|   ___          _       ___         _             _          _____         _  |
|  / __|__ _ _ _| |__ __| _ \__ _ __| |____ _ __ _(_)_ _  __ |_   _|__  ___| | |
| | (__/ _` | '_| '_ (_-<  _/ _` / _| / / _` / _` | | ' \/ _` || |/ _ \/ _ \ | |
|  \___\__,_|_| |_.__/__/_| \__,_\__|_\_\__,_\__, |_|_||_\__, ||_|\___/\___/_| |
|                                            |___/       |___/                 |

Package management toolset for Carbs Linux. Forked from [KISS]. All usage
information can be obtained from the manual page. For changes please refer to
the `CHANGELOG.md` file.

[KISS]: https://github.com/kisslinux/kiss

Directory Structure

    /        -- kiss, README, Makefile, LICENSE, CHANGELOG
    bin/     -- for C programs.
    man/     -- for manual pages.
    doc/     -- for documentation.
    contrib/ -- for Shell scripts that wrap around kiss.