#!/usr/bin/python # Create status.html import subprocess,sys def readit(args, shell=False): ret={} arr=[] blob=subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) for i in blob.stdout.read().split("\n"): if not i: continue i=i.split() try: ret[i[0]].extend(i[1:]) except: ret[i[0]]=i[1:] arr.extend(i) return ret,arr # Run sed on roadmap and source to get command lists, and run toybox too # This gives us a dictionary of types, each with a list of commands print "Collecting data..." stuff,blah=readit(["sed","-n", 's/<span id=\\([a-z_]*\\)>/\\1 /;t good;d;:good;h;:loop;n;s@</span>@@;t out;H;b loop;:out;g;s/\\n/ /g;p', "www/roadmap.html", "www/status.html"]) blah,toystuff=readit(["./toybox"]) blah,pending=readit(["sed -n 's/[^ \\t].*TOY(\\([^,]*\\),.*/\\1/p' toys/pending/*.c"], 1) blah,version=readit(["git","describe","--tags"]) print "Analyzing..." # Create reverse mappings: reverse["command"] gives list of categories it's in reverse={} for i in stuff: for j in stuff[i]: try: reverse[j].append(i) except: reverse[j]=[i] print "all commands=%s" % len(reverse) # Run a couple sanity checks on input for i in toystuff: if (i in pending): print "barf %s" % i unknowns=[] for i in toystuff + pending: if not i in reverse: unknowns.append(i) if unknowns: print "uncategorized: %s" % " ".join(unknowns) conv = [("posix", '<a href="http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/%s.html">%%s</a>', "[%s]"), ("lsb", '<a href="http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/LSB_4.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/%s.html">%%s</a>', '<%s>'), ("development", '<a href="http://linux.die.net/man/1/%s">%%s</a>', '(%s)'), ("toolbox", "", '{%s}'), ("klibc_cmd", "", '=%s='), ("sash_cmd", "", '#%s#'), ("sbase_cmd", "", '@%s@'), ("beastiebox_cmd", "", '*%s*'), ("tizen", "", '$%s$'), ("request", '<a href="http://linux.die.net/man/1/%s">%%s</a>', '+%s+')] def categorize(reverse, i, skippy=""): linky = "%s" out = i if skippy: types = filter(lambda a: a != skippy, reverse[i]) else: types = reverse[i] for j in conv: if j[0] in types: if j[1]: linky = j[1] % i out = j[2] % out if not skippy: break if (not skippy) and out == i: sys.stderr.write("unknown %s %s\n" % (i,reverse[i])) return linky % out # Sort/annotate done, pending, and todo item lists allcmd=[] done=[] pend=[] todo=[] blah=list(reverse) blah.sort() for i in blah: out=categorize(reverse, i) allcmd.append(out) if i in toystuff or i in pending: if i in toystuff: done.append(out) else: pend.append(out) out='<strike>%s</strike>' % out else: todo.append(out) print "implemented=%s" % len(toystuff) # Write data to output file outfile=open("www/status.gen", "w") outfile.write("<h1>Status of toybox %s</h1>\n" % version[0]); outfile.write("<h3>Legend: [posix] <lsb> (development) {android}\n") outfile.write("=klibc= #sash# @sbase@ *beastiebox* $tizen$ +request+ other\n") outfile.write("<strike>pending</strike></h3>\n"); outfile.write("<a name=done><h2><a href=#done>Completed</a></h2><blockquote><p>%s</p></blockquote>\n" % "\n".join(done)) outfile.write("<a name=part><h2><a href=#part>Partially implemented</a></h2><blockquote><p>%s</p></blockquote>\n" % "\n".join(pend)) outfile.write("<a name=todo><h2><a href=#todo>Not started yet</a></h2><blockquote><p>%s</p></blockquote>\n" % "\n".join(todo)) # Output unfinished commands by category outfile.write("<hr><h2>Categories of remaining todo items</h2>") for i in stuff: todo = [] for j in stuff[i]: if j in toystuff: continue if j in pending: todo.append('<strike>%s</strike>' % j) else: todo.append(categorize(reverse,j,i)) if todo: k = i for j in conv: if j[0] == i: k = j[2] % i outfile.write("<a name=%s><h2><a href=#%s>%s<a></h2><blockquote><p>" % (i,i,k)) outfile.write(" ".join(todo)) outfile.write("</p></blockquote>\n") outfile.write("<hr><a name=all><h2><a href=#all>All commands together in one big list</a></h2><blockquote><p>%s</p></blockquote>\n" % "\n".join(allcmd))