
[ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

# Android keeps its modules (if any) on the vendor partition.
[ -d /vendor/lib/modules ] && MODULE_ROOT="/vendor"

if [[ ! -e /proc/modules || ! -d $MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules ]]; then
  echo "$SHOWSKIP: modinfo (no modules)"
  return 2>/dev/null

testcmd "missing" "missing 2>&1" "modinfo: missing: not found\n" "" ""

# Find some modules to work with.
MODULE_PATH1=$(find $MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules -name *.ko | head -1 2>/dev/null)
MODULE1=$(basename -s .ko $MODULE_PATH1)
MODULE_PATH2=$(find $MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules -name *.ko | tail -1 2>/dev/null)
MODULE2=$(basename -s .ko $MODULE_PATH2)
DASH_MODULE=$(basename -s .ko \
  $(find $MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules -name *-*.ko | tail -1 2>/dev/null))
BAR_MODULE=$(basename -s .ko \
  $(find $MODULE_ROOT/lib/modules -name *_*.ko | tail -1 2>/dev/null))

# modinfo does not need to output fields in a specified order.
# Instead, there are labelled fields.  We can use sort to make up for this.
# Other issues to beware of are the volatile nature of srcversion and vermagic,
# which change from kernel to kernel and can be disabled. 
# We grep to remove these.

skipnot [ -n "$DASH_MODULE" ]
testing "treats - and _ as equivalent" "modinfo $DASH_MODULE > dash-dash &&
  modinfo ${DASH_MODULE/-/_} > dash-bar && diff -u dash-dash dash-bar" "" "" ""
skipnot [ -n "$BAR_MODULE" ]
testing "treats _ and - as equivalent" "modinfo $BAR_MODULE > bar-bar &&
  modinfo ${BAR_MODULE/_/-} > bar-dash && diff -u bar-bar bar-dash" "" "" ""

# Output of -F filename should be an absolute path to the module.
# Otherwise, initrd generating scripts will break.

testing "-F filename gets absolute path" "modinfo -F filename $MODULE1" \
  "$MODULE_PATH1\n" "" ""

skipnot [ "$MODULE1" != "$MODULE2" ]
testing "supports multiple modules" "modinfo -F filename $MODULE1 $MODULE2" \
  "$MODULE_PATH1\n$MODULE_PATH2\n" "" ""