#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 Robin Mittal <robinmittal.it@gmail.com> # Copyright 2013 Divya Kothari <divya.s.kothari@gmail.com> [ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh #testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin" echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" > file.txt testing "text-file" "rm file.txt && [ ! -e file.txt ] && echo 'yes'" "yes\n" "" "" rm -f file* testing "-i nonexistent" "</dev/zero rm -i file.txt 2>/dev/null || echo 'yes'" "yes\n" "" "" mkdir dir testing "empty directory" "rm -r dir && [ ! -d dir ] && echo 'yes'" "yes\n" "" "" rm -rf dir echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" > file.txt && chmod 000 file.txt testing "text file(mode 000)" "rm -f file.txt && [ ! -e file.txt ] && echo 'yes'" \ "yes\n" "" "" rm -f file* touch file1.txt file2.txt mkdir dir1 dir2 testing "-r (multiple files and dirs)" \ "rm -r file1.txt file2.txt dir1 dir2 2>/dev/null && [ ! -e file1.txt -a ! -e file2.txt -a ! -d dir1 -a ! -d dir2 ] && echo 'yes'" \ "yes\n" "" "" rm -rf file* dir* touch file1.txt file2.txt mkdir dir1 dir2 testing "-rf (present + missing files and dirs)" \ "rm -rf file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt dir1 dir2 dir3 2>/dev/null && [ ! -e file1.txt -a ! -e file2.txt -a ! -d dir1 -a ! -d dir2 ] && echo 'yes'" \ "yes\n" "" "" rm -rf file* dir* # testing with nested dirs. mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3 dir1/dir2/dir4 touch dir1/file1.txt dir1/dir2/file2.txt dir1/dir2/dir3/file3.txt testing "-r nested_dir" "rm -r dir1/dir2/ 2>/dev/null && [ -d dir1 -a -f dir1/file1.txt -a ! -d dir1/dir2 ] && echo 'yes'" \ "yes\n" "" "" rm -rf dir* mkdir -p one && touch one/two && chmod 000 one toyonly testing "-rf 000 dir" \ "rm -rf one 2>/dev/null && [ ! -e one ] && echo yes" "yes\n" "" "" chmod 777 one 2>/dev/null ; rm -rf one mkdir -p d1 touch d1/f1.txt d1/f2.txt testing "-rv dir" \ "rm -rv d1 | sort" "rm 'd1/f1.txt'\nrm 'd1/f2.txt'\nrmdir 'd1'\n" "" "" rm -rf d1 touch "'" testing "-v \\'" "rm -v \\'" "rm '''\n" "" "" # TODO: coreutils escapes quote rm -f \'