.TH IMV 1 "" "" "multimedia" .SH NAME imv \- image viewer .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBimv\fP [OPTIONS] [IMAGES] .fi .sp .SH DESCRIPTION .sp \fBimv\fP is a X11/Wayland image viewer aimed at users of tiling window managers. It supports a wide variety of image file formats, including animated gif files. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -i Read paths from stdin. One path per line. .TP .B -r Recursively search input paths for files. .TP .B -f Start in full screen mode .TP .B -s Auto scale images. .TP .B -c Center images in the window. .TP .B -h Print help. .SH CONTROLs .sp imv can be controlled using the mouse or keyboard. .TP .B Drag + Left Mouse Button Pan. .TP .B MouseWheel Zoom in and out. .TP .B q Quit. .TP .B LEFT and [ Change to previous image. .TP .B RIGHT and ] Change to next image. .TP .B i and \&+ and UP Zoom in. .TP .B o and \- and DOWN Zoom out. .TP .B s Scale image to fit window. .TP .B r Reset image to default size. .TP .B c Center image in window. .TP .B h Pan left. .TP .B j Pan down. .TP .B k Pan up. .TP .B l Pan right. .TP .B x Close current image. .TP .B f Toggle fullscreen. .TP .B SPACE Pause gif playback (pressing again unpauses). .TP .B \&. Step forward one frame (when playing gifs). .SH BUGS No known bugs. .SH AUTHOR Harry Jeffery