#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 Divya Kothari # Copyright 2013 Robin Mittal #cleaning 'yes' processes killall yes >/dev/null 2>&1 [ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh #testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin" # Starting processes to test pgrep command yes >/dev/null & proc=$! #echo "# Process created with id: $proc" sleep .1 session_id=0 proc_parent=`cat /proc/${proc}/stat | awk '{ print $4 }'` #echo "# Parent Process id of $proc is $proc_parent" # Testcases for pgrep command testing "pgrep pattern" "pgrep yes" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep wildCardPattern" "pgrep ^y.*s$" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -l pattern" "pgrep -l yes" "$proc yes\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -f pattern" "pgrep -f yes" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -n pattern" "pgrep -n yes" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -o pattern" "pgrep -o yes" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -s" "pgrep -s $session_id yes" "$proc\n" "" "" testing "pgrep -P" "pgrep -P $proc_parent yes" "$proc\n" "" "" #Clean-up killall yes >/dev/null 2>&1