path: root/toys
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Diffstat (limited to 'toys')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toys/pending/dd.c b/toys/pending/dd.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c3ca654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toys/pending/dd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* dd.c - program to convert and copy a file.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Ashwini Kumar <ak.ashwini@gmail.com>
+ * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <asura321@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * See http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/dd.html
+config DD
+ bool "dd"
+ default n
+ help
+ usage: dd [if=FILE] [of=FILE] [ibs=N] [obs=N] [bs=N] [count=N] [skip=N]
+ [seek=N] [conv=notrunc|noerror|sync|fsync]
+ Options:
+ if=FILE Read from FILE instead of stdin
+ of=FILE Write to FILE instead of stdout
+ bs=N Read and write N bytes at a time
+ ibs=N Read N bytes at a time
+ obs=N Write N bytes at a time
+ count=N Copy only N input blocks
+ skip=N Skip N input blocks
+ seek=N Skip N output blocks
+ conv=notrunc Don't truncate output file
+ conv=noerror Continue after read errors
+ conv=sync Pad blocks with zeros
+ conv=fsync Physically write data out before finishing
+ Numbers may be suffixed by c (x1), w (x2), b (x512), kD (x1000), k (x1024),
+ MD (x1000000), M (x1048576), GD (x1000000000) or G (x1073741824)
+ Copy a file, converting and formatting according to the operands.
+#define FOR_dd
+#include "toys.h"
+ int sig;
+#define C_CONV 0x0000
+#define C_BS 0x0001
+#define C_COUNT 0x0002
+#define C_IBS 0x0004
+#define C_OBS 0x0008
+#define C_IF 0x0010
+#define C_OF 0x0020
+#define C_SEEK 0x0040
+#define C_SKIP 0x0080
+#define C_SYNC 0x0100
+#define C_FSYNC 0x0200
+#define C_NOERROR 0x0400
+#define C_NOTRUNC 0x0800
+struct io {
+ char *name;
+ int fd;
+ unsigned char *buff, *bp;
+ long sz, count;
+ unsigned long long offset;
+struct iostat {
+ unsigned long long in_full, in_part, out_full, out_part, bytes;
+ struct timeval start;
+struct pair {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned val;
+static struct pair suffixes[] = {
+ { "c", 1 }, { "w", 2 }, { "b", 512 },
+ { "kD", 1000 }, { "k", 1024 }, { "K", 1024 },
+ { "MD", 1000000 }, { "M", 1048576 },
+ { "GD", 1000000000 }, { "G", 1073741824 }
+static struct pair clist[] = {
+ { "fsync", C_FSYNC },
+ { "noerror", C_NOERROR },
+ { "notrunc", C_NOTRUNC },
+ { "sync", C_SYNC },
+static struct pair operands[] = {
+ // keep the array sorted by name, bsearch() can be used.
+ { "bs", C_BS },
+ { "conv", C_CONV },
+ { "count", C_COUNT},
+ { "ibs", C_IBS },
+ { "if", C_IF },
+ { "obs", C_OBS },
+ { "of", C_OF },
+ { "seek", C_SEEK },
+ { "skip", C_SKIP },
+static struct io in, out;
+static struct iostat st;
+static unsigned long long c_count;
+static unsigned long long strsuftoll(char* arg, int def, unsigned long long max)
+ unsigned long long result;
+ char *endp, *ch = arg;
+ int i, idx = -1;
+ errno = 0;
+ while (isspace(*ch)) ch++;
+ if (*ch == '-') error_exit("invalid number '%s'",arg);
+ result = strtoull(arg, &endp, 10);
+ if (errno == ERANGE || result > max || result < def)
+ perror_exit("invalid number '%s'",arg);
+ if (*endp != '\0') {
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(suffixes); i++)
+ if (!strcmp(endp, suffixes[i].name)) idx = i;
+ if (idx == -1 || (max/suffixes[idx].val < result))
+ error_exit("invalid number '%s'",arg);
+ result = result* suffixes[idx].val;
+ }
+ return result;
+static void summary()
+ double seconds = 5.0;
+ struct timeval now;
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ seconds = ((now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_usec) - (st.start.tv_sec * 1000000
+ + st.start.tv_usec))/1000000.0;
+ //out to STDERR
+ fprintf(stderr,"%llu+%llu records in\n%llu+%llu records out\n", st.in_full, st.in_part,
+ st.out_full, st.out_part);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%llu bytes (%sB) copied,",st.bytes, human_readable(st.bytes));
+ fprintf(stderr, "%f seconds, %sB/s\n", seconds, human_readable(st.bytes/seconds));
+static void sig_handler(int sig)
+ TT.sig = sig;
+static int xmove_fd(int fd)
+ int newfd;
+ if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) return fd;
+ if ((newfd = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 3) < 0)) perror_exit("dupfd IO");
+ close(fd);
+ return newfd;
+static void setup_inout()
+ ssize_t n;
+ /* for C_BS, in/out is done as it is. so only in.sz is enough.
+ * With Single buffer there will be overflow in a read following partial read
+ */
+ in.buff = out.buff = xmalloc(in.sz + ((toys.optflags & C_BS)? 0: out.sz));
+ in.bp = out.bp = in.buff;
+ atexit(summary);
+ //setup input
+ if (!in.name) {
+ in.name = "stdin";
+ in.fd = STDIN_FILENO;
+ } else {
+ in.fd = xopen(in.name, O_RDONLY);
+ in.fd = xmove_fd(in.fd);
+ }
+ //setup outout
+ if (!out.name) {
+ out.name = "stdout";
+ out.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
+ } else {
+ out.fd = xcreate(out.name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
+ out.fd = xmove_fd(out.fd);
+ }
+ if (in.offset) {
+ if (lseek(in.fd, (off_t)(in.offset * in.sz), SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
+ while (in.offset--) {
+ if ((n = read(in.fd, in.bp, in.sz)) < 0) {
+ if (toys.optflags & C_NOERROR) { //warn message and summary
+ error_msg("%s: read error", in.name);
+ summary();
+ } else perror_exit("%s: read error", in.name);
+ } else if (!n) {
+ xprintf("%s: Can't skip\n", in.name);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (out.offset) xlseek(out.fd, (off_t)(out.offset * out.sz), SEEK_CUR);
+static void write_out(int all)
+ ssize_t nw;
+ out.bp = out.buff;
+ while (out.count) {
+ nw = writeall(out.fd, out.bp, ((all)? out.count : out.sz));
+ all = 0; //further writes will be on obs
+ if (nw <= 0) perror_exit("%s: write error",out.name);
+ if (nw == out.sz) st.out_full++;
+ else st.out_part++;
+ out.count -= nw;
+ out.bp += nw;
+ st.bytes += nw;
+ if (out.count < out.sz) break;
+ }
+ if (out.count) memmove(out.buff, out.bp, out.count); //move remainder to front
+static void do_dd(void)
+ ssize_t n;
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
+ sa.sa_handler = sig_handler;
+ sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);
+ setup_inout();
+ gettimeofday(&st.start, NULL);
+ if (toys.optflags & (C_OF | C_SEEK) && !(toys.optflags & C_NOTRUNC))
+ ftruncate(out.fd, (off_t)out.offset * out.sz);
+ while (!(toys.optflags & C_COUNT) || (st.in_full + st.in_part) < c_count) {
+ if (TT.sig == SIGUSR1) {
+ summary();
+ TT.sig = 0;
+ } else if (TT.sig == SIGINT) exit(TT.sig | 128);
+ in.bp = in.buff + in.count;
+ if (toys.optflags & C_SYNC) memset(in.bp, 0, in.sz);
+ if (!(n = read(in.fd, in.bp, in.sz))) break;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR) continue;
+ //read error case.
+ perror_msg("%s: read error", in.name);
+ if (!(toys.optflags & C_NOERROR)) exit(1);
+ summary();
+ xlseek(in.fd, in.sz, SEEK_CUR);
+ if (!(toys.optflags & C_SYNC)) continue;
+ // if SYNC, then treat as full block of nuls
+ n = in.sz;
+ }
+ if (n == in.sz) {
+ st.in_full++;
+ in.count += n;
+ } else {
+ st.in_part++;
+ if (toys.optflags & C_SYNC) in.count += in.sz;
+ else in.count += n;
+ }
+ out.count = in.count;
+ if (toys.optflags & C_BS) {
+ write_out(1);
+ in.count = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (in.count >= out.sz) {
+ write_out(0);
+ in.count = out.count;
+ }
+ }
+ if (out.count) write_out(1); //write any remaining input blocks
+ if (toys.optflags & C_FSYNC && fsync(out.fd) < 0)
+ perror_exit("%s: fsync fail", out.name);
+ close(in.fd);
+ close(out.fd);
+ if (in.buff) free(in.buff);
+static int comp(const void *a, const void *b) //const to shut compiler up
+ return strcmp(((struct pair*)a)->name, ((struct pair*)b)->name);
+void dd_main()
+ struct pair *res, key;
+ char *arg;
+ long sz;
+ in.sz = out.sz = 512; //default io block size
+ while (*toys.optargs) {
+ if (!(arg = strchr(*toys.optargs, '='))) error_exit("unknown arg %s", *toys.optargs);
+ *arg++ = '\0';
+ if (!*arg) {
+ toys.exithelp = 1;
+ error_exit("");
+ }
+ key.name = *toys.optargs;
+ if (!(res = bsearch(&key, operands, ARRAY_LEN(operands), sizeof(struct pair),
+ comp))) error_exit("unknown arg %s", key.name);
+ toys.optflags |= res->val;
+ switch(res->val) {
+ case C_BS:
+ in.sz = out.sz = strsuftoll(arg, 1, LONG_MAX);
+ break;
+ case C_IBS:
+ sz = strsuftoll(arg, 1, LONG_MAX);
+ if (!(toys.optflags & C_BS)) in.sz = sz;
+ break;
+ case C_OBS:
+ sz = strsuftoll(arg, 1, LONG_MAX);
+ if (!(toys.optflags & C_BS)) out.sz = sz;
+ break;
+ case C_COUNT:
+ c_count = strsuftoll(arg, 0, ULLONG_MAX);
+ break;
+ case C_IF:
+ in.name = arg;
+ break;
+ case C_OF:
+ out.name = arg;
+ break;
+ case C_SEEK:
+ out.offset = strsuftoll(arg, 0, ULLONG_MAX);
+ break;
+ case C_SKIP:
+ in.offset = strsuftoll(arg, 0, ULLONG_MAX);
+ break;
+ case C_CONV:
+ while (arg) {
+ key.name = strsep(&arg, ",");
+ if (!(res = bsearch(&key, clist, ARRAY_LEN(clist),
+ sizeof(struct pair), comp)))
+ error_exit("unknown conversion %s", key.name);
+ toys.optflags |= res->val;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ toys.optargs++;
+ }
+ do_dd();