# Install a package

parser_definition() {
    setup REST help:usage -- "usage: ${0##*/} [pkg...]"
    msg -- '' 'Options:'
    flag  CPT_FORCE -f --force init:@export -- "Force installation"

if [ -f ./cpt-lib ]; then . ./cpt-lib; else . cpt-lib; fi

[ "$1" ] || { set -- "${PWD##*/}"; export CPT_PATH="${PWD%/*}:$CPT_PATH" ;}

[ -w "$CPT_ROOT/" ] || [ "$uid" = 0 ] || {
    as_root "$0" "$@"
    exit $?

pkg_order "$@"

# shellcheck disable=2154
for pkg in $order; do pkg_install "$pkg"; done

# After installation is complete, show a list of messages from packages.
log "Retrieving post-installation message queue"
unset msg

# After all the installations are finished, run an end-install hook. There may
# be some things that we may want to run, but not per package.
run_hook end-install "" "$CPT_ROOT"

for pkg in $order; do
    # Ensure that we use package names itself, and not the tarball name if given.
    pkg=${pkg##*/} pkg=${pkg%#*}

    [ -f "$sys_db/$pkg/message" ] && {
        printf '\033[1m%s\n%s\n%s\033[m\n\n' \
               "$(_multiply_char '=' 60)" \
               "$pkg" \
               "$(_multiply_char '=' 60)"
        cat "$sys_db/$pkg/message"
done >&2
[ "$msg" ] || log "No message in queue"