#include "window.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keyboard.h" #include "log.h" struct imv_window { Display *x_display; Window x_window; GLXContext x_glc; Atom x_state; Atom x_fullscreen; int width; int height; struct { struct { int x, y; } last; struct { int x, y; } current; bool mouse1; } pointer; struct imv_keyboard *keyboard; int pipe_fds[2]; }; static void set_nonblocking(int fd) { int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); assert(flags != -1); flags |= O_NONBLOCK; int rc = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags); assert(rc != -1); } static void setup_keymap(struct imv_window *window) { xcb_connection_t *conn = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); if (xcb_connection_has_error(conn)) { imv_log(IMV_ERROR, "x11_window: Failed to load keymap. Could not connect via xcb."); return; } if (!xkb_x11_setup_xkb_extension(conn, XKB_X11_MIN_MAJOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_MIN_MINOR_XKB_VERSION, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { xcb_disconnect(conn); imv_log(IMV_ERROR, "x11_window: Failed to load keymap. xkb extension not supported by server."); return; } int32_t device = xkb_x11_get_core_keyboard_device_id(conn); struct xkb_context *context = xkb_context_new(0); if (!context) { xcb_disconnect(conn); imv_log(IMV_ERROR, "x11_window: Failed to load keymap. Failed to initialise xkb context."); return; } struct xkb_keymap *keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device(context, conn, device, 0); if (keymap) { char *keymap_str = xkb_keymap_get_as_string(keymap, XKB_KEYMAP_USE_ORIGINAL_FORMAT); imv_keyboard_set_keymap(window->keyboard, keymap_str); free(keymap_str); xkb_keymap_unref(keymap); } else { imv_log(IMV_ERROR, "x11_window: Failed to load keymap. xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device returned NULL."); } xkb_context_unref(context); xcb_disconnect(conn); } struct imv_window *imv_window_create(int w, int h, const char *title) { /* Ensure event writes will always be atomic */ assert(sizeof(struct imv_event) <= PIPE_BUF); struct imv_window *window = calloc(1, sizeof *window); window->pointer.last.x = -1; window->pointer.last.y = -1; pipe(window->pipe_fds); set_nonblocking(window->pipe_fds[0]); set_nonblocking(window->pipe_fds[1]); window->x_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); assert(window->x_display); Window root = DefaultRootWindow(window->x_display); assert(root); GLint att[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None }; XVisualInfo *vi = glXChooseVisual(window->x_display, 0, att); assert(vi); Colormap cmap = XCreateColormap(window->x_display, root, vi->visual, AllocNone); XSetWindowAttributes wa = { .colormap = cmap, .event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask }; window->x_window = XCreateWindow(window->x_display, root, 0, 0, w, h, 0, vi->depth, InputOutput, vi->visual, CWColormap | CWEventMask, &wa); window->x_state = XInternAtom(window->x_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", true); window->x_fullscreen = XInternAtom(window->x_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", true); XClassHint hint = { .res_name = "imv", .res_class= "imv", }; XSetClassHint(window->x_display, window->x_window, &hint); XMapWindow(window->x_display, window->x_window); XStoreName(window->x_display, window->x_window, title); window->x_glc = glXCreateContext(window->x_display, vi, NULL, GL_TRUE); assert(window->x_glc); glXMakeCurrent(window->x_display, window->x_window, window->x_glc); window->keyboard = imv_keyboard_create(); assert(window->keyboard); setup_keymap(window); XFree(vi); return window; } void imv_window_free(struct imv_window *window) { imv_keyboard_free(window->keyboard); close(window->pipe_fds[0]); close(window->pipe_fds[1]); glXMakeCurrent(window->x_display, None, NULL); glXDestroyContext(window->x_display, window->x_glc); XDestroyWindow(window->x_display, window->x_window); XCloseDisplay(window->x_display); free(window); } void imv_window_clear(struct imv_window *window, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { (void)window; glClearColor(r / 255.0f, g / 255.0f, b / 255.0f, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } void imv_window_get_size(struct imv_window *window, int *w, int *h) { if (w) { *w = window->width; } if (h) { *h = window->height; } } void imv_window_get_framebuffer_size(struct imv_window *window, int *w, int *h) { if (w) { *w = window->width; } if (h) { *h = window->height; } } void imv_window_set_title(struct imv_window *window, const char *title) { XStoreName(window->x_display, window->x_window, title); } bool imv_window_is_fullscreen(struct imv_window *window) { size_t count = 0; Atom type; int format; size_t after; Atom *props = NULL; XGetWindowProperty(window->x_display, window->x_window, window->x_state, 0, 1024, False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &count, &after, (unsigned char**)&props); bool fullscreen = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (props[i] == window->x_fullscreen) { fullscreen = true; break; } } XFree(props); return fullscreen; } void imv_window_set_fullscreen(struct imv_window *window, bool fullscreen) { Window root = DefaultRootWindow(window->x_display); XEvent event = { .xclient = { .type = ClientMessage, .window = window->x_window, .format = 32, .message_type = window->x_state, .data = { .l = { (fullscreen ? 1 : 0), window->x_fullscreen, 0, 1 } } } }; XSendEvent(window->x_display, root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &event ); } bool imv_window_get_mouse_button(struct imv_window *window, int button) { if (button == 1) { return window->pointer.mouse1; } return false; } void imv_window_get_mouse_position(struct imv_window *window, double *x, double *y) { if (x) { *x = window->pointer.current.x; } if (y) { *y = window->pointer.current.y; } } void imv_window_present(struct imv_window *window) { glXSwapBuffers(window->x_display, window->x_window); } void imv_window_wait_for_event(struct imv_window *window, double timeout) { struct pollfd fds[] = { {.fd = ConnectionNumber(window->x_display), .events = POLLIN}, {.fd = window->pipe_fds[0], .events = POLLIN} }; nfds_t nfds = sizeof fds / sizeof *fds; poll(fds, nfds, timeout * 1000); } void imv_window_push_event(struct imv_window *window, struct imv_event *e) { /* Push it down the pipe */ write(window->pipe_fds[1], e, sizeof *e); } static void handle_keyboard(struct imv_window *window, imv_event_handler handler, void *data, const XEvent *xev) { imv_keyboard_update_mods(window->keyboard, (int)xev->xkey.state, 0, 0); bool pressed = xev->type == KeyPress; int scancode = xev->xkey.keycode - 8; imv_keyboard_update_key(window->keyboard, scancode, pressed); if (!pressed) { return; } char keyname[32] = {0}; imv_keyboard_keyname(window->keyboard, scancode, keyname, sizeof keyname); char text[64] = {0}; imv_keyboard_get_text(window->keyboard, scancode, text, sizeof text); char *desc = imv_keyboard_describe_key(window->keyboard, scancode); if (!desc) { desc = strdup(""); } struct imv_event e = { .type = IMV_EVENT_KEYBOARD, .data = { .keyboard = { .scancode = scancode, .keyname = keyname, .description = desc, .text = text, } } }; if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } free(desc); } void imv_window_pump_events(struct imv_window *window, imv_event_handler handler, void *data) { XEvent xev; while (XPending(window->x_display)) { XNextEvent(window->x_display, &xev); if (xev.type == Expose) { XWindowAttributes wa; XGetWindowAttributes(window->x_display, window->x_window, &wa); window->width = wa.width; window->height = wa.height; glViewport(0, 0, wa.width, wa.height); struct imv_event e = { .type = IMV_EVENT_RESIZE, .data = { .resize = { .width = wa.width, .height = wa.height, .buffer_width = wa.width, .buffer_height = wa.height, .scale = 1, } } }; if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } } else if (xev.type == KeyPress || xev.type == KeyRelease) { handle_keyboard(window, handler, data, &xev); } else if (xev.type == ButtonPress || xev.type == ButtonRelease) { if (xev.xbutton.button == Button1) { window->pointer.mouse1 = xev.type == ButtonPress; struct imv_event e = { .type = IMV_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON, .data = { .mouse_button = { .button = 1, .pressed = xev.type == ButtonPress } } }; if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } } else if (xev.xbutton.button == Button4 || xev.xbutton.button == Button5) { struct imv_event e = { .type = IMV_EVENT_MOUSE_SCROLL, .data = { .mouse_scroll = { .dx = 0, .dy = xev.xbutton.button == Button4 ? -1 : 1 } } }; if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } } } else if (xev.type == MotionNotify) { window->pointer.current.x = xev.xmotion.x; window->pointer.current.y = xev.xmotion.y; int dx = window->pointer.current.x - window->pointer.last.x; int dy = window->pointer.current.y - window->pointer.last.y; if (window->pointer.last.x == -1) { dx = 0; } if (window->pointer.last.y == -1) { dy = 0; } window->pointer.last.x = window->pointer.current.x; window->pointer.last.y = window->pointer.current.y; struct imv_event e = { .type = IMV_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION, .data = { .mouse_motion = { .x = window->pointer.current.x, .y = window->pointer.current.y, .dx = dx, .dy = dy } } }; if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } } } /* Handle any events in the pipe */ while (1) { struct imv_event e; ssize_t len = read(window->pipe_fds[0], &e, sizeof e); if (len <= 0) { break; } assert(len == sizeof e); if (handler) { handler(data, &e); } } }