#!/bin/sh -ef # Link a forked package's files to the other repository case "$1" in ''|--help|-h) printf '\033[1;33m-> \033[musage: kiss-link [file] [file]\n' ; exit 0 ; esac # Check if the package exists in a repository and error out here # if it does not. The error message from the package manager will # be displayed. kiss s "${PKG:=${PWD##*/}}" >/dev/null oPKG="$(kiss s "$PKG" | grep -v "^$PWD\$\|/var/db/kiss/installed/$PKG" | sed 1q)" for file in "$@" ; do [ -e "${oPKG:?}/$file" ] [ -d "$file" ] && rm -rf "$file" ln -sf "$oPKG/$file" "$file" printf 'linked %s to %s\n' "$oPKG/$file" "$PWD/$file" done