#include "imv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "binds.h" #include "commands.h" #include "ini.h" #include "list.h" #include "loader.h" #include "image.h" #include "navigator.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "util.h" enum scaling_mode { SCALING_NONE, SCALING_DOWN, SCALING_FULL, SCALING_MODE_COUNT }; enum upscaling_method { UPSCALING_LINEAR, UPSCALING_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, UPSCALING_METHOD_COUNT, }; static const char *scaling_label[] = { "actual size", "shrink to fit", "scale to fit" }; enum background_type { BACKGROUND_SOLID, BACKGROUND_CHEQUERED, BACKGROUND_TYPE_COUNT }; struct imv { bool quit; bool loading; bool fullscreen; int initial_width; int initial_height; bool overlay_enabled; enum upscaling_method upscaling_method; bool stay_fullscreen_on_focus_loss; bool need_redraw; bool need_rescale; bool recursive_load; bool loop_input; bool list_files_at_exit; bool paths_from_stdin; enum scaling_mode scaling_mode; enum background_type background_type; struct { unsigned char r, g, b; } background_color; unsigned long slideshow_image_duration; unsigned long slideshow_time_elapsed; char *font_name; struct imv_binds *binds; struct imv_navigator *navigator; struct imv_loader *loader; struct imv_commands *commands; struct imv_image *image; struct imv_viewport *view; void *stdin_image_data; size_t stdin_image_data_len; char *input_buffer; char *starting_path; char *title_text; char *overlay_text; SDL_Window *window; SDL_Renderer *renderer; TTF_Font *font; SDL_Texture *background_image; bool sdl_init; bool ttf_init; struct { unsigned int NEW_IMAGE; unsigned int BAD_IMAGE; unsigned int NEW_PATH; } events; struct { int width; int height; } current_image; }; void command_quit(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_pan(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_select_rel(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_select_abs(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_zoom(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_open(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_close(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_fullscreen(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_overlay(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_exec(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_center(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_reset(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_next_frame(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_toggle_playing(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_set_scaling_mode(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); void command_set_slideshow_duration(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data); static bool setup_window(struct imv *imv); static void handle_event(struct imv *imv, SDL_Event *event); static void render_window(struct imv *imv); static void update_env_vars(struct imv *imv); static size_t generate_env_text(struct imv *imv, char *buf, size_t len, const char *format); static const char *add_bind(struct imv *imv, const char *keys, const char *command) { struct list *list = imv_bind_parse_keys(keys); if(!list) { return "Invalid key combination"; } enum bind_result result = imv_binds_add(imv->binds, list, command); list_free(list); if (result == BIND_SUCCESS) { return NULL; } else if (result == BIND_INVALID_KEYS) { return "Invalid keys to bind to"; } else if (result == BIND_INVALID_COMMAND) { return "No command given to bind to"; } else if (result == BIND_CONFLICTS) { return "Key combination conflicts with existing bind"; } return NULL; } struct imv *imv_create(void) { struct imv *imv = malloc(sizeof(struct imv)); imv->quit = false; imv->loading = false; imv->fullscreen = false; imv->initial_width = 1280; imv->initial_height = 720; imv->overlay_enabled = false; imv->upscaling_method = UPSCALING_LINEAR; imv->stay_fullscreen_on_focus_loss = false; imv->need_redraw = true; imv->need_rescale = true; imv->recursive_load = false; imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_FULL; imv->loop_input = true; imv->list_files_at_exit = false; imv->paths_from_stdin = false; imv->background_color.r = imv->background_color.g = imv->background_color.b = 0; imv->slideshow_image_duration = 0; imv->slideshow_time_elapsed = 0; imv->font_name = strdup("Monospace:24"); imv->binds = imv_binds_create(); imv->navigator = imv_navigator_create(); imv->loader = imv_loader_create(); imv->commands = imv_commands_create(); imv->stdin_image_data = NULL; imv->stdin_image_data_len = 0; imv->input_buffer = NULL; imv->starting_path = NULL; imv->title_text = strdup( "imv - [${imv_current_index}/${imv_file_count}]" " [${imv_width}x${imv_height}] [${imv_scale}%]" " $imv_current_file [$imv_scaling_mode]" ); imv->overlay_text = strdup( "[${imv_current_index}/${imv_file_count}]" " [${imv_width}x${imv_height}] [${imv_scale}%]" " $imv_current_file [$imv_scaling_mode]" ); imv->window = NULL; imv->renderer = NULL; imv->font = NULL; imv->background_image = NULL; imv->sdl_init = false; imv->ttf_init = false; imv_command_register(imv->commands, "quit", &command_quit); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "pan", &command_pan); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "select_rel", &command_select_rel); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "select_abs", &command_select_abs); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "zoom", &command_zoom); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "open", &command_open); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "close", &command_close); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "fullscreen", &command_fullscreen); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "overlay", &command_overlay); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "exec", &command_exec); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "center", &command_center); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "reset", &command_reset); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "next_frame", &command_next_frame); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "toggle_playing", &command_toggle_playing); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "scaling_mode", &command_set_scaling_mode); imv_command_register(imv->commands, "slideshow_duration", &command_set_slideshow_duration); add_bind(imv, "q", "quit"); add_bind(imv, "", "select_rel -1"); add_bind(imv, "", "select_rel -1"); add_bind(imv, "", "select_rel 1"); add_bind(imv, "", "select_rel 1"); add_bind(imv, "gg", "select_abs 0"); add_bind(imv, "", "select_abs -1"); add_bind(imv, "j", "pan 0 -50"); add_bind(imv, "k", "pan 0 50"); add_bind(imv, "h", "pan 50 0"); add_bind(imv, "l", "pan -50 0"); add_bind(imv, "x", "close"); add_bind(imv, "f", "fullscreen"); add_bind(imv, "d", "overlay"); add_bind(imv, "p", "exec echo $imv_current_file"); add_bind(imv, "", "zoom 1"); add_bind(imv, "", "zoom 1"); add_bind(imv, "+", "zoom 1"); add_bind(imv, "i", "zoom 1"); add_bind(imv, "", "zoom -1"); add_bind(imv, "-", "zoom -1"); add_bind(imv, "o", "zoom -1"); add_bind(imv, "c", "center"); add_bind(imv, "s", "scaling_mode next"); add_bind(imv, "a", "zoom actual"); add_bind(imv, "r", "reset"); add_bind(imv, ".", "next_frame"); add_bind(imv, "", "toggle_playing"); add_bind(imv, "t", "slideshow_duration +1"); add_bind(imv, "", "slideshow_duration -1"); return imv; } void imv_free(struct imv *imv) { free(imv->font_name); free(imv->title_text); free(imv->overlay_text); imv_binds_free(imv->binds); imv_navigator_free(imv->navigator); imv_loader_free(imv->loader); imv_commands_free(imv->commands); imv_viewport_free(imv->view); imv_image_free(imv->image); if(imv->stdin_image_data) { free(imv->stdin_image_data); } if(imv->input_buffer) { free(imv->input_buffer); } if(imv->renderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(imv->renderer); } if(imv->window) { SDL_DestroyWindow(imv->window); } if(imv->background_image) { SDL_DestroyTexture(imv->background_image); } if(imv->font) { TTF_CloseFont(imv->font); } if(imv->ttf_init) { TTF_Quit(); } if(imv->sdl_init) { SDL_Quit(); } free(imv); } static bool parse_bg(struct imv *imv, const char *bg) { if(strcmp("checks", bg) == 0) { imv->background_type = BACKGROUND_CHEQUERED; } else { imv->background_type = BACKGROUND_SOLID; if(*bg == '#') ++bg; char *ep; uint32_t n = strtoul(bg, &ep, 16); if(*ep != '\0' || ep - bg != 6 || n > 0xFFFFFF) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid hex color: '%s'\n", bg); return false; } imv->background_color.b = n & 0xFF; imv->background_color.g = (n >> 8) & 0xFF; imv->background_color.r = (n >> 16); } return true; } static bool parse_slideshow_duration(struct imv *imv, const char *duration) { char *decimal; imv->slideshow_image_duration = strtoul(duration, &decimal, 10); imv->slideshow_image_duration *= 1000; if (*decimal == '.') { char *ep; long delay = strtoul(++decimal, &ep, 10); for (int i = 3 - (ep - decimal); i; i--) { delay *= 10; } if (delay < 1000) { imv->slideshow_image_duration += delay; } else { imv->slideshow_image_duration = ULONG_MAX; } } if (imv->slideshow_image_duration == ULONG_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong slideshow duration '%s'. Aborting.\n", optarg); return false; } return true; } static bool parse_scaling_mode(struct imv *imv, const char *mode) { if (!strcmp(mode, "shrink")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_DOWN; return true; } if (!strcmp(mode, "full")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_FULL; return true; } if (!strcmp(mode, "none")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_NONE; return true; } return false; } static bool parse_upscaling_method(struct imv *imv, const char *method) { if (!strcmp(method, "linear")) { imv->upscaling_method = UPSCALING_LINEAR; return true; } if (!strcmp(method, "nearest_neighbour")) { imv->upscaling_method = UPSCALING_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR; return true; } return false; } static int load_paths_from_stdin(void *data) { struct imv *imv = data; fprintf(stderr, "Reading paths from stdin..."); char buf[PATH_MAX]; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) { size_t len = strlen(buf); if(buf[len-1] == '\n') { buf[--len] = 0; } if(len > 0) { /* return the path via SDL event queue */ SDL_Event event; SDL_zero(event); event.type = imv->events.NEW_PATH; event.user.data1 = strdup(buf); SDL_PushEvent(&event); } } return 0; } bool imv_parse_args(struct imv *imv, int argc, char **argv) { /* Do not print getopt errors */ opterr = 0; int o; while((o = getopt(argc, argv, "frdxhlu:s:n:b:t:")) != -1) { switch(o) { case 'f': imv->fullscreen = true; break; case 'r': imv->recursive_load = true; break; case 'd': imv->overlay_enabled = true; break; case 'x': imv->loop_input = false; break; case 'l': imv->list_files_at_exit = true; break; case 'n': imv->starting_path = optarg; break; case 'h': fprintf(stdout, "imv %s\n" "See manual for usage information.\n" "\n" "Legal:\n" "imv's full source code is published under the terms of the MIT\n" "license, and can be found at https://github.com/eXeC64/imv\n" "\n" "Due to the use of a GPL licensed library imv is also made available\n" "under the terms of the GNU General Public License, which applies to\n" "all binary releases of imv.\n" "\n" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n" "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n" "as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n" "of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" "The source code to imv is also published under the MIT license.\n" "\n" "imv uses the FreeImage open source image library.\n" "See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details.\n" "FreeImage is used under the GNU GPLv2.\n" "\n" "imv uses the inih library to parse ini files.\n" "See https://github.com/benhoyt/inih for details.\n" "inih is used under the New (3-clause) BSD license.\n" , IMV_VERSION); imv->quit = true; return true; case 's': if(!parse_scaling_mode(imv, optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid scaling mode. Aborting.\n"); return false; } break; case 'u': if(!parse_upscaling_method(imv, optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid upscaling method. Aborting.\n"); return false; } break; case 'b': if(!parse_bg(imv, optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid background. Aborting.\n"); return false; } break; case 't': if(!parse_slideshow_duration(imv, optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slideshow duration. Aborting.\n"); return false; } break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument '%c'. Aborting.\n", optopt); return false; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; /* if no paths are given as args, expect them from stdin */ if(argc == 0) { imv->paths_from_stdin = true; } else { /* otherwise, add the paths */ bool data_from_stdin = false; for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { /* Special case: '-' denotes reading image data from stdin */ if(!strcmp("-", argv[i])) { if(imv->paths_from_stdin) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read paths AND image data from stdin. Aborting.\n"); return false; } else if(data_from_stdin) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't read image data from stdin twice. Aborting.\n"); return false; } data_from_stdin = true; imv->stdin_image_data_len = read_from_stdin(&imv->stdin_image_data); } imv_add_path(imv, argv[i]); } } return true; } void imv_add_path(struct imv *imv, const char *path) { imv_navigator_add(imv->navigator, path, imv->recursive_load); } int imv_run(struct imv *imv) { if(imv->quit) return 0; if(!setup_window(imv)) return 1; /* if loading paths from stdin, kick off a thread to do that - we'll receive * events back via SDL */ if(imv->paths_from_stdin) { SDL_Thread *thread; thread = SDL_CreateThread(load_paths_from_stdin, "load_paths_from_stdin", imv); SDL_DetachThread(thread); } if(imv->starting_path) { int index = imv_navigator_find_path(imv->navigator, imv->starting_path); if(index == -1) { index = (int) strtol(imv->starting_path, NULL, 10); index -= 1; /* input is 1-indexed, internally we're 0 indexed */ if(errno == EINVAL) { index = -1; } } if(index >= 0) { imv_navigator_select_str(imv->navigator, index); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid starting image: %s\n", imv->starting_path); } } /* cache current image's dimensions */ imv->current_image.width = 0; imv->current_image.height = 0; /* time keeping */ unsigned int last_time = SDL_GetTicks(); unsigned int current_time; while(!imv->quit) { SDL_Event e; while(!imv->quit && SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { handle_event(imv, &e); } /* if we're quitting, don't bother drawing any more images */ if(imv->quit) { break; } /* Check if navigator wrapped around paths lists */ if(!imv->loop_input && imv_navigator_wrapped(imv->navigator)) { break; } /* if we're out of images, and we're not expecting more from stdin, quit */ if(!imv->paths_from_stdin && imv_navigator_length(imv->navigator) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No input files left. Exiting.\n"); imv->quit = true; continue; } /* if the user has changed image, start loading the new one */ if(imv_navigator_poll_changed(imv->navigator)) { const char *current_path = imv_navigator_selection(imv->navigator); /* check we got a path back */ if(strcmp("", current_path)) { imv_loader_load(imv->loader, current_path, imv->stdin_image_data, imv->stdin_image_data_len); imv->loading = true; imv_viewport_set_playing(imv->view, true); char title[1024]; generate_env_text(imv, &title[0], sizeof title, imv->title_text); imv_viewport_set_title(imv->view, title); } } if(imv->need_rescale) { int ww, wh; SDL_GetWindowSize(imv->window, &ww, &wh); imv->need_rescale = false; if(imv->scaling_mode == SCALING_NONE || (imv->scaling_mode == SCALING_DOWN && ww > imv->current_image.width && wh > imv->current_image.height)) { imv_viewport_scale_to_actual(imv->view, imv->image); } else { imv_viewport_scale_to_window(imv->view, imv->image); } } /* tell the loader time has passed (for gifs) */ current_time = SDL_GetTicks(); /* if we're playing an animated gif, tell the loader how much time has * passed */ if(imv_viewport_is_playing(imv->view)) { unsigned int dt = current_time - last_time; /* We cap the delta-time to 100 ms so that if imv is asleep for several * seconds or more (e.g. suspended), upon waking up it doesn't try to * catch up all the time it missed by playing through the gif quickly. */ if(dt > 100) { dt = 100; } imv_loader_time_passed(imv->loader, dt / 1000.0); } /* handle slideshow */ if(imv->slideshow_image_duration != 0) { unsigned int dt = current_time - last_time; imv->slideshow_time_elapsed += dt; imv->need_redraw = true; /* need to update display */ if(imv->slideshow_time_elapsed >= imv->slideshow_image_duration) { imv_navigator_select_rel(imv->navigator, 1); imv->slideshow_time_elapsed = 0; } } last_time = current_time; /* check if the viewport needs a redraw */ if(imv_viewport_needs_redraw(imv->view)) { imv->need_redraw = true; } if(imv->need_redraw) { render_window(imv); SDL_RenderPresent(imv->renderer); } /* sleep until we have something to do */ unsigned int timeout = 1000; /* sleep up to a second */ /* if we need to display the next frame of an animation soon we should * limit our sleep until the next frame is due */ const double next_frame_in = imv_loader_time_left(imv->loader); if(next_frame_in > 0.0) { timeout = (unsigned int)(next_frame_in * 1000.0); } /* go to sleep until an input event, etc. or the timeout expires */ SDL_WaitEventTimeout(NULL, timeout); } if(imv->list_files_at_exit) { for(size_t i = 0; i < imv_navigator_length(imv->navigator); ++i) puts(imv_navigator_at(imv->navigator, i)); } return 0; } static bool setup_window(struct imv *imv) { if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL Failed to Init: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } /* register custom events */ imv->events.NEW_IMAGE = SDL_RegisterEvents(1); imv->events.BAD_IMAGE = SDL_RegisterEvents(1); imv->events.NEW_PATH = SDL_RegisterEvents(1); /* tell the loader which event ids it should use */ imv_loader_set_event_types(imv->loader, imv->events.NEW_IMAGE, imv->events.BAD_IMAGE); imv->sdl_init = true; imv->window = SDL_CreateWindow( "imv", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, imv->initial_width, imv->initial_height, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); if(!imv->window) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL Failed to create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } /* we'll use SDL's built-in renderer, hardware accelerated if possible */ imv->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(imv->window, -1, 0); if(!imv->renderer) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL Failed to create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } /* use the appropriate resampling method */ SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, imv->upscaling_method == UPSCALING_LINEAR? "1" : "0"); /* allow fullscreen to be maintained even when focus is lost */ SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, imv->stay_fullscreen_on_focus_loss ? "0" : "1"); /* construct a chequered background image */ if(imv->background_type == BACKGROUND_CHEQUERED) { imv->background_image = create_chequered(imv->renderer); } /* set up the required fonts and surfaces for displaying the overlay */ TTF_Init(); imv->ttf_init = true; imv->font = load_font(imv->font_name); if(!imv->font) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading font: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); return false; } imv->image = imv_image_create(imv->renderer); imv->view = imv_viewport_create(imv->window); /* put us in fullscren mode to begin with if requested */ if(imv->fullscreen) { imv_viewport_toggle_fullscreen(imv->view); } /* start outside of command mode */ SDL_StopTextInput(); return true; } static void handle_event(struct imv *imv, SDL_Event *event) { const int command_buffer_len = 1024; if(event->type == imv->events.NEW_IMAGE) { /* new image to display */ struct imv_bitmap *bmp = event->user.data1; imv_image_set_bitmap(imv->image, bmp); imv->current_image.width = bmp->width; imv->current_image.height = bmp->height; imv_bitmap_free(bmp); imv->need_redraw = true; imv->need_rescale |= event->user.code; imv->loading = false; return; } else if(event->type == imv->events.BAD_IMAGE) { /* an image failed to load, remove it from our image list */ char *err_path = event->user.data1; imv_navigator_remove(imv->navigator, err_path); /* special case: the image came from stdin */ if(strcmp(err_path, "-") == 0) { if(imv->stdin_image_data) { free(imv->stdin_image_data); imv->stdin_image_data = NULL; imv->stdin_image_data_len = 0; } fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load image from stdin.\n"); } free(err_path); } else if(event->type == imv->events.NEW_PATH) { /* received a new path from the stdin reading thread */ imv_add_path(imv, event->user.data1); free(event->user.data1); } switch(event->type) { case SDL_QUIT: { /* new scope needed in order to declare variables in a switch statement */ struct list *commands = list_create(); list_append(commands, "quit"); imv_command_exec(imv->commands, commands, imv); list_free(commands); break; } case SDL_TEXTINPUT: strncat(imv->input_buffer, event->text.text, command_buffer_len - 1); imv->need_redraw = true; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); if(imv->input_buffer) { /* in command mode, update the buffer */ if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { SDL_StopTextInput(); free(imv->input_buffer); imv->input_buffer = NULL; imv->need_redraw = true; } else if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) { struct list *commands = list_create(); list_append(commands, imv->input_buffer); imv_command_exec(imv->commands, commands, imv); SDL_StopTextInput(); list_free(commands); free(imv->input_buffer); imv->input_buffer = NULL; imv->need_redraw = true; } else if(event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE) { const size_t len = strlen(imv->input_buffer); if(len > 0) { imv->input_buffer[len - 1] = '\0'; imv->need_redraw = true; } } return; } switch (event->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_SEMICOLON: if(event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) { SDL_StartTextInput(); imv->input_buffer = malloc(command_buffer_len); imv->input_buffer[0] = '\0'; imv->need_redraw = true; } break; default: { /* braces to allow const char *cmd definition */ struct list *cmds = imv_bind_handle_event(imv->binds, event); if(cmds) { imv_command_exec(imv->commands, cmds, imv); } } } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: imv_viewport_zoom(imv->view, imv->image, IMV_ZOOM_MOUSE, event->wheel.y); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if(event->motion.state & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) { imv_viewport_move(imv->view, event->motion.xrel, event->motion.yrel, imv->image); } SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: /* For some reason SDL passes events to us that occurred before we * gained focus, and passes them *after* the focus gained event. * Due to behavioural quirks from such events, whenever we gain focus * we have to clear the event queue. It's hacky, but works without * any visible side effects. */ if(event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) { SDL_PumpEvents(); SDL_FlushEvents(SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT); } imv_viewport_update(imv->view, imv->image); break; } } static void render_window(struct imv *imv) { int ww, wh; SDL_GetWindowSize(imv->window, &ww, &wh); /* update window title */ char title_text[1024]; generate_env_text(imv, &title_text[0], sizeof title_text, imv->title_text); imv_viewport_set_title(imv->view, title_text); /* first we draw the background */ if(imv->background_type == BACKGROUND_SOLID) { /* solid background */ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(imv->renderer, imv->background_color.r, imv->background_color.g, imv->background_color.b, 255); SDL_RenderClear(imv->renderer); } else { /* chequered background */ int img_w, img_h; SDL_QueryTexture(imv->background_image, NULL, NULL, &img_w, &img_h); /* tile the image so it fills the window */ for(int y = 0; y < wh; y += img_h) { for(int x = 0; x < ww; x += img_w) { SDL_Rect dst_rect = {x,y,img_w,img_h}; SDL_RenderCopy(imv->renderer, imv->background_image, NULL, &dst_rect); } } } /* draw our actual image */ { int x, y; double scale; imv_viewport_get_offset(imv->view, &x, &y); imv_viewport_get_scale(imv->view, &scale); imv_image_draw(imv->image, x, y, scale); } /* if the overlay needs to be drawn, draw that too */ if(imv->overlay_enabled && imv->font) { SDL_Color fg = {255,255,255,255}; SDL_Color bg = {0,0,0,160}; char overlay_text[1024]; generate_env_text(imv, overlay_text, sizeof overlay_text, imv->overlay_text); imv_printf(imv->renderer, imv->font, 0, 0, &fg, &bg, "%s", overlay_text); } /* draw command entry bar if needed */ if(imv->input_buffer && imv->font) { SDL_Color fg = {255,255,255,255}; SDL_Color bg = {0,0,0,160}; imv_printf(imv->renderer, imv->font, 0, wh - TTF_FontHeight(imv->font), &fg, &bg, ":%s", imv->input_buffer); } /* redraw complete, unset the flag */ imv->need_redraw = false; } static char *get_config_path(void) { const char *config_paths[] = { "$imv_config", "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/imv/config", "$HOME/.config/imv/config", "$HOME/.imv_config", "$HOME/.imv/config", "/usr/local/etc/imv_config", "/etc/imv_config", }; for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(config_paths) / sizeof(char*); ++i) { wordexp_t word; if(wordexp(config_paths[i], &word, 0) == 0) { if (!word.we_wordv[0]) { wordfree(&word); continue; } char *path = strdup(word.we_wordv[0]); wordfree(&word); if(!path || access(path, R_OK) == -1) { free(path); continue; } return path; } } return NULL; } static bool parse_bool(const char *str) { return ( !strcmp(str, "1") || !strcmp(str, "yes") || !strcmp(str, "true") || !strcmp(str, "on") ); } static int handle_ini_value(void *user, const char *section, const char *name, const char *value) { struct imv *imv = user; if (!strcmp(section, "binds")) { const char *err = add_bind(imv, name, value); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "Config error: %s\n", err); return 0; } return 1; } if (!strcmp(section, "aliases")) { imv_command_alias(imv->commands, name, value); return 1; } if (!strcmp(section, "options")) { if(!strcmp(name, "fullscreen")) { imv->fullscreen = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "width")) { imv->initial_width = strtol(value, NULL, 10); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "height")) { imv->initial_height = strtol(value, NULL, 10); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "overlay")) { imv->overlay_enabled = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "upscaling_method")) { return parse_upscaling_method(imv, value); } if(!strcmp(name, "stay_fullscreen_on_focus_loss")) { imv->stay_fullscreen_on_focus_loss = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "recursive")) { imv->recursive_load = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "loop_input")) { imv->loop_input = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "list_files_at_exit")) { imv->list_files_at_exit = parse_bool(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "scaling_mode")) { return parse_scaling_mode(imv, value); } if(!strcmp(name, "background")) { if(!parse_bg(imv, value)) { return false; } return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "slideshow_duration")) { if(!parse_slideshow_duration(imv, value)) { return false; } return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "overlay_font")) { free(imv->font_name); imv->font_name = strdup(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "overlay_text")) { free(imv->overlay_text); imv->overlay_text = strdup(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "title_text")) { free(imv->title_text); imv->title_text = strdup(value); return 1; } if(!strcmp(name, "suppress_default_binds")) { const bool suppress_default_binds = parse_bool(value); if(suppress_default_binds) { /* clear out any default binds if requested */ imv_binds_clear(imv->binds); } return 1; } /* No matches so far */ fprintf(stderr, "Ignoring unknown option: %s\n", name); return 1; } return 0; } bool imv_load_config(struct imv *imv) { char *path = get_config_path(); if(!path) { /* no config, no problem - we have defaults */ return true; } const int err = ini_parse(path, handle_ini_value, imv); if (err == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open config file: %s\n", path); return false; } else if (err > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in config file: %s:%d\n", path, err); return false; } free(path); return true; } void command_quit(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv->quit = true; } void command_pan(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len != 3) { return; } long int x = strtol(args->items[1], NULL, 10); long int y = strtol(args->items[2], NULL, 10); imv_viewport_move(imv->view, x, y, imv->image); } void command_select_rel(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len != 2) { return; } long int index = strtol(args->items[1], NULL, 10); imv_navigator_select_rel(imv->navigator, index); imv->slideshow_time_elapsed = 0; } void command_select_abs(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len != 2) { return; } long int index = strtol(args->items[1], NULL, 10); imv_navigator_select_abs(imv->navigator, index); imv->slideshow_time_elapsed = 0; } void command_zoom(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len == 2) { const char *str = args->items[1]; if(!strcmp(str, "actual")) { imv_viewport_scale_to_actual(imv->view, imv->image); } else { long int amount = strtol(args->items[1], NULL, 10); imv_viewport_zoom(imv->view, imv->image, IMV_ZOOM_KEYBOARD, amount); } } } void command_open(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; bool recursive = imv->recursive_load; update_env_vars(imv); for (size_t i = 1; i < args->len; ++i) { /* allow -r arg to specify recursive */ if (i == 1 && !strcmp(args->items[i], "-r")) { recursive = true; continue; } wordexp_t word; if(wordexp(args->items[i], &word, 0) == 0) { for(size_t j = 0; j < word.we_wordc; ++j) { imv_navigator_add(imv->navigator, word.we_wordv[j], recursive); } wordfree(&word); } } } void command_close(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; char* path = strdup(imv_navigator_selection(imv->navigator)); imv_navigator_remove(imv->navigator, path); free(path); imv->slideshow_time_elapsed = 0; } void command_fullscreen(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv_viewport_toggle_fullscreen(imv->view); } void command_overlay(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv->overlay_enabled = !imv->overlay_enabled; imv->need_redraw = true; } void command_exec(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; struct imv *imv = data; update_env_vars(imv); system(argstr); } void command_center(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv_viewport_center(imv->view, imv->image); } void command_reset(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv->need_rescale = true; imv->need_redraw = true; } void command_next_frame(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv_loader_load_next_frame(imv->loader); } void command_toggle_playing(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; imv_viewport_toggle_playing(imv->view); } void command_set_scaling_mode(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)args; (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len != 2) { return; } const char *mode = args->items[1]; if(!strcmp(mode, "next")) { imv->scaling_mode++; imv->scaling_mode %= SCALING_MODE_COUNT; } else if(!strcmp(mode, "none")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_NONE; } else if(!strcmp(mode, "shrink")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_DOWN; } else if(!strcmp(mode, "full")) { imv->scaling_mode = SCALING_FULL; } else { /* no changes, don't bother to redraw */ return; } imv->need_rescale = true; imv->need_redraw = true; } void command_set_slideshow_duration(struct list *args, const char *argstr, void *data) { (void)argstr; struct imv *imv = data; if(args->len == 2) { long int delta = 1000 * strtol(args->items[1], NULL, 10); /* Ensure we can't go below 0 */ if(delta < 0 && (size_t)labs(delta) > imv->slideshow_image_duration) { imv->slideshow_image_duration = 0; } else { imv->slideshow_image_duration += delta; } imv->need_redraw = true; } } static void update_env_vars(struct imv *imv) { char str[64]; setenv("imv_current_file", imv_navigator_selection(imv->navigator), 1); setenv("imv_scaling_mode", scaling_label[imv->scaling_mode], 1); setenv("imv_loading", imv->loading ? "1" : "0", 1); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%zu", imv_navigator_index(imv->navigator) + 1); setenv("imv_current_index", str, 1); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%zu", imv_navigator_length(imv->navigator)); setenv("imv_file_count", str, 1); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%d", imv_image_width(imv->image)); setenv("imv_width", str, 1); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%d", imv_image_height(imv->image)); setenv("imv_height", str, 1); { double scale; imv_viewport_get_scale(imv->view, &scale); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%d", (int)(scale * 100.0)); setenv("imv_scale", str, 1); } snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%zu", imv->slideshow_image_duration / 1000); setenv("imv_slidshow_duration", str, 1); snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%zu", imv->slideshow_time_elapsed / 1000); setenv("imv_slidshow_elapsed", str, 1); } static size_t generate_env_text(struct imv *imv, char *buf, size_t buf_len, const char *format) { update_env_vars(imv); size_t len = 0; wordexp_t word; if(wordexp(format, &word, 0) == 0) { for(size_t i = 0; i < word.we_wordc; ++i) { len += snprintf(buf + len, buf_len - len, "%s ", word.we_wordv[i]); } wordfree(&word); } else { len += snprintf(buf, buf_len, "error expanding text"); } return len; } /* vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et: */