path: root/www
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2 files changed, 190 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/www/0bsd-mckusick.txt b/www/0bsd-mckusick.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97f85e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/0bsd-mckusick.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+From - Wed Oct 17 13:27:51 2018
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+ (envelope-from mckusick@mckusick.com)
+Message-Id: <201810171801.w9HI1egQ039009@chez.mckusick.com>
+From: Kirk McKusick <mckusick@mckusick.com>
+To: Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
+Subject: Re: License naming question.
+X-URL: http://WWW.McKusick.COM/
+Reply-To: Kirk McKusick <mckusick@mckusick.com>
+In-reply-to: <9bf40da7-afb3-d3d6-3759-d1566c99aa20@landley.net>
+Comments: In-reply-to Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
+ message dated "Tue, 16 Oct 2018 17:57:10 -0500."
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+> To: mckusick@mckusick.com
+> From: Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
+> Subject: License naming question.
+> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 17:57:10 -0500
+> =
+> Hi,
+> =
+> We spoke at Ohio Linuxfest back in 2013 (you attended my Rise and
+> Fall of Copyleft talk, and then we talked in the hallway afterwards).
+> =
+> I _think_ I told you about my plans to try to promote public domain
+> equivalent licensing, a concept which has a wikipedia page now:
+> =
+> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain_equivalent_license
+> =
+> For toybox what I did was take the OpenBSD suggested template license
+> off their website and remove the half-sentence requiring people to
+> copy that specific license text into derived works, and the resulting
+> license made it past Google's lawyers! My toybox project has been
+> providing the command line for android since Marshmallow
+> (https://lwn.net/Articles/629362/) and we're making progress on
+> getting android to build under android, the Bionic libc maintainer
+> recently sent me a roadmap update about that:
+> =
+> https://github.com/landley/toybox/commit/92b359f00057
+> =
+> I called the resulting license "Zero Clause BSD" (by analogy with
+> "Creative Commons Zero" and the existing 4 clause, 3 clause, and 2
+> clause BSD licenses), and I even got SPDX approval for it in 2015
+> (because Samsung asked me to shortly after Google merged it into
+> AOSP, they'd been adding it aftermarket before then and having an
+> SPDX identifier for the license simplified their internal bureaucracy).
+> =
+> Then a couple months after SPDX approved it, somebody _else_ submitted
+> the same license to Eric Raymond's old Open Source Initiative using
+> "Free" in the name, as in Free Software Foundation. (A sadly loaded
+> term these days.)
+> =
+> I hadn't known they were still in the license approval business
+> (they stopped approving new licenses in... 2012? And I remember
+> them explicitly _rejecting_ CC0 saying public domain isn't a license,
+> which their FAQ still talks about at
+> https://opensource.org/faq#public-domain). But they approved the
+> toybox license under a different name, then asked SPDX to retroactively
+> change their name for it. (SPDX didn't, but OSI refused to admit
+> it made a mistake, even though they said they had a policy to keep
+> the names in sync. They hadn't done their homework.)
+> =
+> Now every time the license is considered for a new use, the confusion
+> OSI caused tends to derail things:
+> =
+> https://github.com/david-a-wheeler/spdx-tutorial/issues/1
+> =
+> When github itself was considering adding 0BSD to its license
+> pulldown (which would have been a big win), I was asked what I
+> thought of the naming confusion, and I wrote two long things on my
+> rationale with lots of links to earlier stuff, which you can read
+> here if you'd like:
+> =
+> https://github.com/github/choosealicense.com/issues/464
+> =
+> Anyway, I recently decided to ask OSI to admit they made a mistake
+> and change their name for the license to match what SPDX did, and
+> there was unanimous approval...
+> =
+> http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-review_lists.opensource.or=
+> =
+> Until the same guy who was objecting last time showed up to continue
+> to object. He ignord the "who used it first" axis, and said he
+> wanted to know which name was used more today, and then when he
+> lost that argument he said he objects to calling something a BSD
+> license that isn't using Berkeley's original wording.
+> =
+> My question is: do you object to the name "Zero Clause BSD" for a
+> public domain equivalent license that's the OpenBSD suggested
+> template license with half a sentence removed?
+> =
+> If you want to stay out of this, I understand. I'm pretty sure I
+> asked you this in 2013 before I started pushing the name, and
+> wouldn't have if you'd objected then, but that was long ago and the
+> water under the bridge is dead...
+> =
+> Thanks for your time, sorry that took so long to explain. (And even
+> longer if you read the big long github choosealicense thread. :)
+> =
+> Rob
+Thanks for the through explanation of the situation.
+I have no objections to the name "Zero Clause BSD" for your license.
+I hope that you are successful in getting OSI to change their name
+for the license to match what SPDX did.
+ Kirk McKusick
diff --git a/www/license.html b/www/license.html
index f250410f..55521e73 100755
--- a/www/license.html
+++ b/www/license.html
<a href=http://unlicense.org>unlicense</a>, and <a href=http://wtfpl.net/>wtfpl</a>,
the intent is to effectively place the licensed material into the public domain,
which after decades of FUD (such as the time OSI's ex-lawyer compared
-<a href=http://www.cod5.org/archive/>placing code into the public domain</a> to
+<a href=https://web.archive.org/web/20160530090006/http://www.cod5.org/archive/>placing code into the public domain</a> to
<a href=http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6225>abandoning trash by the
side of a highway</a>) is considered somehow unsafe. But if some random third
<a href=https://github.com/mkj/dropbear/blob/master/libtomcrypt/LICENSE>takes
public domain code</a> and slaps <a href=http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/gnuzip/gnuzip-25/gzip/gzip.c>some other license on it</a>, then it's fine.</p>
-<p>To work around this perception, the above license is a standard 2-clause BSD
-license <a href=https://github.com/landley/toybox/commit/ee86b1d8e25cb0ca9d418b33eb0dc5e7716ddc1e>minus the half sentence</a>
-requiring text copied verbatim into derived works. If 2BSD is
-ok, the 0BSD should be ok, despite being equivalent to placing code in the
+<p>To work around this perception, the above license is the
+<a href=https://www.openbsd.org/policy.html>OpenBSD suggested template
+license</a>, <a href=https://github.com/landley/toybox/commit/ee86b1d8e25cb0ca9d418b33eb0dc5e7716ddc1e>minus the half sentence</a>
+requiring the license text be copied verbatim into derived works. If 2BSD is
+ok, then 0BSD should be ok, despite being equivalent to placing code in the
public domain.</p>
<p>Modifying the license in this way avoids the hole android toolbox fell into where
@@ -49,4 +50,8 @@ additional restrictions" and BSD's "you must include this large hunk of text"
by sticking the two licenses at
<a href=http://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/networking/ping.c?id=887a1ad57fe978cd320be358effbe66df8a068bf>opposite ends of the file</a> and hoping nobody
+<p>Note: I asked <a href=https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/opensources/book/kirkmck.html>Kirk McKusick</a> for permission to call this a BSD license at
+a conference shortly before I started using the name,
+and <a href=0bsd-mckusick.txt>again in 2018</a>.</p>
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