/* lib.h - header file for lib directory * * Copyright 2006 Rob Landley <rob@landley.net> */ // Unfortunately, sizeof() doesn't work in a preprocessor test. TODO. //#if sizeof(double) <= sizeof(long) //typedef double FLOAT; //#else typedef float FLOAT; //#endif // libc generally has this, but the headers are screwed up ssize_t getline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream); // llist.c // All these list types can be handled by the same code because first element // is always next pointer, so next = (mytype *)&struct. struct string_list { struct string_list *next; char str[0]; }; struct arg_list { struct arg_list *next; char *arg; }; struct double_list { struct double_list *next, *prev; char *data; }; void llist_traverse(void *list, void (*using)(void *data)); void *llist_pop(void *list); // actually void **list, but the compiler's dumb void dlist_add_nomalloc(struct double_list **list, struct double_list *new); struct double_list *dlist_add(struct double_list **list, char *data); // args.c void get_optflags(void); // dirtree.c // Values returnable from callback function (bitfield, or them together) // Default with no callback is 0 // Add this node to the tree #define DIRTREE_SAVE 1 // Recurse into children #define DIRTREE_RECURSE 2 // Call again after handling all children of this directory // (Ignored for non-directories, sets linklen = -1 before second call.) #define DIRTREE_COMEAGAIN 4 // Follow symlinks to directories #define DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW 8 // Don't look at any more files in this directory. #define DIRTREE_ABORT 256 #define DIRTREE_ABORTVAL ((struct dirtree *)1) struct dirtree { struct dirtree *next, *parent, *child; long extra; // place for user to store their stuff (can be pointer) struct stat st; char *symlink; int data; // dirfd for directory, linklen for symlink, -1 = comeagain char name[]; }; struct dirtree *dirtree_add_node(int dirfd, char *name, int symfollow); char *dirtree_path(struct dirtree *node, int *plen); int dirtree_notdotdot(struct dirtree *catch); int dirtree_parentfd(struct dirtree *node); struct dirtree *handle_callback(struct dirtree *new, int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node)); void dirtree_recurse(struct dirtree *node, int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node), int symfollow); struct dirtree *dirtree_read(char *path, int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node)); // lib.c void xstrcpy(char *dest, char *src, size_t size); void verror_msg(char *msg, int err, va_list va); void error_msg(char *msg, ...); void perror_msg(char *msg, ...); void error_exit(char *msg, ...) noreturn; void perror_exit(char *msg, ...) noreturn; void *xmalloc(size_t size); void *xzalloc(size_t size); void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size); char *xstrndup(char *s, size_t n); char *xstrdup(char *s); char *xmsprintf(char *format, ...); void xprintf(char *format, ...); void xputs(char *s); void xputc(char c); void xflush(void); void xexec(char **argv); void xaccess(char *path, int flags); void xunlink(char *path); int xcreate(char *path, int flags, int mode); int xopen(char *path, int flags); void xclose(int fd); int xdup(int fd); FILE *xfopen(char *path, char *mode); ssize_t readall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); ssize_t writeall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); size_t xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); void xreadall(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); void xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t len); off_t xlseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); off_t lskip(int fd, off_t offset); char *readfile(char *name); char *xreadfile(char *name); char *xgetcwd(void); void xstat(char *path, struct stat *st); char *xabspath(char *path, int exact); char *xrealpath(char *path); void xchdir(char *path); void xmkpath(char *path, int mode); void xsetuid(uid_t uid); struct string_list *find_in_path(char *path, char *filename); void utoa_to_buf(unsigned n, char *buf, unsigned buflen); void itoa_to_buf(int n, char *buf, unsigned buflen); char *utoa(unsigned n); char *itoa(int n); long atolx(char *c); int numlen(long l); int stridx(char *haystack, char needle); off_t fdlength(int fd); char *xreadlink(char *name); void loopfiles_rw(char **argv, int flags, int permissions, int failok, void (*function)(int fd, char *name)); void loopfiles(char **argv, void (*function)(int fd, char *name)); char *get_rawline(int fd, long *plen, char end); char *get_line(int fd); void xsendfile(int in, int out); int wfchmodat(int rc, char *name, mode_t mode); int copy_tempfile(int fdin, char *name, char **tempname); void delete_tempfile(int fdin, int fdout, char **tempname); void replace_tempfile(int fdin, int fdout, char **tempname); void crc_init(unsigned int *crc_table, int little_endian); void terminal_size(unsigned *x, unsigned *y); int yesno(char *prompt, int def); void for_each_pid_with_name_in(char **names, void (*callback)(pid_t pid)); // getmountlist.c struct mtab_list { struct mtab_list *next; struct stat stat; struct statvfs statvfs; char *dir; char *device; char type[0]; }; struct mtab_list *getmountlist(int die); void bunzipStream(int src_fd, int dst_fd); // signal void sigatexit(void *handler); int sig_to_num(char *pidstr); char *num_to_sig(int sig); mode_t string_to_mode(char *mode_str, mode_t base); // password helper functions int read_password(char * buff, int buflen, char* mesg); int update_password(char *filename, char* username, char* encrypted); // du helper functions char* make_human_readable(unsigned long long size, unsigned long unit); // cut helper functions unsigned long get_int_value(const char *numstr, unsigned lowrange, unsigned highrange);