path: root/toys/pending
diff options
authorRob Landley <rob@landley.net>2020-07-11 00:54:56 -0500
committerRob Landley <rob@landley.net>2020-07-11 00:54:56 -0500
commit4fe9f1e4107986c5897979c0b62c333eaa7da7e9 (patch)
tree9f8ee98ebb69ee8ace6fa4c2696bfed63afa363b /toys/pending
parent66f80c83e376b31f4b1ffed36ced7b2729423f6a (diff)
Chunk of job control plumbing and start of ${x:1:3} variable slicing support.
Diffstat (limited to 'toys/pending')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/toys/pending/sh.c b/toys/pending/sh.c
index 4e626c75..67b8459e 100644
--- a/toys/pending/sh.c
+++ b/toys/pending/sh.c
@@ -220,8 +220,7 @@ GLOBALS(
// undo redirects, a=b at start, child PID, exit status, has !, job #
int *urd, envlen, pid, exit, not, job;
long long when; // when job backgrounded/suspended
-// TODO struct sh_arg *raw; // for display
- struct sh_arg arg;
+ struct sh_arg *raw, arg;
} *pp; // currently running process
struct sh_arg jobs, *arg; // job list, command line args for $* etc
@@ -348,9 +347,15 @@ static struct sh_vars *addvar(char *s)
// TODO function to resolve a string into a number for $((1+2)) etc
-long long do_math(char *s)
+long long do_math(char **s)
- return atoll(s);
+ long long ll;
+ while (isspace(**s)) ++*s;
+ ll = strtoll(*s, s, 0);
+ while (isspace(**s)) ++*s;
+ return ll;
// Assign one variable from malloced key=val string, returns var struct
@@ -376,10 +381,10 @@ static struct sh_vars *setvar(char *s)
if (s[len] != '=') {
error_msg("bad setvar %s\n", s);
return 0;
- if (len == 3 && !memcmp(s, "IFS", 3)) TT.ifs = s+4;
+ if (!strncmp(s, "IFS=", 4)) TT.ifs = s+4;
if (!(var = findvar(s))) return addvar(s);
flags = var->flags;
@@ -388,20 +393,26 @@ static struct sh_vars *setvar(char *s)
return 0;
- } else if (flags&VAR_MAGIC) {
- if (*s == 'S') TT.SECONDS = millitime() - 1000*do_math(s+len-1);
- else if (*s == 'R') srandom(do_math(s+len-1));
- } else if (flags&VAR_GLOBAL) xsetenv(var->str = s, 0);
- else {
- free(var->str);
- var->str = s;
// unicode _is stupid enough for upper/lower case to be different utf8 byte
// lengths. example: lowercase of U+0130 (C4 B0) is U+0069 (69)
+ if (flags&VAR_MAGIC) {
+ char *ss = s+len-1;
+// TODO: trailing garbage after do_math()?
+ if (*s == 'S') TT.SECONDS = millitime() - 1000*do_math(&ss);
+ else if (*s == 'R') srandom(do_math(&ss));
+ } else if (flags&VAR_GLOBAL) xsetenv(var->str = s, 0);
+ else {
+ free(var->str);
+ var->str = s;
+ }
return var;
@@ -750,7 +761,7 @@ static int pipe_subshell(char *s, int len, int out)
// utf8 strchr: return wide char matched at wc from chrs, or 0 if not matched
-// if len, save length of wc
+// if len, save length of next wc (whether or not it's in list)
static int utf8chr(char *wc, char *chrs, int *len)
wchar_t wc1, wc2;
@@ -772,6 +783,54 @@ static int utf8chr(char *wc, char *chrs, int *len)
return 0;
+// grab variable or special param (ala $$) up to len bytes. Return value.
+// set *used to length consumed. Does not handle $* and $@
+char *getvar_special(char *str, int len, int *used, struct arg_list **delete)
+ char *s = 0, *ss, cc = *str;
+ unsigned uu;
+ *used = 1;
+ if (cc == '-') {
+ s = ss = xmalloc(8);
+ if (TT.options&OPT_I) *ss++ = 'i';
+ if (TT.options&OPT_BRACE) *ss++ = 'B';
+ if (TT.options&OPT_S) *ss++ = 's';
+ if (TT.options&OPT_C) *ss++ = 'c';
+ *ss = 0;
+ } else if (cc == '?') s = xmprintf("%d", toys.exitval);
+ else if (cc == '$') s = xmprintf("%d", TT.pid);
+ else if (cc == '#') s = xmprintf("%d", TT.arg->c?TT.arg->c-1:0);
+ else if (cc == '!') s = xmprintf("%d"+2*!TT.bangpid, TT.bangpid);
+ else {
+ delete = 0;
+ for (*used = uu = 0; *used<len && isdigit(str[*used]); ++*used)
+ uu = (10*uu)+str[*used]-'0';
+ if (*used) {
+ if (uu) uu += TT.shift;
+ if (uu<TT.arg->c) s = TT.arg->v[uu];
+ } else if ((*used = varend(str)-str)) return getvar(str);
+ }
+ if (s) push_arg(delete, s);
+ return s;
+// Copy string until } including escaped }
+char *slashcopy(char *s, char c)
+ char *ss;
+ int ii, jj;
+ for (ii = 0; s[ii] != c; ii++) if (s[ii] == '\\') ii++;
+ ss = xmalloc(ii+1);
+ for (ii = jj = 0; s[jj] != c; ii++)
+ if ('\\'==(s[ii] = s[jj++])) s[ii] = s[jj++];
+ ss[ii] = 0;
+ return ss;
#define NO_PATH (1<<0) // path expansion (wildcards)
#define NO_SPLIT (1<<1) // word splitting
#define NO_BRACE (1<<2) // {brace,expansion}
@@ -789,8 +848,8 @@ static int utf8chr(char *wc, char *chrs, int *len)
static int expand_arg_nobrace(struct sh_arg *arg, char *str, unsigned flags,
struct arg_list **delete)
- char cc, qq = 0, *old = str, *new = str, *s, *ss, *ifs, **aa;
- int ii = 0, dd, jj, kk, ll, oo = 0, nodel;
+ char cc, qq = 0, sep[6], *old = str, *new = str, *s, *ss, *ifs, *slice;
+ int ii = 0, oo = 0, xx, yy, dd, jj, kk, ll, mm;
if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "expand %s\n", str);
@@ -822,6 +881,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "expand %s\n", str);
// parameter/variable expansion, and dequoting
for (; (cc = str[ii++]); old!=new && (new[oo] = 0)) {
+ struct sh_arg aa = {0};
// skip literal chars
if (!strchr("$'`\\\"", cc)) {
@@ -834,11 +894,9 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "expand %s\n", str);
new = xstrdup(new);
new[oo = ii-1] = 0;
- ifs = 0;
- aa = 0;
- nodel = 0;
+ ifs = slice = 0;
- // handle different types of escapes
+ // handle escapes and quoting
if (cc == '\\') new[oo++] = str[ii] ? str[ii++] : cc;
else if (cc == '"') qq++;
else if (cc == '\'') {
@@ -888,50 +946,188 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO: do math for %.*s\n", kk, s);
for (kk = strlen(ifs); kk && ifs[kk-1]=='\n'; ifs[--kk] = 0);
- } else if (cc == '$') {
- // parse $ $'' ${} or $VAR
+ // $VARIABLE expansions
- cc = str[ii++];
+ } else if (cc == '$') {
+ cc = *(ss = str+ii++);
if (cc=='\'') {
for (s = str+ii; *s != '\''; oo += wcrtomb(new+oo, unescape2(&s, 0),0));
ii = s-str+1;
+ } else if (cc=='"' && !(qq&1)) {
+ qq++;
+ continue;
} else if (cc == '{') {
- cc = *(ss = str+ii);
- if (!(jj = strchr(ss, '}')-ss)) ifs = (void *)1;
- ii += jj+1;
- if (jj>1) {
- // handle ${!x} and ${#x}
- if (*ss == '!') {
- if (!(ss = getvar(ss+1)) || !*ss) continue;
- jj = varend(ss)-ss;
- if (ss[jj]) ifs = (void *)1;
- } else if (*ss == '#') {
- if (jj == 2 && (*ss == '@' || *ss == '*')) jj--;
- else ifs = xmprintf("%ld", (long)strlen(getvar(ss) ? : ""));
+ // Skip escapes to find }, parse_word() guarantees ${} terminates
+ for (cc = *++ss; str[ii] != '}'; ii++) if (str[ii]=='\\') ii++;
+ ii++;
+ if (cc == '}') ifs = (void *)1;
+ else if (strchr("#!", cc)) ss++;
+ jj = varend(ss)-ss;
+ if (!jj) while (isdigit(ss[jj])) jj++;
+ if (!jj && strchr("#$!_*", *ss)) jj++;
+ // parameter or operator? Maybe not a prefix: ${#-} vs ${#-x}
+ if (!jj && strchr("-?@", *ss)) if (ss[++jj]!='}' && ss[-1]!='{') ss--;
+ slice = ss+jj; // start of :operation
+ if (!jj) {
+ ifs = (void *)1;
+ // literal ${#} or ${!} wasn't a prefix
+ if (strchr("#!", cc)) ifs = getvar_special(--ss, 1, &kk, delete);
+ } else if (ss[-1]=='{'); // not prefix, fall through
+ else if (cc == '#') { // TODO ${#x[@]}
+ dd = !!strchr("@*", *ss); // For ${#@} or ${#*} do normal ${#}
+ ifs = getvar_special(ss-dd, jj, &kk, delete) ? : "";
+ if (!dd) push_arg(delete, ifs = xmprintf("%ld", strlen(ifs)));
+ // ${!@} ${!@Q} ${!x} ${!x@} ${!x@Q} ${!x#} ${!x[} ${!x[*]}
+ } else if (cc == '!') { // TODO: ${var[@]} array
+ // special case: normal varname followed by @} or *} = prefix list
+ if (ss[jj] == '*' || (ss[jj] == '@' && !isalpha(ss[jj+1]))) {
+ for (slice++, kk = 0; kk<TT.varslen; kk++) {
+ if (!strncmp(s = TT.vars[kk].str, ss, jj)) {
+ arg_add(&aa, s = xstrndup(s, stridx(s, '=')));
+ push_arg(delete, s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aa.c) push_arg(delete, (void *)aa.v);
+ // else dereference to get new varname, discarding if none, check err
+ } else {
+ // First expansion
+ if (strchr("@*", *ss)) { // special case ${!*}/${!@}
+ expand_arg_nobrace(&aa, "\"$*\"", NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, delete);
+ ifs = *aa.v;
+ free(aa.v);
+ memset(&aa, 0, sizeof(aa));
+ jj = 1;
+ } else ifs = getvar_special(ss, jj, &jj, delete);
+ slice = ss+jj;
+ // Second expansion
+ if (!jj) ifs = (void *)1;
+ else if (ifs && *(ss = ifs)) {
+ if (strchr("@*", cc)) {
+ aa.c = TT.arg->c-1;
+ aa.v = TT.arg->v+1;
+ jj = 1;
+ } else ifs = getvar_special(ifs, strlen(ifs), &jj, delete);
+ if (ss && ss[jj]) {
+ ifs = (void *)1;
+ slice = ss+strlen(ss);
+ }
+ }
- } else {
- ss = str+--ii;
- if (!(jj = varend(ss)-ss)) jj++;
- ii += jj;
+ // Substitution error?
+ if (ifs == (void *)1) {
+ if (!(((unsigned long)ifs)>>1)) ifs = "bad substitution";
+ error_msg("%.*s: %s", (int)(slice-ss), ss, ifs);
+ free(new);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else jj = 1;
+ // Resolve unprefixed variables
+ if (strchr("{$", ss[-1])) {
+ if (strchr("@*", cc)) {
+ aa.c = TT.arg->c-1;
+ aa.v = TT.arg->v+1;
+ } else {
+ ifs = getvar_special(ss, jj, &jj, delete);
+ if (!jj) {
+ if (ss[-1] == '{') goto barf;
+ new[oo++] = '$';
+ ii--;
+ continue;
+ } else if (ss[-1] != '{') ii += jj-1;
+ }
+ }
+ // combine before/ifs/after sections & split words on $IFS in ifs
+ // Fetch separator
+ *sep = 0;
+ if ((qq&1) && cc=='*') {
+ wchar_t wc;
+ if (flags&SEMI_IFS) strcpy(sep, " ");
+ else if (0<(dd = utf8towc(&wc, TT.ifs, 4)))
+ sprintf(sep, "%.*s", dd, TT.ifs);
+ }
+ // when aa proceed through entries until NULL, else process ifs once
+ mm = yy = 0;
+ do {
+ // get next argument
+ if (aa.c) ifs = aa.v[mm++] ? : "";
+ // Are we performing surgery on this argument?
+ if (slice && *slice != '}') {
+ dd = slice[xx = (*slice == ':')];
+ if (!ifs || (xx && !*ifs)) {
+ if (strchr("-?=", dd)) { // - use default = assign default ? error
+ push_arg(delete, ifs = slashcopy(slice+xx+1, '}'));
+ if (dd == '?' || (dd == '=' &&
+ !(setvar(s = xmprintf("%.*s=%s", (int)(slice-ss), ss, ifs)))))
+ goto barf;
+ }
+ // use alternate value
+ } else if (dd == '+') push_arg(delete, ifs = slashcopy(slice+xx+1,'}'));
+ else if (xx) { // ${x::}
+ long long la, lb, lc;
+// TODO don't redo math in loop
+ ss = slice+1;
+ la = do_math(&s);
+ if (s && *s == ':') {
+ s++;
+ lb = do_math(&s);
+ } else lb = LLONG_MAX;
+ if (s && *s != '}') {
+ error_msg("%.*s: bad '%c'", (int)(slice-ss), ss, *s);
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ if (!s) {
+ free(new);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // This isn't quite what bash does, but close enough.
+ if (!(lc = aa.c)) lc = strlen(ifs);
+ else if (!la && !yy && strchr("@*", slice[1])) {
+ aa.v--; // ${*:0} shows $0 even though default is 1-indexed
+ aa.c++;
+ yy++;
+ }
+ if (la<0 && (la += lc)<0) continue;
+ if (lb<0) lb = lc+lb-la;
+ if (aa.c) {
+ if (mm<la || mm>=la+lb) continue;
+ } else if (la>=lc || lb<0) ifs = "";
+ else if (la+lb>=lc) ifs += la;
+ else if (!*delete || ifs != (*delete)->arg)
+ push_arg(delete, ifs = xmprintf("%.*s", (int)lb, ifs+la));
+ else {
+ for (dd = 0; dd<lb ; dd++) if (!(ifs[dd] = ifs[dd+la])) break;
+ ifs[dd] = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+// TODO test ${-abc} as error
+ ifs = slice;
+ goto barf;
+ }
-// ${#nom} ${} ${x}
-// ${x:-y} use default
-// ${x:=y} assign default (error if positional)
-// ${x:?y} err if null
-// ${x:+y} alt value
-// ${x:off} ${x:off:len} off<0 from end (must ": -"), len<0 also from end must
-// 0-based indexing
-// ${@:off:len} positional parameters, off -1 = len, -len is error
-// 1-based indexing
-// ${!x} deref (does bad substitution if name has : in it)
-// ${!x*} ${!x@} names matching prefix
-// note: expands something other than arg->c
// ${x#y} remove shortest prefix ${x##y} remove longest prefix
// x can be @ or *
// ${x%y} ${x%%y} suffix
@@ -943,130 +1139,60 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO: do math for %.*s\n", kk, s);
// A=declare that recreates var a=attribute flags
// x can be @*
-// TODO: $_ is last arg of last command, and exported as path to exe run
- if (ifs);
- else if (cc == '-') {
- s = ifs = xmalloc(8);
- if (TT.options&OPT_I) *s++ = 'i';
- if (TT.options&OPT_BRACE) *s++ = 'B';
- if (TT.options&OPT_S) *s++ = 's';
- if (TT.options&OPT_C) *s++ = 'c';
- *s = 0;
- } else if (cc == '?') ifs = xmprintf("%d", toys.exitval);
- else if (cc == '$') ifs = xmprintf("%d", TT.pid);
- else if (cc == '#') ifs = xmprintf("%d", TT.arg->c?TT.arg->c-1:0);
- else if (cc == '!') ifs = xmprintf("%d"+2*!TT.bangpid, TT.bangpid);
- else if (cc == '*' || cc == '@') aa = TT.arg->v+1;
- else if (isdigit(cc)) {
- for (kk = ll = 0; kk<jj && isdigit(ss[kk]); kk++)
- ll = (10*ll)+ss[kk]-'0';
- if (ll) ll += TT.shift;
- if (ll<TT.arg->c) ifs = TT.arg->v[ll];
- nodel = 1;
- } else {
- if (ss == varend(ss)) {
- ii--;
- if (ss[-1] == '$') new[oo++] = '$';
- else ifs = (void *)1;
- } else ifs = getvar(ss);
- nodel = 1;
- }
- }
// TODO: $((a=42)) can change var, affect lifetime
// must replace ifs AND any previous output arg[] within pointer strlen()
-// TODO ${blah} here
- if (ifs == (void *)1) {
- error_msg("%.*s: bad substitution", (int)(s-(str+ii)+3), str+ii-2);
- free(new);
- return 1;
- }
- // combine before/ifs/after sections, splitting words on $IFS in ifs
- if (ifs || aa) {
- char sep[8];
- // If not gluing together, nothing to substitute, not quoted: do nothing
- if (!aa && !*ifs && !qq) continue;
- // Fetch separator
- *sep = 0;
- if ((qq&1) && cc=='*') {
- wchar_t wc;
- if (flags&SEMI_IFS) strcpy(sep, " ");
- else if (0<(dd = utf8towc(&wc, TT.ifs, 4)))
- sprintf(sep, "%.*s", dd, TT.ifs);
- // when aa proceed through entries until NULL, else process ifs once
+ // Nothing left to do?
+ if (!ifs) break;
+ if (!*ifs && !qq) continue;
+ // loop within current ifs checking region to split words
do {
- // get next argument, is this last entry, find end of word
- if (aa) {
- ifs = *aa ? : "";
- if (*aa) aa++;
- nodel = 1;
- }
+ // find end of (split) word
if (qq&1) ss = ifs+strlen(ifs);
- else for (ss = ifs; *ss; ss += kk)
- if ((ll = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &kk))) break;
- kk = !aa || !*aa;
- // loop within current ifs checking region to split words
- do {
- // fast path: use existing memory when no prefix, not splitting it,
- // and either not last entry or no suffix
- if (!oo && !*ss && (!kk || !str[ii]) && !((qq&1) && cc=='*')) {
- if (!qq && ss==ifs) break;
- arg_add_del(arg, ifs, nodel ? 0 : delete);
- nodel = 1;
- continue;
- }
+ else for (ss = ifs; *ss; ss += kk) if (utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &kk)) break;
- // resize allocation and copy next chunk of IFS-free data
- new = xrealloc(new, oo + (ss-ifs) + strlen(sep) +
- ((jj = kk && !*ss) ? strlen(str+ii) : 0) + 1);
- oo += sprintf(new + oo, "%.*s", (int)(ss-ifs), ifs);
- if (!nodel) free(ifs);
- nodel = 1;
- if (jj) break;
+ // when no prefix, not splitting, no suffix: use existing memory
+ if (!oo && !*ss && !((mm==aa.c) ? str[ii] : ((qq&1) && cc=='*'))) {
+ if (qq || ss!=ifs) arg_add(arg, ifs);
+ continue;
+ }
- // for single quoted "$*" append IFS
- if ((qq&1) && cc == '*') oo += sprintf(new+oo, "%s", sep);
+ // resize allocation and copy next chunk of IFS-free data
+ new = xrealloc(new, oo + (ss-ifs) + strlen(sep) +
+ ((jj = (mm == aa.c) && !*ss) ? strlen(str+ii) : 0) + 1);
+ oo += sprintf(new + oo, "%.*s", (int)(ss-ifs), ifs);
+ if (jj) break;
- // add argument if quoted, non-blank, or non-whitespace separator
- else {
- if (qq || *new || *ss) {
- arg_add_del(arg, new, nodel ? 0 : delete);
- nodel = 1;
- }
- qq &= 1;
- new = xstrdup(str+ii);
- oo = 0;
- }
+ // for double quoted "$*" append first separator from IFS
+ if ((qq&1) && cc == '*') oo += sprintf(new+oo, "%s", sep);
- // Skip trailing seperator (combining whitespace)
- while ((jj = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &ll)) && iswspace(jj)) ss += ll;
+ // finished arg: keep if quoted, non-blank, or non-whitespace separator
+ else {
+ if (qq || *new || *ss) arg_add(arg, xrealloc(new, strlen(new)+1));
+ qq &= 1;
+ new = xstrdup(str+ii);
+ oo = 0;
+ }
- } while (*(ifs = ss));
- } while (!kk);
- }
+ // Skip trailing seperator (combining whitespace)
+ while ((jj = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &ll))) {
+ ss += ll;
+ if (!iswspace(jj)) break;
+ }
+ } while (*(ifs = ss));
+ } while (!(mm == aa.c));
-// TODO globbing * ? [
+// TODO globbing * ? [] +() happens after variable resolution
-// Word splitting completely eliminating argument when no non-$IFS data left
+// TODO test word splitting completely eliminating argument when no non-$IFS data left
// wordexp keeps pattern when no matches
-// TODO NO_SPLIT cares about IFS, see also trailing \n
-// quote removal
+// TODO test NO_SPLIT cares about IFS, see also trailing \n
// Record result.
if (*new || qq)
@@ -1268,6 +1394,7 @@ static struct sh_process *expand_redir(struct sh_arg *arg, int envlen, int *urd)
pp = xzalloc(sizeof(struct sh_process));
pp->urd = urd;
+ pp->raw = arg;
// When we redirect, we copy each displaced filehandle to restore it later.
@@ -1515,8 +1642,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) { int i; dprintf(255, "envlen=%d arg->c=%d run=", envlen, arg->c); f
if (envlen == arg->c) {
for (jj = 0; jj<envlen; jj++) {
if (!(s = expand_one_arg(arg->v[jj], NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, 0))) break;
- if (s == arg->v[jj]) s = xstrdup(s);
- setvar(s);
+ setvar((s == arg->v[jj]) ? xstrdup(s) : s);
goto out;
@@ -1524,7 +1650,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) { int i; dprintf(255, "envlen=%d arg->c=%d run=", envlen, arg->c); f
// assign leading environment variables (if any) in temp environ copy
jj = 0;
env.v = 0;
- if (envlen) {
+ if (!pp->exit && envlen) {
for (env.c = 0; environ[env.c]; env.c++);
memcpy(env.v = xmalloc(sizeof(char *)*(env.c+33)), environ,
sizeof(char *)*(env.c+1));
@@ -2062,7 +2188,6 @@ TODO: a | b | c needs subshell for builtins?
when to auto-exec? ps vs sh -c 'ps' vs sh -c '(ps)'
TT.hfd = 10;
// iterate through pipeline segments
@@ -2230,7 +2355,7 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO skipped running for((;;)), need math parser\n");
// for && and || skip pipeline segment(s) based on return code
- if (pl->type == 1 || pl->type == 3)
+ if (!pl->type || pl->type == 3)
while (ctl && !strcmp(ctl, toys.exitval ? "&&" : "||"))
ctl = (pl = pl->type ? pl->end : pl->next)?pl->arg->v[pl->arg->c]:0;
@@ -2748,6 +2873,94 @@ void exec_main(void)
environ = old;
+// Find + and - jobs. Returns index of plus, writes minus to *minus
+int find_plus_minus(int *minus)
+ long long when, then;
+ int i, plus;
+ if (minus) *minus = 0;
+ for (then = i = plus = 0; i<TT.jobs.c; i++) {
+ if ((when = ((struct sh_process *)TT.jobs.v[i])->when) > then) {
+ then = when;
+ if (minus) *minus = plus;
+ plus = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return plus;
+// Return T.jobs index or -1 from identifier
+// Note, we don't return "ambiguous job spec", we return the first hit or -1.
+// TODO %% %+ %- %?ab
+int find_job(char *s)
+ char *ss;
+ long ll = strtol(s, &ss, 10);
+ int i, j;
+ if (!TT.jobs.c) return -1;
+ if (!*s || (!s[1] && strchr("%+-", *s))) {
+ int minus, plus = find_plus_minus(&minus);
+ return (*s == '-') ? minus : plus;
+ }
+ // Is this a %1 numeric jobspec?
+ if (s != ss && !*ss)
+ for (i = 0; i<TT.jobs.c; i++)
+ if (((struct sh_process *)TT.jobs.v[i])->job == ll) return i;
+ // Match start of command or %?abc
+ for (i = 0; i<TT.jobs.c; i++) {
+ struct sh_process *pp = (void *)TT.jobs.v[i];
+ if (strstart(&s, *pp->arg.v)) return i;
+ if (*s != '?' || !s[1]) continue;
+ for (j = 0; j<pp->arg.c; j++) if (strstr(pp->arg.v[j], s+1)) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+// We pass in dash to avoid looping over every job each time
+void print_job(int i, char dash)
+ struct sh_process *pp = (void *)TT.jobs.v[i];
+ char *s = "Run";
+ int j;
+// TODO Terminated (Exited)
+ if (pp->exit<0) s = "Stop";
+ else if (pp->exit>126) s = "Kill";
+ else if (pp->exit>0) s = "Done";
+ printf("[%d]%c %-6s", pp->job, dash, s);
+ for (j = 0; j<pp->raw->c; j++) printf(" %s"+!j, pp->raw->v[j]);
+ printf("\n");
+void jobs_main(void)
+ int i, j, minus, plus = find_plus_minus(&minus);
+ char *s;
+// TODO -lnprs
+ for (i = 0;;i++) {
+ if (toys.optc) {
+ if (!(s = toys.optargs[i])) break;
+ if ((j = find_job(s+('%' == *s))) == -1) {
+ perror_msg("%s: no such job", s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if ((j = i) >= TT.jobs.c) break;
+ print_job(i, (i == plus) ? '+' : (i == minus) ? '-' : ' ');
+ }
void shift_main(void)
long long by = 1;