#include "backend.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "image.h" #include "log.h" #include "source.h" #include "source_private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include struct private { int current_frame; gif_animation gif; void *data; size_t len; }; static void* bitmap_create(int width, int height) { const size_t bytes_per_pixel = 4; return calloc(width * height, bytes_per_pixel); } static void bitmap_destroy(void *bitmap) { free(bitmap); } static unsigned char* bitmap_get_buffer(void *bitmap) { return bitmap; } static void bitmap_set_opaque(void *bitmap, bool opaque) { (void)bitmap; (void)opaque; } static bool bitmap_test_opaque(void *bitmap) { (void)bitmap; return false; } static void bitmap_mark_modified(void *bitmap) { (void)bitmap; } static gif_bitmap_callback_vt bitmap_callbacks = { bitmap_create, bitmap_destroy, bitmap_get_buffer, bitmap_set_opaque, bitmap_test_opaque, bitmap_mark_modified }; static void free_private(void *raw_private) { if (!raw_private) { return; } struct private *private = raw_private; gif_finalise(&private->gif); munmap(private->data, private->len); free(private); } static void push_current_image(struct private *private, struct imv_image **image, int *frametime) { struct imv_bitmap *bmp = malloc(sizeof *bmp); bmp->width = private->gif.width; bmp->height = private->gif.height; bmp->format = IMV_ABGR; size_t len = 4 * bmp->width * bmp->height; bmp->data = malloc(len); memcpy(bmp->data, private->gif.frame_image, len); *image = imv_image_create_from_bitmap(bmp); *frametime = private->gif.frames[private->current_frame].frame_delay * 10.0; } static void first_frame(void *raw_private, struct imv_image **image, int *frametime) { *image = NULL; *frametime = 0; struct private *private = raw_private; private->current_frame = 0; gif_result code = gif_decode_frame(&private->gif, private->current_frame); if (code != GIF_OK) { imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: failed to decode first frame\n"); return; } push_current_image(private, image, frametime); } static void next_frame(void *raw_private, struct imv_image **image, int *frametime) { *image = NULL; *frametime = 0; struct private *private = raw_private; private->current_frame++; private->current_frame %= private->gif.frame_count; gif_result code = gif_decode_frame(&private->gif, private->current_frame); if (code != GIF_OK) { imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: failed to decode first frame\n"); return; } push_current_image(private, image, frametime); } static const struct imv_source_vtable vtable = { .load_first_frame = first_frame, .load_next_frame = next_frame, .free = free_private }; static enum backend_result open_memory(void *data, size_t len, struct imv_source **src) { struct private *private = calloc(1, sizeof *private); gif_create(&private->gif, &bitmap_callbacks); gif_result code; do { code = gif_initialise(&private->gif, len, data); } while (code == GIF_WORKING); if (code != GIF_OK) { gif_finalise(&private->gif); free(private); imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libsngif: unsupported file\n"); return BACKEND_UNSUPPORTED; } *src = imv_source_create(&vtable, private); return BACKEND_SUCCESS; } static enum backend_result open_path(const char *path, struct imv_source **src) { imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: open_path(%s)\n", path); int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return BACKEND_BAD_PATH; } off_t len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (len < 0) { close(fd); return BACKEND_BAD_PATH; } void *data = mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); close(fd); if (data == MAP_FAILED || !data) { return BACKEND_BAD_PATH; } struct private *private = calloc(1, sizeof *private); private->data = data; private->len = len; gif_create(&private->gif, &bitmap_callbacks); gif_result code; do { code = gif_initialise(&private->gif, private->len, private->data); } while (code == GIF_WORKING); if (code != GIF_OK) { gif_finalise(&private->gif); munmap(private->data, private->len); free(private); imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libsngif: unsupported file\n"); return BACKEND_UNSUPPORTED; } imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: num_frames=%d\n", private->gif.frame_count); imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: width=%d\n", private->gif.width); imv_log(IMV_DEBUG, "libnsgif: height=%d\n", private->gif.height); *src = imv_source_create(&vtable, private); return BACKEND_SUCCESS; } const struct imv_backend imv_backend_libnsgif = { .name = "libnsgif", .description = "Tiny GIF decoding library from the NetSurf project", .website = "https://www.netsurf-browser.org/projects/libnsgif/", .license = "MIT", .open_path = &open_path, .open_memory = &open_memory, };