sudo: required dist: trusty language: c compiler: - clang - gcc cache: directories: - $HOME/cmocka env: - CFLAGS="-W -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -Werror" script: - sed -i 's/BACKEND_\(.*\)=no/BACKEND_\1=yes/' # Enable all backends for test build - make V=yes - CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" make check notifications: email: false addons: apt: packages: - libfreeimage-dev - libjpeg-turbo8-dev - libpng-dev - librsvg2-dev - libsdl2-ttf-dev install: # Note: travis concatinates lines belonging to the same item - if [ ! -d $HOME/cmocka/cmocka-1.1.0 ]; then curl "" | tar xJf - -C $HOME/cmocka && cd $HOME/cmocka && env CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" cmake cmocka-1.1.0 && env CFLAGS="-02 -pipe" make && cd -; fi - sudo make -C $HOME/cmocka install - sudo ldconfig