#+TITLE: Carbs Linux User Manual #+AUTHOR: Cem Keylan #+TEXINFO_FILENAME: carbslinux.info #+TEXINFO_DIR_CATEGORY: System Administration #+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: Carbs Linux: (carbslinux) #+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: Carbs Linux User Manual #+MACRO: contid [@@texinfo:@anchor{$1}@@$1] #+MACRO: sectid $2 @@texinfo:@anchor{$1}@@[$1] This is the full documentation of [[https://carbslinux.org][Carbs Linux]], from the details of the distribution, installation, to the package manager. It is not yet complete. * Table of Contents :toc_3_gh:noexport: - [[#copying][Copying]] - [[#installation][Installation]] - [[#preparing-environment][Preparing Environment]] - [[#download][Download]] - [[#signature-verification][Signature verification]] - [[#extracting-the-tarball][Extracting the tarball]] - [[#obtain-the-chroot-helper][Obtain the chroot helper]] - [[#chroot][Chroot]] - [[#setting-up-repositories][Setting up repositories]] - [[#updating-packages][Updating packages]] - [[#installing-packages][Installing packages]] - [[#essential-software][Essential Software]] - [[#obtaining-the-documentation][Obtaining the documentation]] - [[#system-configuration][System Configuration]] - [[#configuring-hostname][Configuring hostname]] - [[#hosts-file][Hosts file]] - [[#kernel][Kernel]] - [[#obtaining-the-kernel-sources][Obtaining the kernel sources]] - [[#kernel-dependencies][Kernel dependencies]] - [[#building-the-kernel][Building the kernel]] - [[#making-your-system-bootable][Making your system bootable]] - [[#bootloader][Bootloader]] - [[#init-scripts][Init scripts]] - [[#fstab][Fstab]] - [[#post-installation][Post-installation]] - [[#kiss-repositories][KISS repositories]] - [[#package-manager][Package Manager]] - [[#usage][Usage]] - [[#cpt-alternatives][=cpt-alternatives=]] - [[#cpt-build][=cpt-build=]] - [[#cpt-checksum][=cpt-checksum=]] - [[#cpt-download][=cpt-download=]] - [[#cpt-install][=cpt-install=]] - [[#cpt-list][=cpt-list=]] - [[#cpt-remove][=cpt-remove=]] - [[#cpt-search][=cpt-search=]] - [[#cpt-update][=cpt-update=]] - [[#global-flags][Global Flags]] - [[#environment-variables][Environment Variables]] - [[#cpt_compress][=CPT_COMPRESS=]] - [[#cpt_force][=CPT_FORCE=]] - [[#cpt_pid][=CPT_PID=]] - [[#hooks][Hooks]] - [[#editing-the-build-file-during-pre-build][Editing the =build= file during pre-build]] - [[#packaging-system][Packaging System]] - [[#build][=build=]] - [[#sources][=sources=]] - [[#checksums][=checksums=]] - [[#version][=version=]] - [[#depends][=depends=]] - [[#post-install][=post-install=]] - [[#message][=message=]] - [[#test][=test=]] - [[#rsync-repositories][Rsync Repositories]] - [[#setting-up-an-rsync-repository][Setting up an Rsync repository]] - [[#init-system][Init System]] - [[#configuring-init][Configuring Init]] - [[#kernel-command-line][Kernel Command Line]] - [[#etcinitrcconf-file][=/etc/init/rc.conf= file]] - [[#init-hooks][Init Hooks]] - [[#changing-init-program][Changing Init Program]] - [[#rebooting-after-changing-init][Rebooting after changing init]] - [[#contribution-guidelines][Contribution Guidelines]] - [[#conventions][Conventions]] - [[#shell-conventions][Shell Conventions]] - [[#repository-conventions][Repository Conventions]] * Copying :PROPERTIES: :COPYING: t :END: Copyright \copy 2020 Cem Keylan #+BEGIN_QUOTE Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." #+END_QUOTE * Installation :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Installing Carbs Linux :END: These are the step-by-step instructions for installing Carbs Linux. ** Preparing Environment :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Getting ready to chroot :END: To install Carbs Linux, you will need a Live Linux ISO. For that purpose, you can obtain a Gentoo or Void Linux live image. You can follow their instructions to boot and setup your network. You will need the following programs in order to install Carbs Linux: - tar - wget - xz - some form of base utilities (coreutils, sbase, busybox, etc.) Rest of these instructions will assume that you have set all of these up, and will continue on that point. *** Download :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Download the root filesystem tarball :END: First, we need to download the rootfs tarball. You can do the following in order to obtain the rootfs. If you are using an i686 machine, replace the =x86_64= with =i686=. We are setting this in a URL variable so that we don't have to write it every time. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE sh $ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sha256 $ sha256sum -c carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sha256 #+END_EXAMPLE *** Signature verification :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Verify the signature of the rootfs tarball :END: It is highly recommended to verify the signature of the tarball. You will need GPG for this. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ wget $URL/carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig $ gpg --recv-keys FF484BDFEFCEF8FF $ gpg --verify carbs-rootfs.tar.xz.sig #+END_EXAMPLE *** Extracting the tarball :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Extracting the root filesystem to the desired location :END: You will need to extract the tarball to your desired location. For partitioning, you can follow [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning][this guide]]. This will assume that you will be mounting your root partition to =/mnt=. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt $ tar xf carbs-rootfs.tar.xz -C /mnt #+END_EXAMPLE *** Obtain the chroot helper :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Download the script to easily chroot into the new filesystem :END: You can obtain the =cpt-chroot= script in order to do a simple chroot into your new root filesystem. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/distfiles/cpt-chroot $ chmod a+x cpt-chroot #+END_EXAMPLE ** Chroot :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Going inside your new system :END: Chroot into Carbs Linux! #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ ./cpt-chroot /mnt #+END_EXAMPLE *** Setting up repositories :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Basic setup for obtaining repositories :END: Newest tarballs do not come with repositories, so you will need to manually obtain them, and set your =CPT_PATH= environment variable. Carbs Linux repositories can either be obtained by =git= or =rsync=. While rsync repositories are overall faster and smaller, git offers the whole history of the repository and a means to manipulate your repository as you like it. If you want to obtain the git repository, you will need to install =git= itself. The following guide will assume that you put the repositories into =~/repos/= directory, but you can put the repositories into any directory you want. So go ahead and create that directory: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ mkdir -p $HOME/repos #+END_EXAMPLE **** Obtaining from git Carbs Linux git repositories can be found both from the main server and GitHub (mirror). Here are both their repository links. You can clone any of them. - git://git.carbslinux.org/repository - https://github.com/carbslinux/repository #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ git clone git://git.carbslinux.org/repository $HOME/repos/carbs #+END_EXAMPLE **** Obtaining from rsync Carbs Linux rsync repositories live in rsync://carbslinux.org/repo. In order to obtain it, run the following: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ rsync -avc rsync://carbslinux.org/repo $HOME/repos/carbs #+END_EXAMPLE **** Making the package manager use the repositories In your shell's configuration file, or in your =~/.profile= file, add the following lines: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE export CPT_PATH='' CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/core CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/extra CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/xorg CPT_PATH=$CPT_PATH:$HOME/repos/carbs/community export CPT_PATH #+END_EXAMPLE *** Updating packages :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Update your system :END: It is good practice to make sure your system is up to date, especially before building new packages. If there is an update for the package manager you will need to update twice. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt-update && cpt-update #+END_EXAMPLE *** Installing packages :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Install new software on your system :END: Since you are operating on a really small base, you might need to build and install new programs to extend the functionality of your system. In order to build and install packages new packages in Carbs, you need to execute the following. "Package" is not actually a package and is given as an example. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt-build package $ cpt-install package #+END_EXAMPLE *** Essential Software :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Software you might want to include on your system :END: Here is a list of software that you might want to have on your system. *BOOTLOADERS* - efibootmgr - grub *FILESYSTEMS* - e2fsprogs - dosfstools - ntfs-3g *NETWORKING* - dhcpcd - wpa_supplicant *TEXT EDITORS* - nano - vim - neatvi - emacs - emacs-nox (terminal-only version of emacs) *USER SHELLS* - bash - zsh - oksh - rc *POSIX BASE UTILITIES* - busybox - sbase - coreutils *DOCUMENTATION* - carbs-docs - man-pages - man-pages-posix *** Obtaining the documentation :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Install documentation for offline use (optional) :END: All the documentation for Carbs Linux can be found on a single info manual to be viewed offline. You can obtain texinfo or the info (standalone) package in order to view the documentation. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Install the documentation. $ cpt b carbs-docs && cpt i carbs-docs Install either texinfo or the info package. We will be installing standalone info as it doesn't need perl. $ cpt b info && cpt i info You can then run info and navigate through the documentation. $ info carbslinux #+END_EXAMPLE ** System Configuration :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Customizing your system for personal use :END: After you have finished installing some extra packages, you can configure your system to your liking. *** Configuring hostname :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Setting up system hostname (recommended) :END: You might want to add a hostname, especially in a networked environment. Your hostname will default to 'carbslinux' unless you set this. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ echo your-hostname > /etc/hostname #+END_EXAMPLE *** Hosts file :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Setting up hosts file for networking (optional) :END: You can edit your /etc/hosts file, which is the static lookup table for host names. By default, there are two entries for localhost which are OKAY. You can replace the 'localhost' part of these entries to your hostname. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE localhost.localdomain localhost ::1 localhost.localdomain localhost ip6-localhost #+END_EXAMPLE ** Kernel :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Compiling your own kernel :END: Kernel isn't managed under the main repositories, even though you could package one for your personal use. Here is an [[https://github.com/cemkeylan/kiss-repository/tree/master/personal/linux][example kernel package]], which you will need to reconfigure for your specific setup if you want to make use of it. *** Obtaining the kernel sources :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Downloading the Linux source code :END: You can visit the [[https://kernel.org]] website to choose a kernel that you want to install. Though only the latest stable and longterm (LTS) versions are supported. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Download the kernel and extract it $ wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.9.1.tar.xz $ tar xf linux-5.9.1.tar.xz Change directory into the kernel sources $ cd linux-5.9.1 #+END_EXAMPLE *** Kernel dependencies :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Requirements for building the kernel :END: In order to compile the kernel you will need to install some dependencies. You will need =libelf= to compile the kernel. If you want to configure using the menu interface you will also need =ncurses=. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE The package manager asks to install if you are building more than one package, so no need to run 'cpt i ...' $ cpt b libelf ncurses #+END_EXAMPLE In the vanilla kernel sources, you need perl to compile the kernel, but it can be easily patched out. You will need to apply the following patch. Patch was written by [[https://github.com/E5ten][E5ten]]. You will need to obtain and apply the patch in the kernel source directory. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ wget https://dl.carbslinux.org/distfiles/kernel-no-perl.patch $ patch -p1 < kernel-no-perl.patch #+END_EXAMPLE *** Building the kernel :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Configure and compile the kernel :END: Next step is configuring and building the kernel. You can check Gentoo's [[https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Kernel/Configuration][kernel configuration guide]] to learn more about the matter. Overall, Gentoo Wiki is a good place to learn about configuration according to your hardware. The following will assume a monolithic kernel. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ make menuconfig $ make $ install -Dm755 $(make -s image_name) /boot/vmlinuz-linux #+END_EXAMPLE ** Making your system bootable :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Installing bootloader and boot scripts :END: In order to be able to boot your fresh system, wou will need an init-daemon, init-scripts and a bootloader. The init daemon is already provided by busybox, but you can optionally change it. *** Bootloader :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Install a bootloader for your system :END: In the main repository, there is efibootmgr and grub to serve as bootloaders. efibootmgr can be used as a standalone bootloader, or can be used to install grub in a UEFI environment. efibootmgr is needed unless you are using a device without UEFI support (or you really want to use BIOS for a reason). **** GRUB BIOS installation #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt b grub && cpt i grub $ grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdX $ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #+END_EXAMPLE **** GRUB UEFI installation #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt b efibootmgr && cpt i efibootmgr $ cpt b grub && cpt i grub $ grub-install --target=x86_64-efi \ --efi-directory=esp \ --bootloader-id=CarbsLinux $ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #+END_EXAMPLE *** Init scripts :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Install init scripts for your system :END: Only thing left to do is installing the init-scripts, and now you are almost ready to boot your system! #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt b carbs-init && cpt i carbs-init #+END_EXAMPLE *** Fstab :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Generating fstab :END: You can now manually edit your fstab entry, or you can use the genfstab tool. If you want to use the tool, exit the chroot and run the following: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ wget https://github.com/cemkeylan/genfstab/raw/master/genfstab $ chmod +x genfstab $ ./genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab #+END_EXAMPLE ** Post-installation :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Post-installation tasks :END: The base installation is now complete, you can now fine tune your system according to your needs. Rest of these instructions are completely optional. You can check the rest of the documentation to learn more about the system. *** KISS repositories :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Acquire kiss repositories :END: While not 100% compatible with cpt, you can use kiss repositories in your system the same way you are using the distribution repositories. Here is an example for the KISS Linux Community repository. * Package Manager :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Carbs Packaging Tools :END: Carbs Linux uses its own package managing toolchain named =cpt=. It is a fork of the [[https://github.com/kisslinux/kiss][kiss]] package manager. Unlike =kiss=, however, its main goal is being easily extendable. Instead of being a single file package manager, it revolves around the shell library =cpt-lib=, and many tools that wrap around it. The full documentation of =cpt-lib= is incomplete, but will be added to the [[https://github.com/CarbsLinux/cpt][package manager's own source]]. ** Usage :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Basic usage of Carbs Packaging Tools :END: =cpt= is formed of many tools combined in a single environment, similar to =git=. When you run =cpt= without any arguments, it will show all available tools and their explanations. Here is an example call with extra scripts on my system: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE -> Carbs Packaging Tool -> add Commit the current directory as a new package -> alternatives List and swap to alternatives -> build Build a package -> bump Commit the current directory as a version bump -> cargo-urlgen Create static cargo sources for Rust packages -> cargolock-urlgen Convert the given Cargo.lock file to sources -> cat Concatanate package files in the installed package database -> changelog Print the git log of the specific package -> chbuild Create/destroy temporary chroots -> checkmissing Verify package manifests -> checksum Generate checksums -> chroot Enter a chroot -> commit Commit a package without the prefix of 'package:' -> depends Display a package's dependencies -> download Download sources for the given package -> exec Execute a command inside the alternatives system -> export Turn an installed package into a CPT tarball -> fork Fork a package to the current directory -> getchoice Prints the full path to a file in the alternatives system. -> install Install a package -> link Link a forked package's files to the other repository -> list List installed packages -> maintainer Find the maintainer of a package -> manifest Display all files owned by a package -> manifest-tree Display all files owned by a package with a tree view -> new Create a boilerplate CPT package -> orphans List orphaned packages -> owns Check which package owns a file -> rel Bump the release number of a package -> remove Remove a package -> repodepends Display a package's dependencies in the repository -> reporevdepends Display packages on the repository which depend on package -> reset Remove all packages except for the base -> revdepends Display packages which depend on package -> search Search for a package -> size Show the size on disk for a package -> source Extract sources of a given package to the current directory -> update Check for updates #+END_EXAMPLE *** =cpt-alternatives= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: List and swap to alternatives :END: You can list and swap to alternatives using =cpt-alternatives=, or =cpt a= for short. When run without alternatives, it will list alternatives. It can read from standard input if =-= is given as an argument. **** Examples List alternatives. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt-alternatives ncurses /usr/bin/clear ncurses /usr/bin/reset #+END_EXAMPLE Swap to =clear= from =ncurses=. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt-alternatives ncurses /usr/bin/clear -> Swapping '/usr/bin/clear' from 'busybox' to 'ncurses' #+END_EXAMPLE Swap in bulk (all of =sbase=). #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt a | grep ^sbase | cpt a - #+END_EXAMPLE *** =cpt-build= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Build a package :END: =cpt-build= will build given packages and their dependencies. If multiple packages are specified, it will ask to install the packages as well. | Flags | Explanation | |----------------+--------------| | =-t=, =--test= | Run tests | *** =cpt-checksum= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Generate checksums :END: =cpt-checksum= will generate a =checksums= file from the package's sources. *** =cpt-download= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Download sources for the given package :END: =cpt-download= will download the sources of a package. *** =cpt-install= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Install a package :END: =cpt-install= will install given packages. *** =cpt-list= When called without arguments, =cpt-list= will print all installed packages. You can add package names as arguments to check whether they are installed or not. In success, =cpt-list= will exit with status 0 if all given packages are installed, it will return 1 if any of the given packages aren't installed. | Flags | Explanation | |-------------------+----------------------------------------| | =-c=, =--current= | Use the current directory as a package | *** =cpt-remove= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Remove a package :END: =cpt-remove= will remove given packages. *** =cpt-search= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Search for a package :END: =cpt-search= will search for packages, it accepts regular expressions as well. | Flags | Explanation | |------------------+-------------------------------------------| | =-s=, =--single= | Only show the first instance of a package | #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt-search 'alsa-*' /var/db/cpt/repo/extra/alsa-lib /var/db/cpt/repo/extra/alsa-utils /var/db/cpt/installed/alsa-lib /var/db/cpt/installed/alsa-utils $ cpt-search emacs /home/cem/repos/main/community/emacs /home/cem/repos/kiss-community/community/emacs /var/db/cpt/installed/emacs $ cpt-search --single emacs /home/cem/repos/main/community/emacs #+END_EXAMPLE *** =cpt-update= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Check for updates :END: =cpt-update= will update the packages on your system. It fetches remote repositories, and builds, and installs packages that have versions different from the ones installed on the system. It doesn't check if the version string is actually higher, it only checks whether they differ. | Flags | Explanation | |----------------------+--------------------------------------| | =-d=, =--download= | Only download updatable packages | | =-n=, =--no-fetch= | Do not update remote repositories | | =-o=, =--only-fetch= | Only fetch the repositories and exit | *** Global Flags :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Flags that work globally on some cpt utilities :END: | Flags | Explanation | |---------------------+----------------------------------| | =-f=, =--force= | Force operation, [[=CPT_FORCE=][See =CPT_FORCE=]] | | =-y=, =--no-prompt= | Do not prompt for confirmation | | =-root CPT_ROOT= | Use an alternate root directory | | =-h=, =--help= | Show this help message | | =-v=, =--version= | Print version information | ** Environment Variables :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Change the behaviour of cpt through environment configuration :END: Since there is no configuration file for cpt, the package manager is configured through environment variables. These can be set per operation, or be set to your shell configuration or =~/.profile=. Here are the environment variables that alter the behaviour of =cpt=: | ENVIRONMENT VALUE | Effects | |-------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | =CPT_PATH= | Set the locations of your repositories. It is similar to the =PATH= variable. | | =XDG_CACHE_HOME= | Unless this is set, the =~/.cache= directory will be used instead. | | =CPT_CACHE= | The cache directory for =cpt=. Default: =$XDG_CACHE_HOME/cpt= | | =CPT_CHOICE= | If this is set to 0, a package installation will be aborted on conflicts. | | =CPT_COMPRESS= | Program used to compress package tarballs. [[=CPT_COMPRESS=][See =CPT_COMPRESS=]] | | =CPT_DEBUG= | If set to 1, temporary directories will not be removed after the operation. | | =CPT_FETCH= | If set to 0, =cpt-update= will not fetch repositories. | | =CPT_FORCE= | [[=CPT_FORCE=][See =CPT_FORCE=]] | | =CPT_HOOK= | Location for the hook file. | | =CPT_KEEPLOG= | If set to 1, cpt will keep logs regardless of operation success. | | =CPT_PID= | [[=CPT_PID=][See =CPT_PID=]] | | =CPT_PROMPT0= | If set to 0, =cpt= will not prompt you for anything. | | =CPT_ROOT= | If this variable is set, =cpt= will assume this as the system root. | | =CPT_TEST= | If set to 1, =cpt-build= will run tests whenever available. | | =CPT_TMPDIR= | The directory to create the temporary directories. | *** =CPT_COMPRESS= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Compression tool to use in cpt :END: When setting the =CPT_COMPRESS= value, you should set the name of the default suffixes for the program. Available values are: - =gz= - =zst= - =bz2= - =xz= Defaults to =gz=. *** =CPT_FORCE= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Force operations on cpt :END: If this is set to 1, some of the =cpt= tools will continue regardless of errors or skip certain checks. Here are some examples: - =cpt-install= will install a package without verifying its manifest. - =cpt-install= will install a package even when there are missing dependencies. - =cpt-remove= will remove packages even when there are other packages that depend on the current package. Defaults to 0. *** =CPT_PID= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Set reproducible temporary directories :END: If this variable is set, the temporary files will be created with this variable as the suffix, instead of the PID of the =cpt= process. The advantage is that you can know exactly where the build directory is located, while the disadvantage is that there will be issues with multiple operations at the same time. So the best way to use this variable is during one-time =cpt= calls. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE CPT_PID=mesa cpt b mesa #+END_EXAMPLE By running the above, you will know that the created build directories will end with the =*-mesa= suffix. ** Hooks :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Use hooks to customize the package manager operations :END: Hooks can be used in order to change the runtime behaviour of the package manager. There are a variety of package hooks, mostly self explanatory: - pre-build - post-build - build-fail - pre-test - test-fail - pre-install - post-install - pre-remove - post-remove - pre-fetch - post-fetch - post-package In order to use hooks, you will need to set the =CPT_HOOK= variable pointing to your hook file. Your hook file *MUST* be a POSIX shell script as its contents are sourced by the package manager. The hook is given 3 variables when it is executed. Those are: | Variable | Explanation | |----------+--------------------------------------------------------------| | =$TYPE= | The type of the hook, (=pre-build=, =post-build=, etc.) | | =$PKG= | The package that =cpt= is currently working on. Can be null. | | =$DEST= | The destination of the operation. Can be null. | *** Editing the =build= file during pre-build :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Modify a package build with your hooks :END: You can edit the =build= file during pre-build. The file is copied from the repository to the build directory named as =.build.cpt=. You can use =sed= or any other tool to edit the build file. After the build is complete, a =diff= file will be placed to the package database named as =build.diff=. Here is an example =build= file manipulation during the pre-build hook. #+BEGIN_SRC sh cat <<EOF> .build.cpt #!/bin/sh -e for patch in bash50-0??; do patch -p0 < "\$patch" done export LDFLAGS=-static ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --without-bash-malloc \ --disable-nls export MAKEFLAGS="TERMCAP_LIB=/usr/lib/libncursesw.a $MAKEFLAGS" make make DESTDIR="\$1" install ln -s bash "\$1/usr/bin/sh" EOF #+END_SRC ** Packaging System :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: More detail on creating packages :END: A package is formed of several files, these are: - =build= - =sources= - =checksums= - =version= - =depends= - =post-install= - =message= - =test= Any other file can be added to the package directory at the discretion of the package maintainer. Everything in the package directory will also be added to the package database that is located on =/var/db/cpt/installed=. These can be patches, configuration files, etc. *** =build= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The build script :END: Typically =build= files are shell scripts that run commands to prepare the source code to be installed on the target system. Even though we will be assuming that the =build= file is a POSIX shell script (for portability's sake), =build= files can be any executable program from binary programs to =perl= scripts. The contents of a build script do not need to follow a certain rule for the package manager, except for the fact that the user needs the permission to execute the file. An important advice is to append an '-e' to the shebang (#!/bin/sh -e) so that the build script exits on compilation error. Build is run with three arguments (=$#=) - Location of the package directory (DESTDIR) - Package version - System architecture *** =sources= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The file containing package sources :END: =sources= file is a list of files and sources that will be put to the build directory during the build process. Those can be remote sources (such as tarballs), git repositories, and files that reside on the package directory. The syntax is pretty simple for the =soures= file; =src dest=. The =dest= parameter is optional. It is the directory that the source will be placed in. Here is the =sources= file for the =gst-plugins= package: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-good/gst-plugins-good-1.16.2.tar.xz good https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-bad/gst-plugins-bad-1.16.2.tar.xz bad https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-plugins-ugly/gst-plugins-ugly-1.16.2.tar.xz ugly https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src/gst-libav/gst-libav-1.16.2.tar.xz libav #+END_EXAMPLE This file is read from the package manager as space seperated. Files that begin with a =#= comment are ignored. The first value points to the location of the source. If it starts with a protcol url, (such as ftp:// http:// https://) it will be downloaded with =curl=. If the source is a git repository, it shall be prefixed with a =git+= git(1) will be used to do a shallow clone of the repository. If the commit is suffixed by a history pointer, git will checkout the relevant revision. So, - =git+git://example.com/pub/repo@v1.2.3= :: will checkout the tag named "v1.2.3" - =git+git://example.com/pub/repo#development= :: will checkout the branch named "development" - =git+git://example.com/pub/repo#1a314s87= :: will checkout the commit named "1a314s87" Other files are assumed to be residing in the package directory. They should be added with their paths relative to the package directory. *** =checksums= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The file containing sha256sum of the sources :END: checksums file is generated by the =cpt c pkg= command. It is generated according to the order of the sources file. That's why you shouldn't be editing it manually. The checksums file is created with the digests of the files using the sha256 algorithm. *** =version= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The file containing the version and the release numbers of a package :END: The version file includes the version of the software and the release number of of the package on a space seperated format. The contents of the file should look like below. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE 1.3.2 1 #+END_EXAMPLE *** =depends= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The file containing the dependencies of a package :END: This is a list of dependencies that must be installed before a package build. You can append "make" after a dependency to mark a package is only required during the build process of a package. Packages marked as a make dependency can be removed after the build. There are also "test" dependencies. These dependencies are only installed if either the =CPT_TEST= is set to 1, or the build is run with the =-t= or =--test= options. So, a package package could have the following =depends= file: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE linux-headers make python test zlib #+END_EXAMPLE *** =post-install= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The post-installation script :END: =post-install= files have the same requirements as the build script. They will be run after the package is installed as root (or as the user if the user has write permissions on =CPT_ROOT=). *** =message= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The post-installation message to be displayed :END: This plaintext file will be outputted with =cat= after every package is installed. *** =test= :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: The test script for a package :END: Test files are mainly for the repository maintainer to test the packages, and will only run if the user has the =CPT_TEST= variable set, or the build is run with the =-t= or =--test= options. This script is run on the build directory. It is run right after the build script is finished. ** Rsync Repositories :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Information on using or creating rsync repositories :END: Rsync repositories are simple to serve and simple to use. In the repository directory, there needs to be a =.rsync= file that points to the remote of the repository. This is used in order to fetch changes from the upstream. =.rsync= file looks like this for the core repository: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE rsync://carbslinux.org/repo/core #+END_EXAMPLE Rsync repositories have some few distinctions when it comes to fetching them. They can be either synced individually or as a "root". There are 2 important files, those are =.rsync= and =.rsync_root=. Here is the Carbs Linux rsync repository structure. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE / ----------------- | | .rsync core/ ---------------- | | .rsync .rsync_root #+END_EXAMPLE Unlike git repositories, they don't have a defined "root" directory. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. This way, we can sync individual repositories, but that also means we need extra files to define root directories and repository locations. Here is the content for each of these files: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE /.rsync: rsync://carbslinux.org/repo /core/.rsync: rsync://carbslinux.org/repo/core /core/.rsync_root: .. #+END_EXAMPLE The =.rsync_root= file on the core repository points to the upper directory. If a =.rsync= file exists on the upper directory, this means that is the whole repository and will sync the entire repository instead of each individual repository. If the upper directory doesn't have this =.rsync= file, this means that this is an individual repository, and the package manager will fetch accordingly. *** Setting up an Rsync repository :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Set up a repository for distribution :END: Carbs Linux repositories automatically sync from the git repostitories and serve it through the rsync daemon. Here is a sample shell script that I use in order to sync repositories. Feel free to customize for your own use. #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh HOSTNAME="rsync://carbslinux.org/repo" GITDIR="/pub/git/repo" SHAREDIR="/pub/share/repo" git -C "$GITDIR" pull rsync -avcC --delete --include=core --exclude=.rsync,.rsync_root "$GITDIR/." "$SHAREDIR" printf '%s\n' "$HOSTNAME" > "$GITDIR/.rsync" for dir in "$GITDIR/"*; do [ -d "$dir" ] || continue [ -f "$dir/.rsync" ] || printf '%s/%s\n' "$HOSTNAME" "${dir##*/}" > "$dir/.rsync" printf '..\n' > "$dir/.rsync_root" done #+END_SRC You can then create an *rsync* user for serving the repositories. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ adduser -SD rsync #+END_EXAMPLE Create =/etc/rsyncd.conf= and a service configuration as well. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE uid = rsync gid = rsync address = example.com max connections = 10 use chroot = yes [repo] path = /pub/share/repo comment = My repository #+END_EXAMPLE Create a service file at =/etc/sv/rsync/run= (runit): #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e exec rsync --daemon --no-detach #+END_SRC * Init System :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Configure the init system :END: Carbs Linux init scripts are run by the init daemon (=busybox= by default) on boot and shutdown processes. It also provides its own halting program named shalt. This provides a portable method that doesn't rely on non-POSIX external programs. ** Configuring Init :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Ways to configure the init system :END: There are three ways you can change the behaviour of the init system. Those are: - Kernel Command Line - =/etc/init/rc.conf= file - Init Hooks *** Kernel Command Line :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Configure init through the boot parameters :END: On GRUB, you can edit the kernel command line parameters, which will be parsed as variables on the init system. Not all of the parameters will be acted upon, but all of them will be set as variables on the init script. For example an example command line, and how it is interpreted. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 rw loglevel=3 quiet #+END_EXAMPLE This command line will be parsed to set the following variables: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 rw=1 loglevel=3 quiet=1 #+END_EXAMPLE Some of these variables, such as =rw=/=ro=, =loglevel=, and =quiet=, will be used by the init system to change the behaviour of the startup. *** =/etc/init/rc.conf= file :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Configure init through the configuration file :END: However, the kernel command line isn't the only place to set your boot parameters. You can specify variables here as well, although note that the kernel command line always gets the priority for these variables since they can be set just before boot. *** Init Hooks :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Configure init through hooks :END: Init hooks are for custom personal commands that the user may want to add to alter their boot. These can be used to load kernel modules, modify interfaces, and lot more. Those hooks are added to the =/etc/init= directory with the hook name as the suffix. For example, a boot script will be placed as =/etc/init/my-hook.boot=. Currently, there are 4 hooks that the user can use. - early-boot :: Run after pseudo-filesystems are mounted. - boot :: Run before the boot stage is completed. - pre.shutdown :: Run first when shutting down. - umount :: Run just before filesystems are unmounted. - post.shutdown :: Run just before the system is halted. ** Changing Init Program :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Replace the default busybox init with something new :END: By default, Carbs Linux comes preinstalled with =busybox-init=, but this can easily be replaced without any issues. Currently, available init systems are: - =sinit= - =busybox= - =runit= - =shinit= This example is for runit, but it will work with all init systems packaged in the distribution repositories. [[=cpt-alternatives=][See =cpt-alternatives=]] #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cpt a runit /usr/bin/init $ cpt a runit /usr/bin/poweroff $ cpt a runit /usr/bin/reboot #+END_EXAMPLE *** Rebooting after changing init :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Ways to reboot after replacing the init system :END: After switching init systems, your running init system may not accept the new poweroff commands. You will need to reboot/poweroff using the running init's utilities for the new utilities to work. These commands are for the init system currently running on your system and not the one you are switching to. | Program | Command | |--------------+------------------| | busybox | =busybox reboot= | | runit | =runit-init 6= | | shinit/sinit | =kill -s INT 1= | * Contribution Guidelines :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Contribute to Carbs Linux :END: Thanks for taking your time to contribute! To maintain stylistic behaviour throughout the repositories, one must adhere to these conventions. Exceptions and changes may occur with good reasoning. ** Conventions :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Conventions of the distribution :END: #+TEXINFO: @macro contid{id} #+TEXINFO: [@anchor{\id\}\id\] #+TEXINFO: @end macro #+TEXINFO: @macro sectid{id, sect} #+TEXINFO: @strong{@contid{\id\} \sect\} #+TEXINFO: @end macro - {{{contid(0010)}}} :: Try to keep the file readable. - {{{contid(0011)}}} :: Characters on a line shouldn't exceed 100 characters. - {{{contid(0012)}}} :: Make sure you don't have code commented out during commit. Uncomment them or remove them completely. - {{{contid(0013)}}} :: Do not add comments following the code, add them to the top of the code. It makes it harder to read, and lines longer. Here is an example: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE # Good way of commenting. your code goes here your code goes here # Avoid this way of commenting. #+END_EXAMPLE *** Shell Conventions :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Conventions for shell scripts :END: Shell is central to Carbs Linux projects. Most of the tools and packages are written in POSIX sh. - {{{contid(1010)}}} :: Use 4 spaces for indentation, don't use tabs. - {{{contid(1020)}}} :: Make sure you don't use bash-specific code. - {{{contid(1030)}}} :: Make sure you lint your code with =shellcheck= and if you are new to POSIX sh, use =checkbashisms=. - {{{contid(1040)}}} :: Don't spawn new processes if you don't absolutely need to, especially during string manipulation. - {{{contid(1041)}}} :: Never use a program for text manupilation that isn't defined in the POSIX standard. This includes =gawk= and =perl=. - {{{contid(1042)}}} :: Instead of ~$(basename $file)~, use ~${file##*}~. - {{{contid(1043)}}} :: Instead of ~$(dirname $file)~, use ~${file%/*}~. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE # This is the same thing as basename /path/to/test.asc .asc $ file=/path/to/test.asc file=${file##*/} file=${file%.asc} $ echo $file test #+END_EXAMPLE - {{{contid(1050)}}} :: Instead of backticks, use ~$(..)~. *** Repository Conventions :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Conventions for repository build scripts :END: Repository conventions are important in order to ensure every package resemble themselves. Here are the things to keep in mind: - {{{contid(2010)}}} :: Prefer tarballs over git packages unless there is a sensible reason. Here are some: - Every patch is a new release. (See [[https://github.com/vim/vim][vim]]) - There are no releases. (See [[https://git.suckless.org/sbase][sbase]]) - Following a development branch. - There has been a long time since the latest release, but upstream is far ahead. - {{{contid(2020)}}} :: Prefer sources without a dependency to =automake=. There are usually distribution tarballs that are =autoconf='ed. Don't submit tarballs with an automake dependency unless you are =sure= there is no alternative. - {{{contid(2030)}}} :: Avoid these packages: - dbus :: Usually can be disabled by ~--disable-dbus~. - gettext :: Usually can be disabled by ~--disable-nls~. - {{{contid(2040)}}} :: - Always install a package to the =/usr= prefix. - All binaries should go to =/usr/bin=, not =/usr/sbin= or any other directory. - All libraries should go to =/usr/lib=. - {{{contid(2050)}}} :: All build files on the repository should be a POSIX shell script, and must start with ~#!/bin/sh -e~. The next section is about package templates that should be used in order to ensure stylistic consistency. Note that the option configurations shouldn't be taken literally, they are meant as examples. **** {{{sectid(2210, Make)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e make make DESTDIR="$1" PREFIX=/usr install #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2211, Configure/Make)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-option \ --enable-option make make DESTDIR="$1" install #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2212, Autoconf/Automake)}}} #+TEXINFO: @xref{2020} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e autoreconf -fi ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-option \ --enable-option make make DESTDIR="$1" install #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2220, Meson)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e export DESTDIR=$1 meson \ --prefix=/usr \ -Doption=false \ -Doption2=true \ . output ninja -C output ninja -C output install #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2230, Cmake)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e export DESTDIR=$1 cmake -B build \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DOPTION=ON cmake --build build cmake --install build #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2240, Go)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e export GOPATH=$PWD/gopath trap "go clean -modcache" EXIT INT go mod vendor go build install -Dm755 program "$1/usr/bin/program" #+END_SRC **** {{{sectid(2241, Python)}}} #+BEGIN_SRC sh #!/bin/sh -e python setup.py build python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$1" #+END_SRC