
[ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

# Decompress files.
# On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
# files without the .gz suffix.
echo -n "foo " | gzip > f1.gz
echo "bar" | gzip > f2.gz
testing "with input files" "gunzip f1.gz f2.gz && 
    ! test -f f1.gz && ! test -f f2.gz && 
    test -f f1 && test -f f2 && 
    cat f1 f2" "foo bar\n" "" ""
rm -f f1 f2 f1.gz f2.gz

# With no files, decompresses stdin to stdout.
echo "hello world" | gzip > f.gz
testing "no files (stdin to stdout)" "cat f.gz | gunzip > f && 
    test -f f.gz && cat f" "hello world\n" "" ""
rm -f f f.gz

# -c	Output to stdout
echo -n "foo " | gzip > f1.gz
echo "bar" | gzip > f2.gz
testing "with input files and -c" "gunzip -c f1.gz f2.gz > out && 
    test -f f1.gz && test -f f2.gz && 
    ! test -f f1 && ! test -f f2 && 
    cat out" "foo bar\n" "" ""
rm -f f1.gz f2.gz out

# TODO: how to test "gunzip -f"?

# -k	Keep input files (don't remove)
echo "hello world" | gzip > f1.gz
testing "-k" "gunzip -k f1.gz && cat f1 && zcat f1.gz" \
    "hello world\nhello world\n" "" ""
rm -f f1 f1.gz

# Test that gunzip preserves permissions and times.
export TZ=UTC
echo "hello world" | gzip > f1.gz
chmod 0411 f1.gz
touch -a -t 197801020304 f1.gz
touch -m -t 198704030201 f1.gz
testing "permissions/times preservation" \
    "gunzip -k f1.gz && stat -c '%a %X %Y' f1 && stat -c '%a %Y' f1.gz" \
    "411 252558240 544413660\n411 544413660\n" "" ""
rm -f f1 f1.gz