/* portability.c - code to workaround the deficiencies of various platforms.
 * Copyright 2012 Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
 * Copyright 2012 Georgi Chorbadzhiyski <gf@unixsol.org>

#include "toys.h"

// We can't fork() on nommu systems, and vfork() requires an exec() or exit()
// before resuming the parent (because they share a heap until then). And no,
// we can't implement our own clone() call that does the equivalent of fork()
// because nommu heaps use physical addresses so if we copy the heap all our
// pointers are wrong. (You need an mmu in order to map two heaps to the same
// address range without interfering with each other.) In the absence of
// a portable way to tell malloc() to start a new heap without freeing the old
// one, you pretty much need the exec().)

// So we exec ourselves (via /proc/self/exe, if anybody knows a way to
// re-exec self without depending on the filesystem, I'm all ears),
// and use the arguments to signal reentry.

pid_t xfork(void)
  pid_t pid = fork();

  if (pid < 0) perror_exit("fork");

  return pid;

int xgetrandom(void *buf, unsigned buflen, unsigned flags)
  int fd;

  if (buflen == getrandom(buf, buflen, flags&~WARN_ONLY)) return 1;
  if (errno!=ENOSYS && !(flags&WARN_ONLY)) perror_exit("getrandom");
  fd = xopen(flags ? "/dev/random" : "/dev/urandom",O_RDONLY|(flags&WARN_ONLY));
  if (fd == -1) return 0;
  xreadall(fd, buf, buflen);

  return 1;

// Get list of mounted filesystems, including stat and statvfs info.
// Returns a reversed list, which is good for finding overmounts and such.

#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)

#include <sys/mount.h>

struct mtab_list *xgetmountlist(char *path)
  struct mtab_list *mtlist = 0, *mt;
  struct statfs *entries;
  int i, count;

  if (path) error_exit("xgetmountlist");
  if ((count = getmntinfo(&entries, 0)) == 0) perror_exit("getmntinfo");

  // The "test" part of the loop is done before the first time through and
  // again after each "increment", so putting the actual load there avoids
  // duplicating it. If the load was NULL, the loop stops.

  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    struct statfs *me = &entries[i];

    mt = xzalloc(sizeof(struct mtab_list) + strlen(me->f_fstypename) +
      strlen(me->f_mntonname) + strlen(me->f_mntfromname) + strlen("") + 4);
    dlist_add_nomalloc((void *)&mtlist, (void *)mt);

    // Collect details about mounted filesystem.
    // Don't report errors, just leave data zeroed.
    stat(me->f_mntonname, &(mt->stat));
    statvfs(me->f_mntonname, &(mt->statvfs));

    // Remember information from struct statfs.
    mt->dir = stpcpy(mt->type, me->f_fstypename)+1;
    mt->device = stpcpy(mt->dir, me->f_mntonname)+1;
    mt->opts = stpcpy(mt->device, me->f_mntfromname)+1;
    strcpy(mt->opts, ""); /* TODO: reverse from f_flags? */

  return mtlist;


#include <mntent.h>

static void octal_deslash(char *s)
  char *o = s;

  while (*s) {
    if (*s == '\\') {
      int i, oct = 0;

      for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
        if (!isdigit(s[i])) break;
        oct = (oct<<3)+s[i]-'0';
      if (i == 4) {
        *o++ = oct;
        s += i;
    *o++ = *s++;

  *o = 0;

// Check if this type matches list.
// Odd syntax: typelist all yes = if any, typelist all no = if none.

int mountlist_istype(struct mtab_list *ml, char *typelist)
  int len, skip;
  char *t;

  if (!typelist) return 1;

  skip = strncmp(typelist, "no", 2);

  for (;;) {
    if (!(t = comma_iterate(&typelist, &len))) break;
    if (!skip) {
      // If one -t starts with "no", the rest must too
      if (strncmp(t, "no", 2)) error_exit("bad typelist");
      if (!strncmp(t+2, ml->type, len-2)) {
        skip = 1;
    } else if (!strncmp(t, ml->type, len) && !ml->type[len]) {
      skip = 0;

  return !skip;

struct mtab_list *xgetmountlist(char *path)
  struct mtab_list *mtlist = 0, *mt;
  struct mntent *me;
  FILE *fp;
  char *p = path ? path : "/proc/mounts";

  if (!(fp = setmntent(p, "r"))) perror_exit("bad %s", p);

  // The "test" part of the loop is done before the first time through and
  // again after each "increment", so putting the actual load there avoids
  // duplicating it. If the load was NULL, the loop stops.

  while ((me = getmntent(fp))) {
    mt = xzalloc(sizeof(struct mtab_list) + strlen(me->mnt_fsname) +
      strlen(me->mnt_dir) + strlen(me->mnt_type) + strlen(me->mnt_opts) + 4);
    dlist_add_nomalloc((void *)&mtlist, (void *)mt);

    // Collect details about mounted filesystem
    // Don't report errors, just leave data zeroed
    if (!path) {
      stat(me->mnt_dir, &(mt->stat));
      statvfs(me->mnt_dir, &(mt->statvfs));

    // Remember information from /proc/mounts
    mt->dir = stpcpy(mt->type, me->mnt_type)+1;
    mt->device = stpcpy(mt->dir, me->mnt_dir)+1;
    mt->opts = stpcpy(mt->device, me->mnt_fsname)+1;
    strcpy(mt->opts, me->mnt_opts);


  return mtlist;


#ifdef __APPLE__

#include <sys/event.h>

struct xnotify *xnotify_init(int max)
  struct xnotify *not = xzalloc(sizeof(struct xnotify));

  not->max = max;
  if ((not->kq = kqueue()) == -1) perror_exit("kqueue");
  not->paths = xmalloc(max * sizeof(char *));
  not->fds = xmalloc(max * sizeof(int));

  return not;

int xnotify_add(struct xnotify *not, int fd, char *path)
  struct kevent event;

  if (not->count == not->max) error_exit("xnotify_add overflow");
  if (kevent(not->kq, &event, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) == -1 || event.flags & EV_ERROR)
    return -1;
  not->paths[not->count] = path;
  not->fds[not->count++] = fd;

  return 0;

int xnotify_wait(struct xnotify *not, char **path)
  struct kevent event;
  int i;

  for (;;) {
    if (kevent(not->kq, NULL, 0, &event, 1, NULL) != -1) {
      // We get the fd for free, but still have to search for the path.
      for (i = 0; i<not->count; i++) if (not->fds[i]==event.ident) {
        *path = not->paths[i];

        return event.ident;


#include <sys/inotify.h>

struct xnotify *xnotify_init(int max)
  struct xnotify *not = xzalloc(sizeof(struct xnotify));

  not->max = max;
  if ((not->kq = inotify_init()) < 0) perror_exit("inotify_init");
  not->paths = xmalloc(max * sizeof(char *));
  not->fds = xmalloc(max * 2 * sizeof(int));

  return not;

int xnotify_add(struct xnotify *not, int fd, char *path)
  int i = 2*not->count;

  if (not->max == not->count) error_exit("xnotify_add overflow");
  if ((not->fds[i] = inotify_add_watch(not->kq, path, IN_MODIFY))==-1)
    return -1;
  not->fds[i+1] = fd;
  not->paths[not->count++] = path;

  return 0;

int xnotify_wait(struct xnotify *not, char **path)
  struct inotify_event ev;
  int i;

  for (;;) {
    if (sizeof(ev)!=read(not->kq, &ev, sizeof(ev))) perror_exit("inotify");

    for (i = 0; i<not->count; i++) if (ev.wd==not->fds[2*i]) {
      *path = not->paths[i];

      return not->fds[2*i+1];


#ifdef __APPLE__

ssize_t xattr_get(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return getxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, 0);

ssize_t xattr_lget(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return getxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);

ssize_t xattr_fget(int fd, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return fgetxattr(fd, name, value, size, 0, 0);

ssize_t xattr_list(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
  return listxattr(path, list, size, 0);

ssize_t xattr_llist(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
  return listxattr(path, list, size, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);

ssize_t xattr_flist(int fd, char *list, size_t size)
  return flistxattr(fd, list, size, 0);

ssize_t xattr_set(const char* path, const char* name,
                  const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return setxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, flags);

ssize_t xattr_lset(const char* path, const char* name,
                   const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return setxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, flags | XATTR_NOFOLLOW);

ssize_t xattr_fset(int fd, const char* name,
                   const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return fsetxattr(fd, name, value, size, 0, flags);


ssize_t xattr_get(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return getxattr(path, name, value, size);

ssize_t xattr_lget(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return lgetxattr(path, name, value, size);

ssize_t xattr_fget(int fd, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
  return fgetxattr(fd, name, value, size);

ssize_t xattr_list(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
  return listxattr(path, list, size);

ssize_t xattr_llist(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
  return llistxattr(path, list, size);

ssize_t xattr_flist(int fd, char *list, size_t size)
  return flistxattr(fd, list, size);

ssize_t xattr_set(const char* path, const char* name,
                  const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return setxattr(path, name, value, size, flags);

ssize_t xattr_lset(const char* path, const char* name,
                   const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return lsetxattr(path, name, value, size, flags);

ssize_t xattr_fset(int fd, const char* name,
                   const void* value, size_t size, int flags)
  return fsetxattr(fd, name, value, size, flags);


#ifdef __APPLE__
// In the absence of a mknodat system call, fchdir to dirfd and back
// around a regular mknod call...
int mknodat(int dirfd, const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev)
  int old_dirfd = open(".", O_RDONLY), result;

  if (old_dirfd == -1 || fchdir(dirfd) == -1) return -1;
  result = mknod(path, mode, dev);
  if (fchdir(old_dirfd) == -1) perror_exit("mknodat couldn't return");
  return result;

// As of 10.15, macOS offers an fcntl F_PREALLOCATE rather than fallocate()
// or posix_fallocate() calls.
int posix_fallocate(int fd, off_t offset, off_t length)
  int e = errno, result;
  fstore_t f;

  f.fst_flags = F_ALLOCATEALL;
  f.fst_posmode = F_PEOFPOSMODE;
  f.fst_offset = offset;
  f.fst_length = length;
  if (fcntl(fd, F_PREALLOCATE, &f) == -1) result = errno;
  else result = ftruncate(fd, length);
  errno = e;
  return result;

// Signals required by POSIX 2008:
// http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/signal.h.html

#define SIGNIFY(x) {SIG##x, #x}

static const struct signame signames[] = {
  // POSIX
  // Non-POSIX signals that cause termination
  // signals only present/absent on some targets (mips and macos)
#ifdef SIGEMT
#ifdef SIGINFO
#ifdef SIGPOLL
#ifdef SIGPWR

  // Note: sigatexit relies on all the signals with a default disposition that
  // terminates the process coming *before* SIGCHLD.

  // POSIX signals that don't cause termination
  // Non-POSIX signals that don't cause termination
int signames_len = ARRAY_LEN(signames);

#undef SIGNIFY

void xsignal_all_killers(void *handler)
  int i;

  if (!handler) handler = SIG_DFL;
  for (i = 0; signames[i].num != SIGCHLD; i++)
    if (signames[i].num != SIGKILL) xsignal(signames[i].num, handler);

// Convert a string like "9", "KILL", "SIGHUP", or "SIGRTMIN+2" to a number.
int sig_to_num(char *sigstr)
  int i, offset;
  char *s;

  // Numeric?
  i = estrtol(sigstr, &s, 10);
  if (!errno && !*s) return i;

  // Skip leading "SIG".
  strcasestart(&sigstr, "sig");

  // Named signal?
  for (i=0; i<ARRAY_LEN(signames); i++)
    if (!strcasecmp(sigstr, signames[i].name)) return signames[i].num;

  // Real-time signal?
  if (strcasestart(&sigstr, "rtmin")) i = SIGRTMIN;
  else if (strcasestart(&sigstr, "rtmax")) i = SIGRTMAX;
  else return -1;

  // No offset?
  if (!*sigstr) return i;

  // We allow any offset that's still a real-time signal: SIGRTMIN+20 is fine.
  // Others are more restrictive, only accepting what they show with -l.
  offset = estrtol(sigstr, &s, 10);
  if (errno || *s) return -1;
  i += offset;
  if (i >= SIGRTMIN && i <= SIGRTMAX) return i;

  return -1;

char *num_to_sig(int sig)
  int i;

  // A named signal?
  for (i=0; i<signames_len; i++)
    if (signames[i].num == sig) return signames[i].name;

  // A real-time signal?
  if (sig == SIGRTMIN) return "RTMIN";
  if (sig == SIGRTMAX) return "RTMAX";
  if (sig > SIGRTMIN && sig < SIGRTMAX) {
    if (sig-SIGRTMIN <= SIGRTMAX-sig) sprintf(libbuf, "RTMIN+%d", sig-SIGRTMIN);
    else sprintf(libbuf, "RTMAX-%d", SIGRTMAX-sig);
    return libbuf;

  return NULL;

int dev_minor(int dev)
#if defined(__linux__)
  return ((dev&0xfff00000)>>12)|(dev&0xff);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
  return dev&0xffffff;

int dev_major(int dev)
#if defined(__linux__)
  return (dev&0xfff00)>>8;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
  return (dev>>24)&0xff;

int dev_makedev(int major, int minor)
#if defined(__linux__)
  return (minor&0xff)|((major&0xfff)<<8)|((minor&0xfff00)<<12);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
  return (minor&0xffffff)|((major&0xff)<<24);

char *fs_type_name(struct statfs *statfs)
#if defined(__APPLE__)
  // macOS has an `f_type` field, but assigns values dynamically as filesystems
  // are registered. They do give you the name directly though, so use that.
  return statfs->f_fstypename;
  char *s = NULL;
  struct {unsigned num; char *name;} nn[] = {
    {0xADFF, "affs"}, {0x5346544e, "ntfs"}, {0x1Cd1, "devpts"},
    {0x137D, "ext"}, {0xEF51, "ext2"}, {0xEF53, "ext3"},
    {0x1BADFACE, "bfs"}, {0x9123683E, "btrfs"}, {0x28cd3d45, "cramfs"},
    {0x3153464a, "jfs"}, {0x7275, "romfs"}, {0x01021994, "tmpfs"},
    {0x3434, "nilfs"}, {0x6969, "nfs"}, {0x9fa0, "proc"},
    {0x534F434B, "sockfs"}, {0x62656572, "sysfs"}, {0x517B, "smb"},
    {0x4d44, "msdos"}, {0x4006, "fat"}, {0x43415d53, "smackfs"},
    {0x73717368, "squashfs"}
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<ARRAY_LEN(nn); i++)
    if (nn[i].num == statfs->f_type) s = nn[i].name;
  if (!s) sprintf(s = libbuf, "0x%x", (unsigned)statfs->f_type);
  return s;

#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/disk.h>
int get_block_device_size(int fd, unsigned long long* size)
  unsigned long block_size, block_count;

  if (!ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &block_size) &&
      !ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT, &block_count)) {
    *size = block_count * block_size;
    return 1;
  return 0;
#elif defined(__linux__)
int get_block_device_size(int fd, unsigned long long* size)
  return (ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, size) >= 0);

// TODO copy_file_range
// Return bytes copied from in to out. If bytes <0 copy all of in to out.
// If consuemd isn't null, amount read saved there (return is written or error)
long long sendfile_len(int in, int out, long long bytes, long long *consumed)
  long long total = 0, len, ww;

  if (consumed) *consumed = 0;
  if (in<0) return 0;
  while (bytes != total) {
    ww = 0;
    len = bytes-total;
    if (bytes<0 || len>sizeof(libbuf)) len = sizeof(libbuf);

    len = copy_file_range(in, 0, out, 0, bytes, 0);
    ww = len = read(in, libbuf, len);
    if (!len && errno==EAGAIN) continue;
    if (len<1) break;
    if (consumed) *consumed += len;
    if (ww && writeall(out, libbuf, len) != len) return -1;
    total += len;

  return total;