.TH KISS-CONTRIB 1 2020-04-04 "CARBS LINUX" "General Commands Manual" .SH NAME kiss utilities .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is not for a single program, but for multiple utilities. Programs are explained in their own sections. They are listed alphabetically. .SH KISS-CAT .B kiss-cat <pkg> [file] [file] Concatanates a package's files inside the system database. If no file is specified, it looks for \fBbuild\fR, \fBdepends\fR, \fBsources\fR, and \fBversion\fR. .SH KISS-CHBUILD .B kiss-chbuild kiss-chbuild, creates a temporary rootfs, and chroots into it. If it doesn't already exist, kiss-chbuild downloads the rootfs tarball to your cache directory and extracts it into a \fBcarbs-chroot\fR directory. It then copies the chroot to a temporary directory, and runs kiss-chroot to it. It removes the temporary chroot after the user exits. .SH KISS-CHROOT .B kiss-chroot <directory> Mounts the required devices to the given directory, copies /etc/resolv.conf from host, and chroots into the given directory. Cleans up after exit. .SH KISS-DEPENDS .B kiss-depends <pkg> Checks the dependencies of an installed package. .SH KISS-EXPORT .B kiss-export <pkg> Exports a package tarball of an installed package. .SH KISS-FORK .B kiss-fork <pkg> Copies the repository directory of the given package to the current working directory. .SH KISS-LINK .B kiss-link [file] [file] Links files from a package in the repository. It looks for the package by the directory name, but this can be overriden by getting a PKG environment value. .IP \fBExample:\fR .nf $ kiss-fork git forked package to /home/cem/.local/repositories/overrides/git $ cd git $ kiss-link checksums version sources linked /home/cem/.local/repositories/main/core/git/version to /home/cem/.local/repositories/overrides/git/version linked /home/cem/.local/repositories/main/core/git/sources to /home/cem/.local/repositories/overrides/git/sources linked /home/cem/.local/repositories/main/core/git/checksums to /home/cem/.local/repositories/overrides/git/checksums .fi .PP .SH KISS-MANIFEST .B kiss-manifest <pkg> Prints the manifest file. .SH KISS-MANIFEST-TREE .B kiss-manifest-tree <pkg> Prints the manifest file in a tree view. .SH KISS-NEW .B kiss-new <name> [version] [sources] Creates a boilerplate KISS package. .SH KISS-OUTDATED .B kiss-outdated Checks \fIrepology.org\fR to see if any installed packages are outdated. This can be used to check if personal packages are outdated. .SH KISS-OWNS .B kiss-owns <file> Checks which package has installed the given file. .SH KISS-READLINK .B kiss-readlink <file> A 'readlink -f' replacement to be used inside the package manager. .SH KISS-REPODEPENDS .B kiss-repodepends <pkg> Prints the dependencies of the given package as they are defined in the repository. .SH KISS-RESET .B kiss-reset Removes all packages except the base packages. .SH KISS-REVDEPENDS .B kiss-revdepends <pkg> Prints the packages that depend on the given package. (Reverse dependencies) .SH KISS-SIZE .B kiss-size <pkg> Prints the given package's size, and its individual files. .SH KISS-STAT .B kiss-stat <file> Outputs the owner name of a file/directory .SH KISS-WHICH .B kiss-which <pkg> A \fIwhich\fR-like utility for KISS packages. .SH SEE ALSO kiss(1)