The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux
BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in fileutils, shellutils, findutils, textutils, grep, gzip, tar, etc. BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded system. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts.

BusyBox has been written with size-optimization and limited resources in mind. It is also extremely modular so you can easily include or exclude commands (or features) at compile time. This makes it easy to customize your embedded systems. To create a working system, just add /dev, /etc, and a kernel.

BusyBox is maintained by Erik Andersen, and licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


Because everybody loves screenshots, a screenshot of BusyBox is now available right here.

Mailing List Information

BusyBox now has a mailing list! To subscribe, go and visit this page.
Latest News
  • 3 January 2002 -- Welcome to busybox.net!

    Thanks to the generosity of a number of busybox users, we have been able to purchase busybox.net (which is where you are probably reading this). Right now, busybox.net and uclibc.org are both living on my home system (at the end of my DSL line). I apologize for the abrupt move off of busybox.lineo.com. Unfortunately, I no longer have the access needed to keep that system updated (for example, you might notice the daily snapshots there stopped some time ago).

    Busybox.net is currently hosted on my home server, at the end of a DSL line. Unfortunately, the load on them is quite heavy. To address this, I'm trying to make arrangements to get busybox.net co-located directly at an ISP. To assist in the co-location effort, Mark Whitley (author of busybox sed, cut, and grep) has donated his NetWinder computer for hosting busybox.net and uclibc.org. Once this system is co-located, the current speed problems should be completely eliminated. Hopefully, too, some of you will volunteer to set up some mirror sites, to help to distribute the load a bit.

    Since some people expressed concern over BusyBox donations, let me assure you that no one is getting rich here. All BusyBox and uClibc donations will be spent paying for bandwidth and needed hardware upgrades. For example, Mark's NetWinder currently has just 64Meg of memory. As demonstrated when google spidered the site the other day, 64 Megs in not enough, so I'm going to be ordering 256Megs of ram and a larger hard drive for the box today. So far, donations received have been sufficient to cover almost all expenses. In the future, we may have co-location fees to worry about, but for now we are ok. A HUGE thank-you goes out to everyone that has contributed!

  • 20 November 2001 -- BusyBox 0.60.2 released

    We am very pleased to announce that the BusyBox 0.60.2 (stable) is now released to the world. This one is primarily a bugfix release for the stable series, and it should take care of most everyone's needs till we can get the nice new stuff we have been working on in CVS ready to release (with the wonderful new buildsystem). The biggest change in this release (beyond bugfixes) is the fact that msh (the minix shell) has been re-worked by Vladimir N. Oleynik (vodz) and so it no longer crashes when told to do complex things with backticks.

    This release has been tested on x86, ARM, and powerpc using glibc 2.2.4, libc5, and uClibc, so it should work with just about any Linux system you throw it at. See the changelog for most of the details. The last release was very solid for people, and this one should be even better.

    As usual BusyBox 0.60.2 can be downloaded from http://busybox.net/downloads.

    Have Fun.

  • Old News
    For the old news, visit the old news page.
Current documentation for BusyBox includes:
  • BusyBox.html. This is a list of the all the available commands in BusyBox with complete usage information and examples of how to use each app. I have spent a lot of time updating these docs and trying to make them fairly comprehensive. If you find any errors (factual, grammatical, whatever) please let me know.
  • README. This is the README file included in the busybox source release.
  • BusyBox Bugs. Need to report a bug? Need to check if a bug has been filed?
  • If you need more help, the BusyBox mailing list is a good place to start.
Important Links
  • Free Software from Bruce Perens
    The original idea for BusyBox, and all versions up to 0.26 were written by Bruce Perens. This is his BusyBox website.

  • Freshmeat AppIndex record for BusyBox

  • TinyLogin is a nice embedded tool for handling authentication, changing passwords, and similar tasks which nicely complements BusyBox.

  • udhcp is a tiny dhcp client and/or server which is ideal for embedded systems.

  • uClibc is a C library for embedded systems. You can actually statically link a "Hello World" application under x86 that only takes 4k (as opposed to 200k under GNU libc). It can do dynamic linking too and works nicely with BusyBox to create very small embedded systems.

  • Other cool embedded software.

Products/Projects Using BusyBox

I know of the following products and/or projects that use BusyBox -- listed in the order I happen to add them to the web page:

Do you use BusyBox? I'd love to know about it and I'd be happy to link to you.

Mail all comments, insults, suggestions and bribes to Erik Andersen
The Busybox logo is copyright 1999,2000,2001, Erik Andersen.
This site created with the vi editor Graphics by GIMP Linux Today

