
[ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

echo -ne "$BIGTEST" > file1
testing "tail" "tail && echo yes" "oneyes\n" "" "one"
testing "tail file" "tail file1" \
	"two\nthree\nfour\nfive\nsix\nseven\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" ""
testing "tail -n in bounds" "tail -n 3 file1" "nine\nten\neleven\n" "" ""
testing "tail -n out of bounds" "tail -n 999 file1" "$BIGTEST" "" ""
testing "tail -n+ in bounds" "tail -n +3 file1" \
	"three\nfour\nfive\nsix\nseven\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" ""
testing "tail -n+ outof bounds" "tail -n +999 file1" "" "" ""
testing "tail -c in bounds" "tail -c 27 file1" \
	"even\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" ""
testing "tail -c out of bounds" "tail -c 999 file1" "$BIGTEST" "" ""
testing "tail -c+ in bounds" "tail -c +27 file1" \
	"x\nseven\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" ""
testing "tail -c+ out of bonds" "tail -c +999 file1" "" "" ""
rm file1

optional TAIL_SEEK
testing "tail noseek -n in bounds" "tail -n 3" "nine\nten\neleven\n" \
	"" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -n out of bounds" "tail -n 999" "$BIGTEST" "" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -n+ in bounds" "tail -n +3" \
	"three\nfour\nfive\nsix\nseven\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" \
testing "tail noseek -n+ outof bounds" "tail -n +999" "" "" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -c in bounds" "tail -c 27" \
	"even\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -c out of bounds" "tail -c 999" "$BIGTEST" "" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -c+ in bounds" "tail -c +27" \
	"x\nseven\neight\nnine\nten\neleven\n" "" "$BIGTEST"
testing "tail noseek -c+ out of bonds" "tail -c +999" "" "" "$BIGTEST"