path: root/toys/posix
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1 files changed, 150 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/toys/posix/ps.c b/toys/posix/ps.c
index 6c3ed374..b06be429 100644
--- a/toys/posix/ps.c
+++ b/toys/posix/ps.c
@@ -260,37 +260,38 @@ struct strawberry {
/* The slot[] array is mostly populated from /proc/$PID/stat (kernel proc.txt
- * table 1-4) but we shift and repurpose fields, with the result being:
- *
- * 0 pid process id 1 ppid parent process id
- * 2 pgrp process group 3 sid session id
- * 4 tty_nr tty the process uses 5 tty_pgrp pgrp of the tty
- * 6 flags task flags 7 min_flt minor faults
- * 8 cmin_flt minor faults+child 9 maj_flt major faults
- * 10 cmaj_flt major faults+child 11 utime user+kernel jiffies
- * 12 stime kernel mode jiffies 13 cutime user jiffies+child
- * 14 cstime kernel mode jiffies+child 15 priority priority level
- * 16 nice nice level 17 num_threads number of threads
- * 18 vmlck locked memory 19 start_time jiffies after boot
- * 20 vsize virtual memory size 21 rss resident set size
- * 22 rsslim limit in bytes on rss 23 start_code code segment addr
- * 24 end_code code segment address 25 start_stack stack address
- * 26 esp current value of ESP 27 eip current value of EIP
- * 28 iobytes All I/O bytes 29 diobytes disk I/O bytes
- * 30 sigign bitmap of ignored signals 31 uid user id
- * 32 ruid real user id 33 gid group id
- * 34 rgid real group id 35 exit_signal sent to parent thread
- * 36 task_cpu CPU task is scheduled on 37 rt_priority realtime priority
- * 38 policy man sched_setscheduler 39 blkio_ticks spent wait block IO
- * 40 gtime guest jiffies of task 41 cgtime guest jiff of child
- * 42 start_data program data+bss address 43 end_data program data+bss
- * 44 upticks 46-19 (divisor for %) 45 argv0len argv[0] length
- * 46 uptime sysinfo.uptime @read time 47 vsz Virtual Size
- * 48 rss Resident Set Size 49 shr Shared memory
- * 50 rchar All bytes read 51 wchar All bytes written
- * 52 rbytes Disk bytes read 53 rbytes Disk bytes written
- * 54 swap Swap pages used
- */
+ * table 1-4) but we shift and repurpose fields, with the result being: */
+enum {
+ SLOT_pid, /*process id*/ SLOT_ppid, // parent process id
+ SLOT_pgrp, /*process group*/ SLOT_sid, // session id
+ SLOT_ttynr, /*tty the process uses*/ SLOT_ttypgrp, // pgrp of the tty
+ SLOT_flags, /*task flags*/ SLOT_minflt, // minor faults
+ SLOT_cminflt, /*minor faults+child*/ SLOT_majflt, // major faults
+ SLOT_cmajflt, /*major faults+child*/ SLOT_utime, // user+kernel jiffies
+ SLOT_stime, /*kernel mode jiffies*/ SLOT_cutime, // utime+child
+ SLOT_cstime, /*stime+child*/ SLOT_priority, // priority level
+ SLOT_nice, /*nice level*/ SLOT_numthreads,// thread count
+ SLOT_vmlck, /*locked memory*/ SLOT_starttime, // jiffies after boot
+ SLOT_vsize, /*virtual memory size*/ SLOT_rss, // resident set size
+ SLOT_rsslim, /*limit in bytes on rss*/ SLOT_startcode, // code segment addr
+ SLOT_endcode, /*code segment address*/ SLOT_startstack,// stack address
+ SLOT_esp, /*task stack pointer*/ SLOT_eip, // instruction pointer
+ SLOT_iobytes, /*All I/O bytes*/ SLOT_diobytes, // disk I/O bytes
+ SLOT_utime2, /*relative utime (top)*/ SLOT_uid, // user id
+ SLOT_ruid, /*real user id*/ SLOT_gid, // group id
+ SLOT_rgid, /*real group id*/ SLOT_exitsig, // sent to parent
+ SLOT_taskcpu, /*CPU running on*/ SLOT_rtprio, // realtime priority
+ SLOT_policy, /*man sched_setscheduler*/SLOT_blkioticks,// IO wait time
+ SLOT_gtime, /*guest jiffies of task*/ SLOT_cgtime, // gtime+child
+ SLOT_startbss, /*data/bss address*/ SLOT_endbss, // end addr data+bss
+ SLOT_upticks, /*46-19 (divisor for %)*/ SLOT_argv0len, // argv[0] length
+ SLOT_uptime, /*si.uptime @read time*/ SLOT_vsz, // Virtual mem Size
+ SLOT_rss2, /*Resident Set Size*/ SLOT_shr, // Shared memory
+ SLOT_rchar, /*All bytes read*/ SLOT_wchar, // All bytes written
+ SLOT_rbytes, /*Disk bytes read*/ SLOT_wbytes, // Disk bytes written
+ SLOT_swap, /*Swap pages used*/
// Data layout in toybuf
struct carveup {
@@ -306,39 +307,52 @@ struct typography {
char *name;
signed char width, slot;
} static const typos[] = TAGGED_ARRAY(PS,
- // SCHED
- {"PID", 5, 0}, {"PPID", 5, 1}, {"PRI", 3, 15}, {"NI", 3, 16},
- {"ADDR", 4+sizeof(long), 27}, {"SZ", 5, 20}, {"RSS", 5, 21}, {"PGID", 5, 2},
- {"VSZ", 6, 20}, {"MAJFL", 6, 9}, {"MINFL", 6, 7}, {"PR", 2, 15},
- {"PSR", 3, 36}, {"RTPRIO", 6, 37}, {"SCH", 3, 38}, {"CPU", 1, 36},
- {"UID", 5, 31}, {"USER", -8, 64|31}, {"RUID", 4, 32}, {"RUSER", -8, 64|32},
- {"GID", 8, 33}, {"GROUP", -8, 64|33}, {"RGID", 4, 34}, {"RGROUP", -8, 64|34},
+ // Numbers
+ {"PID", 5, SLOT_pid}, {"PPID", 5, SLOT_ppid}, {"PRI", 3, SLOT_priority},
+ {"NI", 3, SLOT_nice}, {"ADDR", 4+sizeof(long), SLOT_eip},
+ {"SZ", 5, SLOT_vsize}, {"RSS", 5, SLOT_rss}, {"PGID", 5, SLOT_pgrp},
+ {"VSZ", 6, SLOT_vsize}, {"MAJFL", 6, SLOT_majflt}, {"MINFL", 6, SLOT_minflt},
+ {"PR", 2, SLOT_priority}, {"PSR", 3, SLOT_taskcpu},
+ {"RTPRIO", 6, SLOT_rtprio}, {"SCH", 3, SLOT_policy}, {"CPU", 3, SLOT_taskcpu},
+ // String fields
{"COMM", -15, -1}, {"TTY", -8, -2}, {"WCHAN", -6, -3}, {"LABEL", -30, -4},
{"COMMAND", -27, -5}, {"CMDLINE", -27, -6}, {"ARGS", -27, -6},
{"NAME", -15, -6}, {"CMD", -27, -1},
- {"TIME", 8, 11}, {"ELAPSED", 11, 19}, {"TIME+", 9, 11},
+ // user/group
+ {"UID", 5, SLOT_uid}, {"USER", -8, 64|SLOT_uid}, {"RUID", 4, SLOT_ruid},
+ {"RUSER", -8, 64|SLOT_ruid}, {"GID", 8, SLOT_gid}, {"GROUP", -8, 64|SLOT_gid},
+ {"RGID", 4, SLOT_rgid}, {"RGROUP", -8, 64|SLOT_rgid},
+ // clock displays
+ {"TIME", 8, SLOT_utime}, {"ELAPSED", 11, SLOT_starttime},
+ {"TIME+", 9, SLOT_utime},
+ // Percentage displays
+ {"C", 1, SLOT_utime2}, {"%VSZ", 5, SLOT_vsize}, {"%MEM", 5, SLOT_rss},
+ {"%CPU", 4, SLOT_utime2},
+ // human_readable
+ {"VIRT", 4, SLOT_vsz}, {"RES", 4, SLOT_rss2},
+ {"SHR", 4, SLOT_shr}, {"READ", 6, SLOT_rchar}, {"WRITE", 6, SLOT_wchar},
+ {"IO", 6, SLOT_iobytes}, {"DREAD", 6, SLOT_rbytes},
+ {"DWRITE", 6, SLOT_wbytes}, {"SWAP", 6, SLOT_swap}, {"DIO", 6, SLOT_diobytes},
+ // Misc
+ {"STIME", 5, SLOT_starttime}, {"F", 1, 64|SLOT_flags}, {"S", -1, 64},
+ {"STAT", -5, 64},
- // Remaining ungrouped
- {"STIME", 5, 19}, {"F", 1, 64|6}, {"S", -1, 64}, {"C", 1, 64|11}, {"%CPU", 4, 64|11},
- {"STAT", -5, 64}, {"%VSZ", 5, 20}, {"VIRT", 4, 47}, {"RES", 4, 48},
- {"SHR", 4, 49}, {"READ", 6, 50}, {"WRITE", 6, 51}, {"IO", 6, 28},
- {"DREAD", 6, 52}, {"DWRITE", 6, 53}, {"SWAP", 6, 54}, {"DIO", 6, 29},
- {"%MEM", 5, 21}
// Return 0 to discard, nonzero to keep
static int shared_match_process(long long *slot)
struct ptr_len match[] = {
- {&TT.gg, 33}, {&TT.GG, 34}, {&TT.pp, 0}, {&TT.PP, 1}, {&TT.ss, 3},
- {&TT.tt, 4}, {&TT.uu, 31}, {&TT.UU, 32}
+ {&TT.gg, SLOT_gid}, {&TT.GG, SLOT_rgid}, {&TT.pp, SLOT_pid},
+ {&TT.PP, SLOT_ppid}, {&TT.ss, SLOT_sid}, {&TT.tt, SLOT_ttynr},
+ {&TT.uu, SLOT_uid}, {&TT.UU, SLOT_ruid}
int i, j;
long *ll = 0;
@@ -366,10 +380,10 @@ static int ps_match_process(long long *slot)
if (!i) return 0;
// Filter implicit categories for other display types
- if ((toys.optflags&(FLAG_a|FLAG_d)) && slot[3]==*slot) return 0;
- if ((toys.optflags&FLAG_a) && !slot[4]) return 0;
- if (!(toys.optflags&(FLAG_a|FLAG_d|FLAG_A|FLAG_e)) && TT.tty!=slot[4])
- return 0;
+ if ((toys.optflags&(FLAG_a|FLAG_d)) && slot[SLOT_sid]==*slot) return 0;
+ if ((toys.optflags&FLAG_a) && !slot[SLOT_ttynr]) return 0;
+ if (!(toys.optflags&(FLAG_a|FLAG_d|FLAG_A|FLAG_e))
+ && TT.tty!=slot[SLOT_ttynr]) return 0;
return 1;
@@ -381,8 +395,8 @@ static char *string_field(struct carveup *tb, struct strawberry *field)
int which = field->which, sl = typos[which].slot;
long long *slot = tb->slot, ll = (sl >= 0) ? slot[sl&63] : 0;
- if (which <= PS_SCH) {
+ // numbers, mostly from /proc/$PID/stat
+ if (which <= PS_CPU) {
char *fmt = "%lld";
if (which==PS_PRI) ll = 39-ll;
@@ -394,7 +408,18 @@ static char *string_field(struct carveup *tb, struct strawberry *field)
else if (which==PS_RTPRIO && ll == 0) fmt="-";
sprintf(out, fmt, ll);
+ // String fields
+ } else if (sl < 0) {
+ if (slot[SLOT_argv0len])
+ tb->str[tb->offset[4]+slot[SLOT_argv0len]] = (which==PS_NAME) ? 0 : ' ';
+ out = tb->str;
+ sl *= -1;
+ if (--sl) out += tb->offset[--sl];
+ if (which==PS_ARGS)
+ for (s = out; *s && *s != ' '; s++) if (*s == '/') out = s+1;
+ if (which>=PS_COMMAND && !*out) sprintf(out = buf, "[%s]", tb->str);
+ // user/group
} else if (which <= PS_RGROUP) {
sprintf(out, "%lld", ll);
if (sl&64) {
@@ -409,25 +434,15 @@ static char *string_field(struct carveup *tb, struct strawberry *field)
- } else if (sl < 0) {
- if (slot[45])
- tb->str[tb->offset[4]+slot[45]] = (which == PS_NAME) ? 0 : ' ';
- out = tb->str;
- sl *= -1;
- if (--sl) out += tb->offset[--sl];
- if (which==PS_ARGS)
- for (s = out; *s && *s != ' '; s++) if (*s == '/') out = s+1;
- if (which>=PS_COMMAND && !*out) sprintf(out = buf, "[%s]", tb->str);
+ // Clock displays
} else if (which <= PS_TIME_) {
int unit = 60, pad = 2, j = TT.ticks;
time_t seconds;
if (which!=PS_TIME_) unit *= 60*24;
else pad = 0;
- // top adjusts slot[44], we want original meaning.
- if (which==PS_ELAPSED) ll = (slot[46]*j)-slot[19];
+ // top adjusts slot[SLOT_upticks], we want original meaning.
+ if (which==PS_ELAPSED) ll = (slot[SLOT_uptime]*j)-slot[SLOT_starttime];
seconds = ll/j;
// Output days-hours:mins:secs, skipping non-required fields with zero
@@ -445,23 +460,41 @@ static char *string_field(struct carveup *tb, struct strawberry *field)
if (which==PS_TIME_ && s-out<8)
sprintf(s, ".%02lld", (100*(ll%TT.ticks))/TT.ticks);
+ // Percentage displays
+ } else if (which <= PS__CPU) {
+ ll = slot[sl&63]*1000;
+ if (which==PS__VSZ || which==PS__MEM)
+ ll /= TT.si.totalram/((which==PS__VSZ) ? 1024 : 4096);
+ else if (slot[SLOT_upticks]) ll /= slot[SLOT_upticks];
+ sl = ll;
+ if (which==PS_C) sl += 5;
+ sprintf(out, "%d", sl/10);
+ if (which!=PS_C && sl<1000) sprintf(out+strlen(out), ".%d", sl%10);
+ // Human readable
+ } else if (which <= PS_DIO) {
+ ll = slot[typos[which].slot];
+ if (which <= PS_SHR) ll *= sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+ if (TT.forcek) sprintf(out, "%lldk", ll/1024);
+ else human_readable(out, ll, 0);
// Posix doesn't specify what flags should say. Man page says
// 1 for PF_FORKNOEXEC and 4 for PF_SUPERPRIV from linux/sched.h
- } else if (which==PS_F) sprintf(out, "%llo", (slot[6]>>6)&5);
+ } else if (which==PS_F) sprintf(out, "%llo", (slot[SLOT_flags]>>6)&5);
else if (which==PS_S || which==PS_STAT) {
s = out;
*s++ = tb->state;
if (which==PS_STAT) {
// TODO l = multithreaded
- if (slot[16]<0) *s++ = '<';
- else if (slot[16]>0) *s++ = 'N';
- if (slot[3]==*slot) *s++ = 's';
- if (slot[18]) *s++ = 'L';
- if (slot[5]==*slot) *s++ = '+';
+ if (slot[SLOT_nice]<0) *s++ = '<';
+ else if (slot[SLOT_nice]>0) *s++ = 'N';
+ if (slot[SLOT_sid]==*slot) *s++ = 's';
+ if (slot[SLOT_vmlck]) *s++ = 'L';
+ if (slot[SLOT_ttypgrp]==*slot) *s++ = '+';
*s = 0;
} else if (which==PS_STIME) {
- time_t t = time(0)-slot[46]+slot[19]/TT.ticks;
+ time_t t = time(0)-slot[SLOT_uptime]+slot[SLOT_starttime]/TT.ticks;
// Padding behavior's a bit odd: default field size is just hh:mm.
// Increasing stime:size reveals more data at left until full,
@@ -470,20 +503,7 @@ static char *string_field(struct carveup *tb, struct strawberry *field)
strftime(out, 260, "%F %T", localtime(&t));
out = out+strlen(out)-3-abs(field->len);
if (out<buf) out = buf;
- } else if (strchr((char []){PS_C,PS__CPU,PS__VSZ,PS__MEM,0}, which)) {
- ll = slot[sl&63]*1000;
- if (which==PS__VSZ || which==PS__MEM)
- ll /= TT.si.totalram/((which==PS__VSZ) ? 1024 : 4096);
- else if (slot[44]) ll /= slot[44];
- sl = ll;
- if (which==PS_C) sl += 5;
- sprintf(out, "%d", sl/10);
- if (which!=PS_C && sl<1000) sprintf(out+strlen(out), ".%d", sl%10);
- } else if (which>=PS_VIRT && which <= PS_DIO) {
- ll = slot[typos[which].slot];
- if (which <= PS_SHR) ll *= sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
- if (TT.forcek) sprintf(out, "%lldk", ll/1024);
- else human_readable(out, ll, 0);
} else if (CFG_TOYBOX_DEBUG) error_exit("bad which %d", which);
return out;
@@ -553,7 +573,7 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
for (s = ++name; *s; s++) if (*s == ')') end = s;
if (!end || end-name>255) return 0;
- // Parse numeric fields (starting at 4th field in slot[1])
+ // Parse numeric fields (starting at 4th field in slot[SLOT_ppid])
if (1>sscanf(s = end, ") %c%n", &tb->state, &i)) return 0;
for (j = 1; j<50; j++) if (1>sscanf(s += i, " %lld%n", slot+j, &i)) break;
@@ -569,11 +589,12 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
// save uid, ruid, gid, gid, and rgid int slots 31-34 (we don't use sigcatch
// or numeric wchan, and the remaining two are always zero), and vmlck into
// 18 (which is "obsolete, always 0" from stat)
- slot[31] = new->st.st_uid;
- slot[33] = new->st.st_gid;
+ slot[SLOT_uid] = new->st.st_uid;
+ slot[SLOT_gid] = new->st.st_gid;
// TIME and TIME+ use combined value, ksort needs 'em added.
- slot[11] += slot[12];
+ slot[SLOT_utime] += slot[SLOT_stime];
+ slot[SLOT_utime2] = slot[SLOT_utime];
// If RGROUP RUSER STAT RUID RGID SWAP happening, or -G or -U, parse "status"
// and save ruid, rgid, and vmlck.
@@ -585,11 +606,11 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
sprintf(buf, "%lld/status", *slot);
if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
s = strafter(buf, "\nUid:");
- slot[32] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_uid;
+ slot[SLOT_ruid] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_uid;
s = strafter(buf, "\nGid:");
- slot[34] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_gid;
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmLck:"))) slot[18] = atoll(s);
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmSwap:"))) slot[54] = atoll(s);
+ slot[SLOT_rgid] = s ? atol(s) : new->st.st_gid;
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmLck:"))) slot[SLOT_vmlck] = atoll(s);
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "\nVmSwap:"))) slot[SLOT_swap] = atoll(s);
// Do we need to read "io"?
@@ -598,12 +619,12 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
sprintf(buf, "%lld/io", *slot);
if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "rchar:"))) slot[50] = atoll(s);
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "wchar:"))) slot[51] = atoll(s);
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "read_bytes:"))) slot[52] = atoll(s);
- if ((s = strafter(buf, "write_bytes:"))) slot[53] = atoll(s);
- slot[28] = slot[50]+slot[51]+slot[54];
- slot[29] = slot[52]+slot[53]+slot[54];
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "rchar:"))) slot[SLOT_rchar] = atoll(s);
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "wchar:"))) slot[SLOT_wchar] = atoll(s);
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "read_bytes:"))) slot[SLOT_rbytes] = atoll(s);
+ if ((s = strafter(buf, "write_bytes:"))) slot[SLOT_wbytes] = atoll(s);
+ slot[SLOT_iobytes] = slot[SLOT_rchar]+slot[SLOT_wchar]+slot[SLOT_swap];
+ slot[SLOT_diobytes] = slot[SLOT_rbytes]+slot[SLOT_wbytes]+slot[SLOT_swap];
// We now know enough to skip processes we don't care about.
@@ -612,7 +633,8 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
// /proc data is generated as it's read, so for maximum accuracy on slow
// systems (or ps | more) we re-fetch uptime as we fetch each /proc line.
- slot[44] = ((slot[46] = TT.si.uptime)*TT.ticks) - slot[19];
+ slot[SLOT_uptime] = TT.si.uptime;
+ slot[SLOT_upticks] = slot[SLOT_uptime]*TT.ticks - slot[SLOT_rss];
// Do we need to read "statm"?
if (TT.bits&(_PS_VIRT|_PS_RES|_PS_SHR)) {
@@ -622,7 +644,7 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
if (!readfileat(fd, buf, buf, &temp)) *buf = 0;
for (s = buf, i=0; i<3; i++)
- if (!sscanf(s, " %lld%n", slot+47+i, &j)) slot[47+i] = 0;
+ if (!sscanf(s, " %lld%n", slot+SLOT_vsz+i, &j)) slot[SLOT_vsz+i] = 0;
else s += j;
@@ -630,7 +652,7 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
// (There's well over 3k of toybuf left. We could dynamically malloc, but
// it'd almost never get used, querying length of a proc file is awkward,
// fixed buffer is nommu friendly... Wait for somebody to complain. :)
- slot[45] = 0;
+ slot[SLOT_argv0len] = 0;
for (j = 0; j<ARRAY_LEN(fetch); j++) {
tb->offset[j] = buf-(tb->str);
if (!(TT.bits&fetch[j].bits)) {
@@ -651,7 +673,7 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
// If it's not the TTY field, data we want is in a file.
// Last length saved in slot[] is command line (which has embedded NULs)
} else if (!j) {
- int rdev = slot[4];
+ int rdev = slot[SLOT_ttynr];
struct stat st;
// Call no tty "?" rather than "0:0".
@@ -717,7 +739,7 @@ static int get_ps(struct dirtree *new)
len = temp; // position of _first_ NUL
} else *buf = len = 0;
// Store end of argv[0] so NAME and CMDLINE can differ.
- slot[45] = len;
+ slot[SLOT_argv0len] = len;
buf += strlen(buf)+1;
@@ -819,9 +841,6 @@ static char *parse_rest(void *data, char *str, int len)
char *end;
int num = 0;
- // numeric: -p, -s
- // gg, GG, pp, ss, tt, uu, UU, *parsing;
// Allocate next chunk of data
if (!(15&pl->len))
ll = pl->ptr = xrealloc(pl->ptr, sizeof(long)*(pl->len+16));
@@ -897,23 +916,25 @@ static int ksort(void *aa, void *bb)
struct carveup *ta = *(struct carveup **)aa, *tb = *(struct carveup **)bb;
int ret = 0, slot;
- for (field = TT.kfields; field; field = field->next) {
+ for (field = TT.kfields; field && !ret; field = field->next) {
slot = typos[field->which].slot;
- // Compare as strings?
- if (slot&64) {
- memccpy(toybuf, string_field(ta, field), 0, 2048);
- toybuf[2048] = 0;
- ret = strcmp(toybuf, string_field(tb, field));
- } else {
+ // Can we do numeric sort?
+ if (!(slot&64)) {
if (ta->slot[slot]<tb->slot[slot]) ret = -1;
if (ta->slot[slot]>tb->slot[slot]) ret = 1;
- if (ret) return ret*field->reverse;
+ // fallback to string sort
+ if (!ret) {
+ memccpy(toybuf, string_field(ta, field), 0, 2048);
+ toybuf[2048] = 0;
+ ret = strcmp(toybuf, string_field(tb, field));
+ }
+ ret *= field->reverse;
- return 0;
+ return ret;
static struct carveup **collate(int count, struct dirtree *dt,
@@ -1078,7 +1099,8 @@ static void setsort(int pos)
// because we free it after displaying.
static int merge_deltas(long long *oslot, long long *nslot)
- char deltas[] = {11,28,29,44,50,51,52,53,54};
+ char deltas[] = {SLOT_utime2, SLOT_iobytes, SLOT_diobytes, SLOT_upticks,
+ SLOT_rchar, SLOT_wchar, SLOT_rbytes, SLOT_wbytes, SLOT_swap};
int i;
for (i = 0; i<ARRAY_LEN(deltas); i++)
@@ -1165,6 +1187,7 @@ static void top_common(char *header,
char was, is, *pos;
qsort(mix.tb, mix.count, sizeof(struct carveup *), (void *)ksort);
if (!(toys.optflags&FLAG_b)) printf("\033[H\033[J");
if (!(toys.optflags&FLAG_q)) {
i = 0;
@@ -1258,7 +1281,7 @@ static int iotop_filter(long long *oslot, long long *nslot)
if (!(toys.optflags&FLAG_a)) merge_deltas(oslot, nslot);
- return !(toys.optflags&FLAG_o) || oslot[28+!(toys.optflags&FLAG_A)];
+ return !(toys.optflags&FLAG_o) || oslot[SLOT_iobytes+!(toys.optflags&FLAG_A)];
void iotop_main(void)