.TH KISS "1" "October 2019" "kiss" "User Commands"
Tiny and straightforward package manager for KISS written in POSIX sh.
.SH "Usage"

-> kiss [b|c|i|l|r|s|u] [pkg] [pkg] [pkg]
-> build:     Build a package
-> checksum:  Generate checksums
-> install:   Install a package
-> list:      List installed packages
-> remove:    Remove a package
-> search:    Search for a package
-> update:    Check for updates
.SH "Customization"

# The package manager is controlled through environment variables.
# These can be set in your '.profile' or '/etc/profile.d' to have
# the options apply all the time.
# These can also be set in the current shell to have them apply
# only for the current session.
# NOTE: The values shown below are the defaults.

# Managing repositories.
# This works exactly like '$PATH' (Colon separated).
# A list of repositories the package manager will use. You can
# add your own repositories or remove the default ones.
export KISS_PATH=/var/db/kiss/repo/core:/var/db/kiss/repo/extra:/var/db/kiss/repo/xorg

# Delete junk from packages.
# This works exactly like '$PATH' (Colon separated).
# A list of paths and files to remove from built packages.
# Set this to a blank value to keep all of the below files
# and directories around. This can be customized to keep or
# remove whatever you like.
export KISS_RM=usr/share/doc:usr/share/gtk-doc:usr/share/info:usr/share/polkit-1:usr/share/gettext:usr/share/locale:etc/bash_completion.d:usr/share/zsh

# Force package installation or removal.
# This can be used to bypass the dependency checks on installation
# and removal of packages.
# Set it to '1' to force.
export KISS_FORCE=0

# Root directory.
# Where installed packages will go. You won't ever need
# to touch this during normal usage.
# This can be used to have the package manager run in a "fake root".
export KISS_ROOT=/

# Keep build, package and extraction cache directories for debugging
# purposes.
# Set it to '1' to enable.
export KISS_DEBUG=0

# Use a reproducible cache naming scheme.
# The package manager builds packages inside 'build-$PID/' with '$PID'
# being the package manager's process ID. This allows for multiple
# builds to happen at once.
# You can override this and _know_ the location beforehand with the
# below environment variable. 'KISS_PID=test' will build the package
# in 'build-test'.
# Unset by default.
export KISS_PID=

# non-package-manager related options.
# These are listed for clarity.

# Cache directory location.
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache/

# Compiler.
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++

# AR.
export AR=ar

# NM.
export NM=nm

export RANLIB=ranlib

# Compiler flags.
# Good value: CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS='-march=native -pipe -O2'
export CFLAGS=
export CXXFLAGS=

# Linker flags.
export LDFLAGS=

# Make flags.
# Good value: MAKEFLAGS='-j4' (number of cores).

# Ninja (Samurai) flags.
# Good value: SAMUFLAGS='-j4' (number of cores).

# Cmake Generator.
# Good value (Ninja):     export CMAKE_GENERATOR='Ninja'
# Good value (Makefiles): export CMAKE_GENERATOR='Unix Makefiles'
