#!/bin/echo no # Testing shell corner cases _within_ a shell script is kind of hard. [ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh # TODO make fake pty wrapper for test infrastructure #testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin" [ -z "$SH" ] && { [ -z "$TEST_HOST" ] && SH="sh" || export SH="bash" ; } # Test the sh -c stuff before changing EVAL testing '-c "" exit status 0' '$SH -c "" && echo $?' '0\n' '' '' testing '-c args' "\$SH -c 'echo \$0,\$1,\$2,\$3' one two three four five" \ "one,two,three,four\n" "" "" testing '-c arg split' \ "$SH -c 'for i in a\"\$@\"b;do echo =\$i=;done;echo \$0' 123 456 789" \ "=a456=\n=789b=\n123\n" "" "" testing "exec3" '$C -c "{ exec readlink /proc/self/fd/0;} < /proc/self/exe"' \ "$(readlink -f $C)\n" "" "" testing 'exec exitval' "$SH -c 'exec echo hello' && echo \$?" "hello\n0\n" "" "" testing 'simple script' '$SH input' 'input\n' 'echo $0' '' testing 'simple script2' '$SH ./input two;echo $?' './input+two\n42\n' \ '\necho $0+$1\n\nexit 42' '' mkdir sub echo echo hello > sub/script testing 'simple script in PATH' "PATH='$PWD/sub:$PATH' $SH script" \ 'hello\n' '' '' rm -rf sub # Change EVAL to call sh -c for us, using "bash" explicitly for the host. export EVAL="$SH -c" testing "smoketest" "echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" testing "eval" "eval echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" testing "eval2" "eval 'echo hello'; echo $?" "hello\n0\n" "" "" testing "eval3" 'X="echo hello"; eval "$X"' "hello\n" "" "" testing "exec" "exec echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" testing "exec2" "exec echo hello; echo $?" "hello\n" "" "" # ; | && || testing "semicolon" "echo one;echo two" "one\ntwo\n" "" "" testing "simple pipe" "echo hello | cat" "hello\n" "" "" testing "&&" "true && echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" testing "&&2" "false && echo hello" "" "" "" testing "||" "true || echo hello" "" "" "" testing "||2" "false || echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" testing "&& ||" "true && false && potato || echo hello" "hello\n" "" "" # redirection testing "redir1" "cat < input" "hello\n" "hello\n" "" testing "redir2" "echo blah >out; cat out" "blah\n" "" "" testing "redir3" "echo more >>out; cat out" "blah\nmore\n" "" "" testing "redir4" "touch /not/exist 2>out||grep -o /not/exist out" \ "/not/exist\n" "" "" testing "redir5" "ls out /not/exist &> out2 || wc -l < out2" "2\n" "" "" testing "redir6" "ls out /not/exist |& wc -l" "2\n" "" "" testing "redir7" 'echo -n $(/dev/null < doesnotexist; echo $?' "0\n" "" "" # The bash man page doesn't say quote removal here, and yet: testing "case quoting" 'case a in "a") echo hello;; esac' 'hello\n' "" "" testing "subshell splitting" 'for i in $(true); do echo =$i=; done' "" "" "" #testing "subshell split 2" # variable assignment argument splitting only performed for "$@" testing "assignment splitting" 'X="one two"; Y=$X; echo $Y' "one two\n" "" "" testing "argument splitting" \ 'chicken() { for i in a"$@"b;do echo =$i=;done;}; chicken 123 456 789' \ "=a123=\n=456=\n=789b=\n" "" "" testing "assignment splitting2" 'pop(){ X="$@";};pop one two three; echo $X' \ "one two three\n" "" "" #testing "leading assignments don't affect current line" \ # 'VAR=12345 echo ${VAR}a' "a\n" "" "" #testing "can't have space before first : but yes around arguments" \ # 'BLAH=abcdefghi; echo ${BLAH: 1 : 3 }' "bcd\n" "" "" testing "subshell exit err" '(exit 42); echo $?' "42\n" "" "" # Same thing twice, but how do we cmp if exec exited? #testing 'exec and $$' testing 'echo $$;exec readlink /proc/self' X="$(which readlink)" testing "exec in paren" \ '(exec readlink /proc/self/exe);echo hello' "$X\nhello\n" "" "" testing "exec in brackets" \ "{ exec readlink /proc/self/exe;};echo hi" "$X\n" "" "" NOSPACE=1 testing "curly brackets and pipe" \ '{ echo one; echo two ; } | tee blah.txt; wc blah.txt' \ "one\ntwo\n2 2 8 blah.txt\n" "" "" NOSPACE=1 testing "parentheses and pipe" \ '(echo two;echo three)|tee blah.txt;wc blah.txt' \ "two\nthree\n2 2 10 blah.txt\n" "" "" #testing "pipe into parentheses" \ # 'echo hello | (read i /dev/full\n" "E" "E$P" X0 txpect "wait for <(exit)" "$SH" "E$P" "Icat <(echo hello 1>&2)\n" $'Ehello\n' \ "E$P" X0 # TODO: The txpect plumbing does not work right yet even on TEST_HOST #txpect "backtick0" "$SH" "E$P" 'IX=fred; echo `echo \\\\$x`'$'\n' 'Ofred' "E$P" X0 #txpect "backtick1" "$SH" "E$P" 'IX=fred; echo `echo $x`'$'\n' 'Ofred'$'\n' "E$P" X0 #txpect "backtick2" "$SH" "E$P" 'IX=fred; echo `x=y; echo $x`' $'Oy\n' "E$P" X0 txpect '${ with newline' "$SH" "E$P" I'HELLO=abc; echo ${HELLO/b/'$'\n' "E> " \ I$'}\n' O$'a c\n' X0 # $@ $* $# $? $- $$ $! $0 # always exported: PWD SHLVL _ # ./bash -c 'echo $_' prints $BASH, but PATH search shows path? Hmmm... # ro: UID PPID EUID $ # IFS LINENO # PATH HOME SHELL USER LOGNAME SHLVL HOSTNAME HOSTTYPE MACHTYPE OSTYPE OLDPWD # PS0 PS1='$ ' PS2='> ' PS3 PS4 BASH BASH_VERSION # ENV - if [ -n "$ENV" ]; then . "$ENV"; fi # BASH_ENV - synonym for ENV # FUNCNEST - maximum function nesting level (abort when above) # REPLY - set by input with no args # OPTARG OPTIND - set by getopts builtin # OPTERR # maybe not: EXECIGNORE, FIGNORE, GLOBIGNORE #BASHPID - synonym for $$ HERE #BASH_SUBSHELL - SHLVL synonym #BASH_EXECUTION_STRING - -c argument # #automatically set: #OPTARG - set by getopts builtin #OPTIND - set by getopts builtin # #PROMPT_COMMAND PROMPT_DIRTRIM PS0 PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 # #unsettable (assignments ignored before then) #LINENO SECONDS RANDOM #GROUPS - id -g #HISTCMD - history number # #TMOUT - used by read