[![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~exec64/imv.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~exec64/imv?) imv - X11/Wayland Image Viewer ============================== `imv` is a command line image viewer intended for use with tiling window managers. **The master branch of imv is currently UNSTABLE as it contains the in-progress work for imv v4** Features -------- * Native Wayland and X11 support * Support for dozens of image formats including: * Photoshop PSD files * Animated GIFs * Various RAW formats * SVG * Configurable key bindings and behaviour * Highly scriptable with IPC via imv-msg Example Usage ------------- The following examples are a quick illustration of how you can use imv. For full documentation see the man page. ### Opening images imv image1.png another_image.jpeg a_directory ### Opening a directory recursively imv -r Photos ### Opening images via stdin find . "*.png" | imv ### Open an image fullscreen imv -f image.jpeg ### Viewing images in a random order find . "*.png" | shuf | imv ### Viewing images from stdin curl http://somesi.te/img.png | imv - ### Advanced use imv can be used to select images in a pipeline by using the `p` hotkey to print the current image's path to stdout. The `-l` flag can also be used to tell imv to list the remaining paths on exit for a "open set of images, close unwanted ones with `x`, then quit imv to pass the remaining images through" workflow. Key bindings can be customised to run arbitrary shell commands. Environment variables are exported to expose imv's state to scripts run by it. These scripts can in turn modify imv's behaviour by invoking `imv-msg` with `$imv_pid`. For example: #!/usr/bin/bash imv "$@" & imv_pid = $! while true; do # Some custom logic # ... # Close all open files imv-msg $imv_pid close all # Open some new files imv-msg $imv_pid open ~/new_path # Run another script against the currently open file imv-msg $imv_pid exec another-script.sh $imv_current_file done #### Deleting unwanted images In your imv config: [binds] = exec rm "$imv_current_file"; close Then press 'X' within imv to delete the image and close it. #### Rotate an image In your imv config: [binds] = exec mogrify -rotate 90 "$imv_current_file" Then press 'R' within imv to rotate the image 90 degrees using imagemagick. #### Tag images from imv using dmenu as a prompt In your imv config: [binds] u = exec echo $imv_current_file >> ~/tags/$(ls ~/tags | dmenu -p "tag") Then press 'u' within imv to tag the current image. #### Viewing images from the web curl -Osw '%{filename_effective}\n' 'http://www.example.com/[1-10].jpg' | imv ### Slideshow imv can be used to display slideshows. You can set the number of seconds to show each image for with the `-t` option at start up, or you can configure it at runtime using the `t` and `T` hotkeys to increase and decrease the image display time, respectively. To cycle through a folder of pictures, showing each one for 10 seconds: imv -t 10 ~/Pictures/London Installation ------------ `imv` depends on `pthreads`, `xkbcommon`, and `pangocairo`. For X11 support, `X11`, `GLU`, `xcb`, and `xkbcommon-x11` are required. For Wayland support, `wayland-client`, `EGL`, and `wayland-egl` are required. Additional dependencies are added depending on which backends are selected when building `imv`. You can find a summary of which backends are available and control which ones `imv` is built with in [config.mk](config.mk) $ $EDITOR config.mk $ make # make install Macro `PREFIX` controls installation prefix. If more control over installation paths is required, macros `BINPREFIX`, `MANPREFIX` and `DATAPREFIX` are available. Eg. to install `imv` to home directory, run: $ BINPREFIX=~/bin PREFIX=~/.local make install In case something goes wrong during installation process you may use verbose mode to inspect commands issued by make: $ V=1 make Tests ----- `imv` has an almost non-existent test suite. The test suite requires `cmocka`. $ make check License ------- `imv`'s source is published under the [MIT](LICENSE) license.