diff options
2 files changed, 264 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/tests/sh.test b/tests/sh.test
index 18e19a86..2fb341b3 100644
--- a/tests/sh.test
+++ b/tests/sh.test
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ rm -rf sub
testing "script file" "chmod +x input; ./input" "hello\n" "#!$C\necho hello" ""
-testing "IFS $*" "sh -c 'IFS=xy; echo \"\$*\"' one two tyree" "twoxtyree\n" \
+testing 'IFS $*' "sh -c 'IFS=xy; echo \"\$*\"' one two tyree" "twoxtyree\n" \
"" ""
# Change EVAL to call sh -c for us, using "bash" explicitly for the host.
diff --git a/toys/pending/sh.c b/toys/pending/sh.c
index 494ed123..142b150c 100644
--- a/toys/pending/sh.c
+++ b/toys/pending/sh.c
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void add_arg(struct arg_list **list, char *arg)
static void array_add_del(char ***list, unsigned count, char *data,
struct arg_list **delete)
- if (delete) add_arg(delete, data);
+ add_arg(delete, data);
array_add(list, count, data);
@@ -769,48 +769,12 @@ static int utf8chr(char *wc, char *chrs, int *len)
return 0;
-// find utf8 characters in utf string
-// if c return first char in chrs or null terminator (ala strcspn)
-// else return first char not in chars (ala strspn)
-static char *utf8spnc(char *str, char *chrs, int c)
- int ll, len;
- while (*str) {
- ll = utf8chr(str, chrs, &len);
- if (c ? ll : !ll) break;
- str += len;
- }
- return str;
-// glue together argument list with separator, plus pre/post sections
-static char *merge_args(char *pre, int argc, char *argv[], char *sep,
- int *len, char *post)
- int prlen = strlen(pre), polen = strlen(post)+1, jj = 1, kk = 0;
- char *s, *ss;
- while (jj<argc) kk += *len + strlen(argv[jj++]);
- s = ss = xmalloc(prlen+kk+polen);
- memcpy(s, pre, prlen);
- s += prlen;
- for (jj = 1; jj<argc; jj++) s += sprintf(s, "%s%s", argv[jj], sep);
- if (jj != 1) s -= *len;
- *len = s-ss;
- memcpy(s, post, polen);
- return ss;
#define NO_PATH (1<<0) // path expansion (wildcards)
#define NO_SPLIT (1<<1) // word splitting
#define NO_BRACE (1<<2) // {brace,expansion}
#define NO_TILDE (1<<3) // ~username/path
#define NO_QUOTE (1<<4) // quote removal
-#define FORCE_COPY (1<<31) // don't keep original, copy even if not modified
+#define SEMI_IFS (1<<5) // Use ' ' instead of IFS to combine $*
// TODO: parameter/variable $(command) $((math)) split pathglob
// TODO: ${name:?error} causes an error/abort here (syntax_err longjmp?)
// TODO: $1 $@ $* need args marshalled down here: function+structure?
@@ -819,11 +783,11 @@ static char *merge_args(char *pre, int argc, char *argv[], char *sep,
// flags = type of expansions (not) to do
// delete = append new allocations to this so they can be freed later
// TODO: at_args: $1 $2 $3 $* $@
-static void expand_arg_nobrace(struct sh_arg *arg, char *str, unsigned flags,
+static int expand_arg_nobrace(struct sh_arg *arg, char *str, unsigned flags,
struct arg_list **delete)
- char cc, qq = 0, *old = str, *new = str, *s, *ss, *ifs = 0, *del = 0;
- int at = 0, ii = 0, dd, jj, kk, ll, oo = 0;
+ char cc, qq = 0, *old = str, *new = str, *s, *ss, *ifs, **aa;
+ int ii = 0, dd, jj, kk, ll, oo = 0, nodel;
if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "expand %s\n", str);
@@ -869,6 +833,9 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "expand %s\n", str);
new = xstrdup(new);
new[oo = ii-1] = 0;
+ ifs = 0;
+ aa = 0;
+ nodel = 0;
// handle different types of escapes
if (cc == '\\') new[oo++] = str[ii] ? str[ii++] : cc;
@@ -915,115 +882,178 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO: do math for %.*s\n", kk, s);
// TODO what does \ in `` mean? What is echo `printf %s \$x` supposed to do?
if (!ss) jj = pipe_subshell(s, kk, 0);
- if ((ifs = del = readfd(jj, 0, &pp)))
+ if ((ifs = readfd(jj, 0, &pp)))
for (kk = strlen(ifs); kk && ifs[kk-1]=='\n'; ifs[--kk] = 0);
} else if (cc == '$') {
+ // parse $ $'' ${} or $VAR
+ cc = str[ii++];
+ if (cc=='\'') {
+ for (s = str+ii; *s != '\''; oo += wcrtomb(new+oo, unescape2(&s, 0),0));
+ ii = s-str+1;
+ continue;
+ } else if (cc == '{') {
+ cc = *(ss = str+ii);
+ if (!(jj = strchr(ss, '}')-ss)) ifs = (void *)1;
+ ii += jj+1;
+ if (jj>1) {
+ // handle ${!x} and ${#x}
+ if (*ss == '!') {
+ if (!(ss = getvar(ss+1)) || !*ss) continue;
+ jj = varend(ss)-ss;
+ if (ss[jj]) ifs = (void *)1;
+ } else if (*ss == '#') {
+ if (jj == 2 && (*ss == '@' || *ss == '*')) jj--;
+ else ifs = xmprintf("%ld", strlen(getvar(ss) ? : ""));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ss = str+--ii;
+ if (!(jj = varend(ss)-ss)) jj++;
+ ii += jj;
+ }
+// ${#nom} ${} ${x}
+// ${x:-y} use default
+// ${x:=y} assign default (error if positional)
+// ${x:?y} err if null
+// ${x:+y} alt value
+// ${x:off} ${x:off:len} off<0 from end (must ": -"), len<0 also from end must
+// 0-based indexing
+// ${@:off:len} positional parameters, off -1 = len, -len is error
+// 1-based indexing
+// ${!x} deref (does bad substitution if name has : in it)
+// ${!x*} ${!x@} names matching prefix
+// note: expands something other than arg->c
+// ${x#y} remove shortest prefix ${x##y} remove longest prefix
+// x can be @ or *
+// ${x%y} ${x%%y} suffix
+// ${x/pat/sub} substitute ${x//pat/sub} global ${x/#pat/sub} begin
+// ${x/%pat/sub} end ${x/pat} delete pat
+// x can be @ or *
+// ${x^pat} ${x^^pat} uppercase/g ${x,} ${x,,} lowercase/g (no pat = ?)
+// ${x@QEPAa} Q=$'blah' E=blah without the $'' wrap, P=expand as $PS1
+// A=declare that recreates var a=attribute flags
+// x can be @*
// TODO: $_ is last arg of last command, and exported as path to exe run
// TODO: $! is PID of most recent background job
- if (!(cc = str[ii++])) {
- new[oo++] = cc;
- break;
- } else if (cc == '-') {
- s = ifs = toybuf;
+ if (ifs);
+ else if (cc == '-') {
+ s = ifs = xmalloc(8);
if (TT.options&OPT_I) *s++ = 'i';
if (TT.options&OPT_BRACE) *s++ = 'B';
if (TT.options&OPT_S) *s++ = 's';
if (TT.options&OPT_C) *s++ = 'c';
*s = 0;
- } else if (cc == '?') ifs = del = xmprintf("%d", toys.exitval);
- else if (cc == '$') ifs = del = xmprintf("%d", TT.pid);
- else if (cc == '#') ifs = del = xmprintf("%d", TT.arg->c?TT.arg->c-1:0);
- else if (cc == '*' || cc == '@') {
- // If not doing word split, handle here
- if ((qq&1) && cc=='*') {
- char buf[8];
- wchar_t wc;
- new[oo] = 0;
- if (0>(oo = utf8towc(&wc, TT.ifs, 4))) oo = 0;
- memcpy(buf, TT.ifs, oo);
- buf[oo] = 0;
- s = merge_args(new, TT.arg->c, TT.arg->v, buf, &oo, str+ii);
- if (new != old) free(new);
- new = s;
- // otherwise hand off to IFS logic at end of loop.
- } else at = 1;
- } else if(isdigit(cc)) {
- for (kk = 0, ii--; isdigit(cc = str[ii]); ii++) kk = (10*kk)+cc-'0';
- if (kk) kk += TT.shift;
- if (kk<TT.arg->c) ifs = TT.arg->v[kk];
- } else if (cc=='\'') {
- for (s = str+ii; *s != '\''; oo += wcrtomb(new+oo, unescape2(&s, 0),0));
- ii = s-str+1;
- } else if (cc == '{') {
+ } else if (cc == '?') ifs = xmprintf("%d", toys.exitval);
+ else if (cc == '$') ifs = xmprintf("%d", TT.pid);
+ else if (cc == '#') ifs = xmprintf("%d", TT.arg->c?TT.arg->c-1:0);
+ else if (cc == '*' || cc == '@') aa = TT.arg->v+1;
+ else if (isdigit(cc)) {
+ for (kk = ll = 0; kk<jj && isdigit(ss[kk]); kk++)
+ ll = (10*ll)+ss[kk]-'0';
+ if (ll) ll += TT.shift;
+ if (ll<TT.arg->c) ifs = TT.arg->v[ll];
+ nodel = 1;
} else {
- s = varend(ss = str+--ii);
- if (!(jj = s-ss)) new[oo++] = '$';
-// TODO: $((a=42)) can change var, affect lifetime here
- else ifs = getvar(ss);
- ii += jj;
+ if (ss == varend(ss)) {
+ ii--;
+ if (ss[-1] == '$') new[oo++] = '$';
+ else ifs = (void *)1;
+ } else ifs = getvar(ss);
+ nodel = 1;
+// TODO: $((a=42)) can change var, affect lifetime
+// must replace ifs AND any previous output arg[] within pointer strlen()
+// TODO ${blah} here
+ if (ifs == (void *)1) {
+ error_msg("%.*s: bad substitution", (int)(s-(str+ii)+3), str+ii-2);
+ free(new);
+ return 1;
+ }
// combine before/ifs/after sections, splitting words on $IFS in ifs
- if (ifs || at) {
- if (!at && !*ifs && !qq) continue;
+ if (ifs || aa) {
+ char sep[8];
- // when at!=0, loop through argv for "$@". Otherwise process ifs as-is
+ // If not gluing together, nothing to substitute, not quoted: do nothing
+ if (!aa && !*ifs && !qq) continue;
+ // Fetch separator
+ *sep = 0;
+ if ((qq&1) && cc=='*') {
+ wchar_t wc;
+ if (flags&SEMI_IFS) strcpy(sep, " ");
+ else if (0<(dd = utf8towc(&wc, TT.ifs, 4)))
+ sprintf(sep, "%.*s", dd, TT.ifs);
+ }
+ // when aa proceed through entries until NULL, else process ifs once
do {
- // get next argument, is this last entry, first IFS separator character
- if (at) ifs = TT.arg->v[at++];
- kk = !at || at==TT.arg->c;
- ss = (qq&1) ? ifs+strlen(ifs) : utf8spnc(ifs, TT.ifs, 1);
+ // get next argument, is this last entry, find end of word
+ if (aa) {
+ ifs = *aa ? : "";
+ if (*aa) aa++;
+ nodel = 1;
+ }
+ if (qq&1) ss = ifs+strlen(ifs);
+ else for (ss = ifs; *ss; ss += kk)
+ if ((ll = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &kk))) break;
+ kk = !aa || !*aa;
- // loop within current ifs due to word break
+ // loop within current ifs checking region to split words
do {
- // fast path: no new allocation when no prefix, no separator,
+ // fast path: use existing memory when no prefix, not splitting it,
// and either not last entry or no suffix
- if (!oo && !*ss && (!kk || !str[ii])) {
+ if (!oo && !*ss && (!kk || !str[ii]) && !((qq&1) && cc=='*')) {
if (!qq && ss==ifs) break;
- dd = !!del;
- del = 0;
- } else {
- // combine prefix, ifs before separator, and suffix (as appropriate)
- ifs = xmprintf("%.*s%.*s%s", oo, new, ll = ss-ifs, ifs,
- (jj = (kk && !*ss)) ? str+ii : "");
- if (old != new) free(new);
- new = 0;
- dd = 1;
- if (jj) {
- oo += ll;
- new = ifs;
+ array_add_del(&arg->v, arg->c++, ifs, nodel ? 0 : delete);
+ nodel = 1;
- break;
- } else oo = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
- // combine whitespace separators
- while ((jj = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &ll)) && iswspace(jj)) ss += ll;
+ // resize allocation and copy next chunk of IFS-free data
+ new = xrealloc(new, oo + (ss-ifs) + strlen(sep) +
+ ((jj = kk && !*ss) ? strlen(str+ii) : 0) + 1);
+ oo += sprintf(new + oo, "%.*s", (int)(ss-ifs), ifs);
+ if (!nodel) free(ifs);
+ nodel = 1;
+ if (jj) break;
- // add argument if quoted, non-blank, or non-whitespace separator
- if (!qq && !*ifs && !*ss) {
- free(ifs);
+ // for single quoted "$*" append IFS
+ if ((qq&1) && cc == '*') oo += sprintf(new+oo, "%s", sep);
- continue;
+ // add argument if quoted, non-blank, or non-whitespace separator
+ else {
+ if (qq || *new || *ss) {
+ array_add_del(&arg->v, arg->c++, new, nodel ? 0 : delete);
+ nodel = 1;
+ qq &= 1;
+ new = xstrdup(str+ii);
+ oo = 0;
- array_add_del(&arg->v, arg->c++, ifs, dd ? delete : 0);
- qq &= 1;
+ // Skip trailing seperator (combining whitespace)
+ while ((jj = utf8chr(ss, TT.ifs, &ll)) && iswspace(jj)) ss += ll;
} while (*(ifs = ss));
} while (!kk);
- free(del);
- ifs = del = 0;
- at = 0;
@@ -1037,14 +1067,15 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO: do math for %.*s\n", kk, s);
// quote removal
// Record result.
- if (*new || qq) {
- if (old==new && (flags&FORCE_COPY)) new = xstrdup(new);
+ if (*new || qq)
array_add_del(&arg->v, arg->c++, new, (old != new) ? delete : 0);
- } else if(old != new) free(new);
+ else if(old != new) free(new);
+ return 0;
// expand braces (ala {a,b,c}) and call expand_arg_nobrace() each permutation
-static void expand_arg(struct sh_arg *arg, char *old, unsigned flags,
+static int expand_arg(struct sh_arg *arg, char *old, unsigned flags,
struct arg_list **delete)
struct brace {
@@ -1156,9 +1187,13 @@ static void expand_arg(struct sh_arg *arg, char *old, unsigned flags,
bb = (bnext == blist) ? 0 : bnext;
- // Save result
+ // Save result, aborting on expand error
add_arg(delete, ss);
- expand_arg_nobrace(arg, ss, flags, delete);
+ if (expand_arg_nobrace(arg, ss, flags, delete)) {
+ llist_traverse(blist, free);
+ return 1;
+ }
// increment
for (bb = blist->prev; bb; bb = (bb == blist) ? 0 : bb->prev) {
@@ -1168,11 +1203,14 @@ static void expand_arg(struct sh_arg *arg, char *old, unsigned flags,
// if increment went off left edge, done expanding
- if (!bb) return llist_traverse(blist, free);
+ if (!bb) break;
+ llist_traverse(blist, free);
+ return 0;
-// Expand exactly one arg, returning NULL if it split.
+// Expand exactly one arg, returning NULL on error.
static char *expand_one_arg(char *new, unsigned flags, struct arg_list **del)
struct sh_arg arg;
@@ -1180,9 +1218,8 @@ static char *expand_one_arg(char *new, unsigned flags, struct arg_list **del)
int i;
memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));
- expand_arg(&arg, new, flags, del);
- if (arg.c == 1) s = *arg.v;
- else if (!del) for (i = 0; i < arg.c; i++) free(arg.v[i]);
+ if (!expand_arg(&arg, new, flags, del) && arg.c == 1) s = *arg.v;
+ if (!del && !s) for (i = 0; i < arg.c; i++) free(arg.v[i]);
return s;
@@ -1269,8 +1306,11 @@ static struct sh_process *expand_redir(struct sh_arg *arg, int envlen, int *urd)
sss = ss + anystart(ss, (void *)redirectors);
if (ss == sss) {
// Nope: save/expand argument and loop
- expand_arg(&pp->arg, s, 0, &pp->delete);
+ if (expand_arg(&pp->arg, s, 0, &pp->delete)) {
+ pp->exit = 1;
+ return pp;
+ }
} else if (j+1 >= arg->c) {
// redirect needs one argument
@@ -1286,7 +1326,7 @@ static struct sh_process *expand_redir(struct sh_arg *arg, int envlen, int *urd)
if (strncmp(ss, "<<", 2) && ss[2] != '<' &&
!(sss = expand_one_arg(sss, NO_PATH, &pp->delete)))
- s = sss;
+ s = 0;
break; // arg splitting here is an error
@@ -1323,7 +1363,10 @@ static struct sh_process *expand_redir(struct sh_arg *arg, int envlen, int *urd)
// write contents to file (if <<< else <<) then lseek back to start
else if (ss[2] == '<') {
- if (x) sss = expand_one_arg(sss, NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, 0);
+ if (x && !(sss = expand_one_arg(sss, NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, 0))) {
+ s = 0;
+ break;
+ }
len = strlen(sss);
if (len != writeall(from, sss, len)) bad++;
if (x) free(sss);
@@ -1333,9 +1376,14 @@ static struct sh_process *expand_redir(struct sh_arg *arg, int envlen, int *urd)
for (i = 0; i<hh->c; i++) {
ss = hh->v[i];
sss = 0;
+// TODO audit this ala man page
// expand_parameter, commands, and arithmetic
- if (x) ss = sss = expand_one_arg(ss,
+ if (x && !(ss = sss = expand_one_arg(ss,
+ {
+ s = 0;
+ break;
+ }
while (zap && *ss == '\t') ss++;
x = writeall(from, ss, len = strlen(ss));
@@ -1442,7 +1490,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) { int i; dprintf(255, "envlen=%d arg->c=%d run=", envlen, arg->c); f
// perform assignments locally if there's no command
if (envlen == arg->c) {
for (j = 0; j<envlen; j++) {
- s = expand_one_arg(arg->v[j], NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, 0);
+ if (!(s = expand_one_arg(arg->v[j], NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, 0))) break;
if (s == arg->v[j]) s = xstrdup(s);
@@ -1500,7 +1548,8 @@ if (BUGBUG) { int i; dprintf(255, "envlen=%d arg->c=%d run=", envlen, arg->c); f
// assign leading environment variables
for (j = 0; j<envlen; j++) {
- sss = expand_one_arg(arg->v[j], NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, &pp->delete);
+ if (!(sss = expand_one_arg(arg->v[j], NO_PATH|NO_SPLIT, &pp->delete)))
+ break;
for (ll = 0; ll<kk; ll++) {
for (s = sss, ss = env[ll]; *s == *ss && *s != '='; s++, ss++);
if (*s != '=') continue;
@@ -1510,7 +1559,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) { int i; dprintf(255, "envlen=%d arg->c=%d run=", envlen, arg->c); f
if (ll == kk) array_add(&environ, kk++, sss);
- if (-1 == (pp->pid = xpopen_both(pp->arg.v, 0)))
+ if (j == envlen && -1 == (pp->pid = xpopen_both(pp->arg.v, 0)))
perror_msg("%s: vfork", *pp->arg.v);
// Restore environment variables
@@ -1540,8 +1589,9 @@ static void free_pipeline(void *pipeline)
struct sh_pipeline *pl = pipeline;
int i, j;
+ // free arguments and HERE doc contents
if (pl) for (j=0; j<=pl->count; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i<=pl->arg->c; i++) free(pl->arg[j].v[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i<=pl->arg[j].c; i++) free(pl->arg[j].v[i]);
@@ -1583,7 +1633,8 @@ dprintf(2, "stub add_function");
// 1 to request another line of input (> prompt), -1 for syntax err
static int parse_line(char *line, struct sh_function *sp)
- char *start = line, *delete = 0, *end, *last = 0, *s, *ex, done = 0;
+ char *start = line, *delete = 0, *end, *last = 0, *s, *ex, done = 0,
+ *tails[] = {"fi", "done", "esac", "}", "]]", ")", 0};
struct sh_pipeline *pl = sp->pipeline ? sp->pipeline->prev : 0;
struct sh_arg *arg = 0;
long i;
@@ -1632,6 +1683,8 @@ static int parse_line(char *line, struct sh_function *sp)
pl->count = 0;
arg = pl->arg;
+if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "{%d:%s}\n", pl->type, ex ? ex : (sp->expect ? "*" : ""));
// find arguments of the form [{n}]<<[-] with another one after it
for (i = 0; i<arg->c; i++) {
s = arg->v[i] + redir_prefix(arg->v[i]);
@@ -1665,7 +1718,7 @@ static int parse_line(char *line, struct sh_function *sp)
// Parse next word and detect overflow (too many nested quotes).
if ((end = parse_word(start, 0)) == (void *)1) goto flush;
-if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s]%c", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start, pl ? ' ' : '\n');
+if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s] ", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start);
// Is this a new pipeline segment?
if (!pl) {
pl = xzalloc(sizeof(struct sh_pipeline));
@@ -1782,9 +1835,10 @@ if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s]%c", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start, pl ? '
} else if (!memcmp(ex, "do\0C", 4)) {
if (strcmp(s, "do")) {
// can only have one "in" line between for/do, but not with for(())
- if (!pl->prev->type) goto flush;
+ if (pl->prev->type == 's') goto flush;
if (!strncmp(pl->prev->arg->v[1], "((", 2)) goto flush;
else if (strcmp(s, "in")) goto flush;
+ pl->type = 's';
@@ -1810,20 +1864,20 @@ if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s]%c", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start, pl ? '
else if (!strcmp(s, "(")) end = ")";
// Expecting NULL means a statement: I.E. any otherwise unrecognized word
- else if (sp->expect && !ex) {
- free(dlist_lpop(&sp->expect));
- continue;
- } else if (!ex) goto check;
+ if (!ex && sp->expect) free(dlist_lpop(&sp->expect));
- // Did we start a new statement?
+ // Did we start a new statement
if (end) {
pl->type = 1;
// Only innermost statement needed in { { { echo ;} ;} ;} and such
if (sp->expect && !sp->expect->prev->data) free(dlist_lpop(&sp->expect));
+ // if can't end a statement here skip next few tests
+ } else if (!ex);
// If we got here we expect a specific word to end this block: is this it?
- } else if (!strcmp(s, ex)) {
+ else if (!strcmp(s, ex)) {
// can't "if | then" or "while && do", only ; & or newline works
if (last && (strcmp(ex, "then") || strcmp(last, "&"))) {
s = end;
@@ -1831,8 +1885,7 @@ if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s]%c", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start, pl ? '
- pl->type = anystr(s, (char *[]){"fi", "done", "esac", "}", "]]", ")", 0})
- ? 3 : 2;
+ pl->type = anystr(s, tails) ? 3 : 2;
// if it's a multipart block, what comes next?
if (!strcmp(s, "do")) end = "done";
@@ -1854,15 +1907,15 @@ if (BUGBUG>1) dprintf(255, "[%.*s]%c", end ? (int)(end-start) : 0, start, pl ? '
- // Do we need to queue up the next thing to expect?
+ // Queue up the next thing to expect, all preceded by a statement
if (end) {
if (!pl->type) pl->type = 2;
dlist_add(&sp->expect, end);
- dlist_add(&sp->expect, 0); // they're all preceded by a statement
+ if (!anystr(end, tails)) dlist_add(&sp->expect, 0);
pl->count = -1;
// syntax error check: these can't be the first word in an unexpected place
if (!pl->type && anystr(s, (char *[]){"then", "do", "esac", "}", "]]", ")",
"done", "fi", "elif", "else", 0})) goto flush;
@@ -1970,21 +2023,39 @@ static struct sh_pipeline *skip_andor(int rc, struct sh_pipeline *pl)
return pl;
+struct blockstack {
+ struct blockstack *next;
+ struct sh_pipeline *start, *end;
+ struct sh_process *pin; // processes piping into this block
+ int run, loop, *urd, pout;
+ struct sh_arg farg; // for/select arg stack
+ struct arg_list *fdelete; // farg's cleanup list
+ char *fvar; // for/select's iteration variable name
+// when ending a block, free, cleanup redirects and pop stack.
+static struct sh_pipeline *pop_block(struct blockstack **blist, int *pout)
+ struct blockstack *blk = *blist;
+ struct sh_pipeline *pl = blk->end;
+ // when ending a block, free, cleanup redirects and pop stack.
+ if (*pout != -1) close(*pout);
+ *pout = blk->pout;
+ unredirect(blk->urd);
+ llist_traverse(blk->fdelete, free);
+ free(llist_pop(blist));
+ return pl;
// run a parsed shell function. Handle flow control blocks and characters,
// setup pipes and block redirection, break/continue, call builtins,
// vfork/exec external commands.
static void run_function(struct sh_pipeline *pl)
struct sh_pipeline *end;
- struct blockstack {
- struct blockstack *next;
- struct sh_pipeline *start, *end;
- struct sh_process *pin; // processes piping into this block
- int run, loop, *urd, pout;
- struct sh_arg farg; // for/select arg stack
- struct arg_list *fdelete; // farg's cleanup list
- char *fvar; // for/select's iteration variable name
- } *blk = 0, *new;
+ struct blockstack *blk = 0, *new;
struct sh_process *pplist = 0; // processes piping into current level
int *urd = 0, pipes[2] = {-1, -1};
long i;
@@ -2027,23 +2098,10 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "%d runtype=%d %s %s\n", getpid(), pl->type, s, ctl);
- i = atol(ss);
- if (!i) i++;
- while (i && blk) {
- if (--i && *s == 'c') {
- pl = blk->start;
- break;
- }
- pl = blk->end;
-// TODO collate end_block logic
- // if ending a block, free, cleanup redirects and pop stack.
- llist_traverse(blk->fdelete, free);
- unredirect(blk->urd);
- if (*pipes) close(*pipes);
- *pipes = blk->pout;
- free(llist_pop(&blk));
- }
+ while (i && blk)
+ if (!--i && *s == 'c') pl = blk->start;
+ else pl = pop_block(&blk, pipes);
if (i) {
syntax_err("break outside loop");
@@ -2072,6 +2130,7 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "%d runtype=%d %s %s\n", getpid(), pl->type, s, ctl);
// Start of flow control block?
} else if (pl->type == 1) {
struct sh_process *pp = 0;
+ int rc;
// are we entering this block (rather than looping back to it)?
if (!blk || blk->start != pl) {
@@ -2104,10 +2163,15 @@ if (BUGBUG) dprintf(255, "%d runtype=%d %s %s\n", getpid(), pl->type, s, ctl);
// Perform redirects listed at end of block
pp = expand_redir(end->arg, 1, blk->urd);
blk->urd = pp->urd;
+ rc = pp->exit;
if (pp->arg.c) {
- llist_traverse(pp->delete, free);
- free(pp);
+ rc = 1;
+ }
+ llist_traverse(pp->delete, free);
+ free(pp);
+ if (rc) {
+ toys.exitval = rc;
@@ -2125,12 +2189,17 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO skipped init for((;;)), need math parser\n");
} else {
// populate blk->farg with expanded arguments
- if (!pl->next->type) {
+ if (pl->next->type == 's') {
for (i = 1; i<pl->next->arg->c; i++)
- expand_arg(&blk->farg, pl->next->arg->v[i], 0, &blk->fdelete);
+ if (expand_arg(&blk->farg, pl->next->arg->v[i], 0, &blk->fdelete))
+ break;
+ if (i != pl->next->arg->c) {
+ pl = pop_block(&blk, pipes)->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // this can't fail
} else expand_arg(&blk->farg, "\"$@\"", 0, &blk->fdelete);
- if (!pl->next->type) pl = pl->next;
// TODO case/esac [[/]] (/) ((/)) function/}
@@ -2190,19 +2259,14 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO skipped running for((;;)), need math parser\n");
-// TODO goto "break" above instead of copying it here?
- // if ending a block, free, cleanup redirects, and pop stack.
- // needing to unredirect(urd) or close(pipes[0]) here would be syntax err
- llist_traverse(blk->fdelete, free);
- unredirect(blk->urd);
- *pipes = blk->pout;
- free(llist_pop(&blk));
+ pop_block(&blk, pipes);
} else if (pl->type == 'f') pl = add_function(s, pl);
pl = pl->next;
// did we exit with unfinished stuff?
+ // TODO: current context isn't packaged into a block, so can't just pop it
if (*pipes != -1) close(*pipes);
if (pplist) {
toys.exitval = wait_pipeline(pplist);
@@ -2211,30 +2275,21 @@ dprintf(2, "TODO skipped running for((;;)), need math parser\n");
// Cleanup from syntax_err();
- while (blk) {
- llist_traverse(blk->fdelete, free);
- unredirect(blk->urd);
- free(llist_pop(&blk));
- }
- return;
+ while (blk) pop_block(&blk, pipes);
// Parse and run a self-contained command line with no prompt/continuation
static int sh_run(char *new)
struct sh_function scratch;
- int rc;
// TODO switch the fmemopen for -c to use this? Error checking? $(blah)
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(struct sh_function));
if (!parse_line(new, &scratch)) run_function(scratch.pipeline);
- rc = toys.exitval;
- toys.exitval = 0;
- return rc;
+ return toys.exitval;
// Print prompt to stderr, parsing escapes
@@ -2441,10 +2496,9 @@ static void subshell_setup(void)
// This is not efficient, could array_add the local vars.
// TODO implicit exec when possible
- while ((s = xgetline(fp, 0))) to = sh_run(s);
+ while ((s = xgetline(fp, 0))) toys.exitval = sh_run(s);
- toys.exitval = to;
@@ -2538,8 +2592,6 @@ if (BUGBUG) dump_state(&scratch);
if (prompt) error_exit("%ld:unfinished line"+4*!TT.lineno, TT.lineno);
- toys.exitval = f && ferror(f);
- clearerr(stdout);
/********************* shell builtin functions *************************/
@@ -2549,26 +2601,15 @@ if (BUGBUG) dump_state(&scratch);
#include "generated/flags.h"
void cd_main(void)
- char *home = getvar("HOME"), *pwd = getvar("PWD"), *dd = 0, *from, *to,
- *dest = (*toys.optargs && **toys.optargs) ? *toys.optargs : "~";
+ char *home = getvar("HOME") ? : "/", *pwd = getvar("PWD"), *from, *to = 0,
+ *dd = xstrdup(*toys.optargs ? *toys.optargs : home);
int bad = 0;
// TODO: CDPATH? Really?
- if (!home) home = "/";
- // expand variables
- if (dest) dd = expand_one_arg(dest, FORCE_COPY|NO_SPLIT, 0);
-// TODO: no expand here
- if (!dd || !*dd) {
- free(dd);
- dd = xstrdup("/");
- }
// prepend cwd or $PWD to relative path
if (*dd != '/') {
- to = 0;
- from = pwd ? pwd : (to = getcwd(0, 0));
+ from = pwd ? : (to = getcwd(0, 0));
if (!from) setvarval("PWD", "(nowhere)");
else {
from = xmprintf("%s/%s", from, dd);
@@ -2675,10 +2716,13 @@ void export_main(void)
void eval_main(void)
- int len = 1;
+ struct sh_arg *old = TT.arg, new = {toys.argv, toys.optc+1};
char *s;
- sh_run(s = merge_args("", toys.optc+1, toys.argv, " ", &len, ""));
+ TT.arg = &new;
+ s = expand_one_arg("\"$*\"", SEMI_IFS, 0);
+ TT.arg = old;
+ sh_run(s);
@@ -2699,7 +2743,7 @@ void exec_main(void)
// exec, handling -acl
cc = *toys.optargs;
if (TT.exec.a || FLAG(l))
- *toys.optargs = xmprintf("%s%s", FLAG(l)?"-":"", TT.exec.a?TT.exec.a:cc);
+ *toys.optargs = xmprintf("%s%s", FLAG(l) ? "-" : "", TT.exec.a ? : cc);
if (strchr(cc, '/')) execve(cc, toys.optargs, env);
else for (sl = find_in_path(pp?:_PATH_DEFPATH, cc); sl; free(llist_pop(&sl)))
execve(sl->str, toys.optargs, env);