path: root/www
diff options
authorElliott Hughes <enh@google.com>2018-10-04 14:00:30 -0700
committerRob Landley <rob@landley.net>2018-10-04 16:40:44 -0500
commit92b359f00057b741b58c093968b7267728ea56aa (patch)
tree764301164e27c84eea6ed17d70dac339893d17cc /www
parentb33d37d6f735f008c15a4acf86a66e0e9a6dbef6 (diff)
Add the current state of AOSP to the roadmap.
Diffstat (limited to 'www')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/roadmap.html b/www/roadmap.html
index 2d562ec1..0107a310 100755
--- a/www/roadmap.html
+++ b/www/roadmap.html
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ and progress towards implementing it.</p>
<li><a href=#sigh>Linux "Standard" Base</a></li>
<li><a href=#dev_env>Development Environment</a></li>
<li><a href=#android>Android Toolbox</a></li>
+<li><a href=#aosp>Building AOSP</a></li>
<li><a href=#tizen>Tizen Core</a></li>
<li><a href=#buildroot>buildroot</a></li>
<li>Miscelaneous: <a href=#klibc>klibc</a>, <a href=#glibc>glibc</a>,
@@ -359,6 +360,49 @@ mtools genvfatfs mke2fs gene2fs
<hr />
+<h2><a name=aosp /><a href="#aosp">Use case: Building AOSP</a></h2>
+<p>The list of external tools used to build AOSP is
+<a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/soong/+/master/ui/build/paths/config.go">here</a>.</p>
+awk basename bash bc bzip2 cat chmod cmp comm cp cut date dd diff dirname du
+echo egrep env expr find fuser getconf getopt git grep gzip head hexdump
+hostname id jar java javap ln ls lsof m4 make md5sum mkdir mktemp mv od openssl
+paste patch perl pgrep pkill ps pstree pwd python python2.7 python3 readlink
+realpath rm rmdir rsync runalarm sed setsid sh sha1sum sha256sum sha512sum
+sleep sort stat tar tail tee todos touch tr true uname uniq unix2dos unzip
+wc which whoami xargs xmllint xxd xz zip zipinfo
+<p>The following are already in the tree and will be used directly:</p>
+awk bzip2 jar java javap m4 make python python2.7 python3 xz
+<p>Subtracting what's already in toybox (including the following toybox toys
+that are still in pending: <code>bc dd diff expr gzip lsof tar tr</code>),
+that leaves:</p>
+bash fuser getopt git hexdump openssl perl pstree rsync runalarm sh todos
+unzip xmllint zip zipinfo
+<p>For AOSP, zip/zipinfo/unzip are likely to be libziparchive based. The only
+use of perl is building the kernel, runalarm is just for the Mac, all todos
+callers will use unix2dos instead if it's available. git/openssl/xmllint seem
+like they should just be brought in to the tree. That leaves:</p>
+bash fuser getopt hexdump pstree rsync
+<p>(Why are fuser and pstree used during the AOSP build? They're used for
+diagnostics if something goes wrong.)</p>
+<hr />
<h2><a name=tizen /><a href="#tizen">Use case: Tizen Core</a></h2>
<p>The Tizen project has expressed a desire to eliminate GPLv3 software