#include "backend_libtiff.h" #include "backend.h" #include "source.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef IMV_BACKEND_LIBTIFF #include struct private { TIFF *tiff; void *data; size_t pos, len; }; static tsize_t mem_read(thandle_t data, tdata_t buffer, tsize_t len) { struct private *private = (struct private*)data; memcpy(buffer, (char*)private->data + private->pos, len); private->pos += len; return len; } static tsize_t mem_write(thandle_t data, tdata_t buffer, tsize_t len) { struct private *private = (struct private*)data; memcpy((char*)private->data + private->pos, buffer, len); private->pos += len; return len; } static int mem_close(thandle_t data) { (void)data; return 0; } static toff_t mem_seek(thandle_t data, toff_t pos, int whence) { struct private *private = (struct private*)data; if (whence == SEEK_SET) { private->pos = pos; } else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { private->pos += pos; } else if (whence == SEEK_END) { private->pos = private->len + pos; } else { return -1; } return private->pos; } static toff_t mem_size(thandle_t data) { struct private *private = (struct private*)data; return private->len; } static void source_free(struct imv_source *src) { free(src->name); src->name = NULL; struct private *private = src->private; TIFFClose(private->tiff); private->tiff = NULL; free(src->private); src->private = NULL; free(src); } static struct imv_bitmap *to_imv_bitmap(int width, int height, void *bitmap) { struct imv_bitmap *bmp = malloc(sizeof(struct imv_bitmap)); bmp->width = width; bmp->height = height; bmp->format = IMV_ABGR; bmp->data = bitmap; return bmp; } static void report_error(struct imv_source *src) { if (!src->callback) { fprintf(stderr, "imv_source(%s) has no callback configured. " "Discarding error.\n", src->name); return; } struct imv_source_message msg; msg.source = src; msg.user_data = src->user_data; msg.bitmap = NULL; msg.error = "Internal error"; src->callback(&msg); } static void send_bitmap(struct imv_source *src, void *bitmap) { if (!src->callback) { fprintf(stderr, "imv_source(%s) has no callback configured. " "Discarding result.\n", src->name); return; } struct imv_source_message msg; msg.source = src; msg.user_data = src->user_data; msg.bitmap = to_imv_bitmap(src->width, src->height, bitmap); msg.frametime = 0; msg.error = NULL; src->callback(&msg); } static void load_image(struct imv_source *src) { struct private *private = src->private; /* libtiff suggests using their own allocation routines to support systems * with segmented memory. I have no desire to support that, so I'm just * going to use vanilla malloc/free. Systems where that isn't acceptable * don't have upstream support from imv. */ void *bitmap = malloc(src->height * src->width * 4); int rcode = TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented(private->tiff, src->width, src->height, bitmap, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT, 0); /* 1 = success, unlike the rest of *nix */ if (rcode == 1) { send_bitmap(src, bitmap); } else { free(bitmap); report_error(src); return; } } static enum backend_result open_path(const char *path, struct imv_source **src) { struct private private; private.tiff = TIFFOpen(path, "r"); if (!private.tiff) { /* Header is read, so no BAD_PATH check here */ return BACKEND_UNSUPPORTED; } unsigned int width, height; TIFFGetField(private.tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(private.tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); struct imv_source *source = calloc(1, sizeof(struct imv_source)); source->name = strdup(path); source->width = width; source->height = height; source->num_frames = 1; source->next_frame = 1; source->load_first_frame = &load_image; source->load_next_frame = NULL; source->free = &source_free; source->callback = NULL; source->user_data = NULL; source->private = malloc(sizeof private); memcpy(source->private, &private, sizeof private); *src = source; return BACKEND_SUCCESS; } static enum backend_result open_memory(void *data, size_t len, struct imv_source **src) { struct private *private = malloc(sizeof(struct private)); private->data = data; private->len = len; private->pos = 0; private->tiff = TIFFClientOpen("-", "rm", (thandle_t)private, &mem_read, &mem_write, &mem_seek, &mem_close, &mem_size, NULL, NULL); if (!private->tiff) { /* Header is read, so no BAD_PATH check here */ free(private); return BACKEND_UNSUPPORTED; } unsigned int width, height; TIFFGetField(private->tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(private->tiff, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); struct imv_source *source = calloc(1, sizeof(struct imv_source)); source->name = strdup("-"); source->width = width; source->height = height; source->num_frames = 1; source->next_frame = 1; source->load_first_frame = &load_image; source->load_next_frame = NULL; source->free = &source_free; source->callback = NULL; source->user_data = NULL; source->private = private; *src = source; return BACKEND_SUCCESS; } const struct imv_backend libtiff_backend = { .name = "libtiff", .description = "The de-facto tiff library", .website = "http://www.libtiff.org/", .license = "MIT", .open_path = &open_path, .open_memory = &open_memory, }; const struct imv_backend *imv_backend_libtiff(void) { return &libtiff_backend; } #else const struct imv_backend *imv_backend_libtiff(void) { return NULL; } #endif