/* Copyright (c) 2015 Harry Jeffery This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "viewport.h" void imv_init_viewport(struct imv_viewport *view, SDL_Window *window) { view->window = window; view->scale = 1; view->x = view->y = view->fullscreen = view->redraw = 0; view->playing = 1; view->locked = 0; } void imv_destroy_viewport(struct imv_viewport *view) { view->window = NULL; return; } void imv_viewport_toggle_fullscreen(struct imv_viewport *view) { if(view->fullscreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(view->window, 0); view->fullscreen = 0; } else { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(view->window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); view->fullscreen = 1; } } void imv_viewport_toggle_playing(struct imv_viewport *view) { view->playing = !view->playing; } void imv_viewport_scale_to_actual(struct imv_viewport *view, const struct imv_texture *tex) { view->scale = 1; view->redraw = 1; view->locked = 1; imv_viewport_center(view, tex); } void imv_viewport_move(struct imv_viewport *view, int x, int y) { view->x += x; view->y += y; view->redraw = 1; view->locked = 1; } void imv_viewport_zoom(struct imv_viewport *view, const struct imv_texture *tex, enum imv_zoom_source src, int amount) { double prev_scale = view->scale; int x, y, ww, wh; SDL_GetWindowSize(view->window, &ww, &wh); /* x and y cordinates are relative to the image */ if(src == IMV_ZOOM_MOUSE) { SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); x -= view->x; y -= view->y; } else { x = view->scale * tex->width / 2; y = view->scale * tex->height / 2; } const int scaled_width = tex->width * view->scale; const int scaled_height = tex->height * view->scale; const int ic_x = view->x + scaled_width/2; const int ic_y = view->y + scaled_height/2; const int wc_x = ww/2; const int wc_y = wh/2; double delta_scale = 0.04 * ww * amount / tex->width; view->scale += delta_scale; const double min_scale = 0.1; const double max_scale = 100; if(view->scale > max_scale) { view->scale = max_scale; } else if (view->scale < min_scale) { view->scale = min_scale; } if(view->scale < prev_scale) { if(scaled_width < ww) { x = scaled_width/2 - (ic_x - wc_x)*2; } if(scaled_height < wh) { y = scaled_height/2 - (ic_y - wc_y)*2; } } else { if(scaled_width < ww) { x = scaled_width/2; } if(scaled_height < wh) { y = scaled_height/2; } } const double changeX = x - (x * (view->scale / prev_scale)); const double changeY = y - (y * (view->scale / prev_scale)); view->x += changeX; view->y += changeY; view->redraw = 1; view->locked = 1; } void imv_viewport_center(struct imv_viewport *view, const struct imv_texture *tex) { int ww, wh; SDL_GetWindowSize(view->window, &ww, &wh); view->x = (ww - tex->width * view->scale) / 2; view->y = (wh - tex->height * view->scale) / 2; view->locked = 1; view->redraw = 1; } void imv_viewport_scale_to_window(struct imv_viewport *view, const struct imv_texture *tex) { int ww, wh; SDL_GetWindowSize(view->window, &ww, &wh); double window_aspect = (double)ww / (double)wh; double image_aspect = (double)tex->width / (double)tex->height; if(window_aspect > image_aspect) { /* Image will become too tall before it becomes too wide */ view->scale = (double)wh / (double)tex->height; } else { /* Image will become too wide before it becomes too tall */ view->scale = (double)ww / (double)tex->width; } imv_viewport_center(view, tex); view->locked = 0; } void imv_viewport_set_redraw(struct imv_viewport *view) { view->redraw = 1; } void imv_viewport_set_title(struct imv_viewport *view, char* title) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(view->window, title); } void imv_viewport_updated(struct imv_viewport *view, struct imv_texture *tex) { view->redraw = 1; if(view->locked) { return; } imv_viewport_center(view, tex); imv_viewport_scale_to_window(view, tex); }