$@"'
+ _4 "esac"
+ valid "$1" '$OPTARG'
+ _4 'shift ;;'
+ }
+ valid() {
+ set -- "$validate" "$pattern" "$@"
+ [ "$2" ] && {
+ quote pattern "$2"
+ _4 "case \$OPTARG in $2) ;;"
+ _5 "*) set -- \"\$1\" pattern $pattern; break"
+ _4 "esac"
+ }
+ [ "$1" ] && _4 "$1 || { set -- \"\$1\" $1; break; }"
+ code "$3" _4 "$3=$4" "${3#:}"
+ }
+ disp() {
+ args "$@"
+ _3 "$sw)"
+ code "$1" _4 "echo \"\${$1}\"" "${1#:}"
+ _4 'exit 0 ;;'
+ }
+ msg() { :; }
+ _0 "$2() {"
+ _1 'OPTIND=$(($#+1))'
+ _1 'while [ $# -gt 0 ] && OPTARG=; do'
+ [ "$_alt" ] && _2 'case $1 in -[!-]?*) set -- "-$@"; esac'
+ _2 'case $1 in'
+ wa() { _4 "eval '${1% *}' \${1+'\"\$@\"'}"; }
+ [ "$_equal" ] && {
+ _3 '--?*=*) OPTARG=$1; shift'
+ wa 'set -- "${OPTARG%%\=*}" "${OPTARG#*\=}" "$@"'
+ _4 ';;'
+ }
+ [ "$_no" ] && _3 '--no-*) unset OPTARG ;;'
+ [ "$_alt" ] || {
+ [ "$_opts" ] && {
+ _3 "-[$_opts]?*) OPTARG=\$1; shift"
+ wa 'set -- "${OPTARG%"${OPTARG#??}"}" "${OPTARG#??}" "$@"'
+ _4 ';;'
+ }
+ _3 '-[!-]?*) OPTARG=$1; shift'
+ wa 'set -- "${OPTARG%"${OPTARG#??}"}" "-${OPTARG#??}" "$@"'
+ _4 'OPTARG= ;;'
+ }
+ [ "$_plus" ] && {
+ _3 '+??*) OPTARG=$1; shift'
+ wa 'set -- "${OPTARG%"${OPTARG#??}"}" "+${OPTARG#??}" "$@"'
+ _4 'unset OPTARG ;;'
+ _3 '+*) unset OPTARG ;;'
+ }
+ _2 'esac'
+ _2 'case $1 in'
+ "$@"
+ restargs() {
+ _3 "$1"
+ _4 'while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do'
+ _5 "$restargs=\"\${$restargs}" '\"\${$(($OPTIND-$#))}\""'
+ _5 'shift'
+ _4 'done'
+ _4 'break ;;'
+ }
+ restargs '--) shift'
+ _3 "[-${_plus:++}]?*)" 'set -- "$1" unknown && break ;;'
+ case $_mode in
+ +) restargs '*)' ;;
+ *) _3 "*) $restargs=\"\${$restargs}" '\"\${$(($OPTIND-$#))}\""'
+ esac
+ _2 'esac'
+ _2 'shift'
+ _1 'done'
+ _1 '[ $# -eq 0 ] && return 0'
+ [ "$_error" ] && _1 "$_error" '"$@" >&2 && exit 1'
+ _1 'case $2 in'
+ _2 "unknown) echo \"unrecognized option '\$1'\" ;;"
+ _2 "noarg) echo \"option '\$1' doesn't allow an argument\" ;;"
+ _2 "required) echo \"option '\$1' requires an argument\" ;;"
+ _2 "pattern) echo \"option '\$1' does not match the pattern (\$3)\" ;;"
+ _2 "*) echo \"option '\$1' validation error: \$2\""
+ _1 'esac >&2'
+ _1 'exit 1'
+ _0 '}'
+ _0 '# End of option parser'
+getoptions_help() {
+ width=30 plus='' heredoc='GETOPTIONS_HEREDOC'
+ pad() { p=$2; while [ ${#p} -lt "$3" ]; do p="$p "; done; eval "$1=\$p"; }
+ args() {
+ _type=$1 var=$2 sw='' hidden='' _width=$width _pre='' && shift 2
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] && i=$1 && shift && [ ! "$i" = '--' ]; do
+ case $i in
+ --*) pad sw "$sw${sw:+, }" $((${plus:+4} + 4)); sw="${sw}$i" ;;
+ -? ) sw="${sw}${sw:+, }$i" ;;
+ +? ) pad sw "$sw${sw:+, }" 4; sw="${sw}$i" ;;
+ *) eval "${i%%:*}=\"\${i#*:}\"" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ "$hidden" ] && return 0
+ case $_type in
+ setup | msg) _pre='' _width=0 ;;
+ flag | disp) pad _pre " $sw " "$_width" ;;
+ param ) pad _pre " $sw $var " "$_width" ;;
+ option ) pad _pre " $sw [$var] " "$_width" ;;
+ esac
+ [ ${#_pre} -le "$_width" ] && [ $# -gt 0 ] && _pre="${_pre}$1" && shift
+ echo "$_pre"
+ pad _pre '' "$_width"
+ for i; do echo "${_pre}$i"; done
+ }
+ setup() { args 'setup' : "$@"; }
+ flag() { args 'flag' "$@"; }
+ param() { args 'param' "$@"; }
+ option() { args 'option' "$@"; }
+ disp() { args 'disp' "$@"; }
+ msg() { args 'msg' : "$@"; }
+ echo "$2() {"
+ echo "cat<<$heredoc"
+ "$@"
+ echo "$heredoc"
+ echo "}"
warn() {
# Print a warning message
log "WARN" "$1" "${2:-!>}"