#!/bin/sh # unit test for uuencode to test functionality. # Copyright 2006 by Erik Hovland <erik@hovland.org> # Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree. # AUDIT: Unit tests for uuencode . ./testing.sh # testing "test name" "options" "expected result" "file input" "stdin" # file input will be file called "input" # test can create a file "actual" instead of writing to stdout # Test setup of standard input umask 0 testing "uuencode sets standard input mode correctly" \ "uuencode foo </dev/null | head -n 1 | grep -q 666 && echo yes" "yes\n" "" "" umask 022 testing "uuencode correct encoding" "uuencode bb_uuenc_test.out" \ "begin 644 bb_uuenc_test.out\nM5&AE(&9A<W0@9W)E>2!F;W@@:G5M<&5D(&]V97(@=&AE(&QA>GD@8G)O=VX@\n%9&]G+@H\`\n\`\nend\n" \ "" "The fast grey fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.\n" testing "uuencode correct base64 encoding" "uuencode -m bb_uuenc_test.out" \ "begin-base64 644 bb_uuenc_test.out\nVGhlIGZhc3QgZ3JleSBmb3gganVtcGVkIG92ZXIgdGhlIGxhenkgYnJvd24g\nZG9nLgo=\n====\n" \ "" "The fast grey fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.\n" exit $FAILCOUNT