#!/bin/sh # executed by zcip # parameters: $1 and environment # $1 is: # # init: zcip starts. Environment: # interface=eth0 # # config: Address is obtained. # interface=eth0 # ip=169.254.a.b # # deconfig: Conflict or link went down. # interface=eth0 service=${PWD##*/} file_ipconf="$service.ipconf" dir_ipconf="/var/run/service/fw" exec >/dev/null #exec >>"$0.out" #debug exec 2>&1 echo "`date`: Params: $*" if test x"$1" != x"config"; then # Reconfigure network with this interface disabled echo "Deconfiguring" rm "$file_ipconf" rm "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf" sv u /var/service/fw exit fi # "config": we've got the address #env # debug ./convert2ipconf "$file_ipconf" # Reconfigure routing and firewall if needed diff --brief "$file_ipconf" "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf" >/dev/null 2>&1 if test $? != 0; then echo "Reconfiguring fw" mkdir -p "$dir_ipconf" 2>/dev/null cp "$file_ipconf" "$dir_ipconf/$file_ipconf" sv u /var/service/fw fi