
[ -f testing.sh ] && . testing.sh

#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"

testcmd '0 args' '; echo $?'  '1\n' '' ''
testcmd '1 arg' '== ; echo $?' '0\n' '' ''
testcmd '2 args' '-e == ; echo $?' '1\n' '' ''
testcmd '3 args' '-e == -e ; echo $?' '0\n' '' ''
testcmd '' '\( == \) ; echo $?' '1\n' '' ''
testcmd '' '\( == \( ; echo $?' '0\n' '' ''

# TODO: Should also have device and socket files

mkdir d
touch f
ln -s /dev/null L
echo nonempty > s
mkfifo p

  for i in d f L s p n
    "$C" $* $i && echo -n $i

testing "-b" "type_test -b" "" "" ""
testing "-c" "type_test -c" "L" "" ""
testing "-d" "type_test -d" "d" "" ""
testing "-f" "type_test -f" "fs" "" ""
testing "-h" "type_test -h" "L" "" ""
testing "-L" "type_test -L" "L" "" ""
testing "-s" "type_test -s" "ds" "" ""
testing "-S" "type_test -S" "" "" ""
testing "-p" "type_test -p" "p" "" ""
testing "-e" "type_test -e" "dfLsp" "" ""
testing "! -e" 'type_test ! -e' "n" "" ""

rm f L s p
rmdir d

# test -rwx each bit position and failure
touch walrus
for i in x w r k g u; do
  [ $i == k ] && MASK=1000
  # test everything off produces "off"
  chmod 000 walrus
  testcmd "-$i 0" "-$i walrus || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
  chmod $((7777-$MASK)) walrus
  testcmd "-$i inverted" "-$i walrus || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
unset MASK
# Test setuid setgid sticky enabled
for i in uu+s gg+s k+t; do
  chmod 000 walrus
  chmod ${i:1}+s walrus
  testcmd "-${i:0:1}" "-${i:0:1} walrus && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
# test each ugo+rwx bit position individually
for i in 1 10 100; do for j in x w r; do
  chmod $i walrus
  testcmd "-$j $i" "-$j walrus && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
done; done
rm -f walrus

testcmd "" "'' || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "" "a && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "-n" "-n '' || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "-n2" "-n a && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "-z" "-z '' && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "-z2" "-z a || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "" "a = b || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "" "'' = '' && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "a != b" "a != b && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""
testcmd "a != b" "a != a || echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""

  $C -1 $1 1 && echo -n l
  $C 0 $1 0 && echo -n e
  $C -3 $1 -5 && echo -n g

testing "-eq" "arith_test -eq" "e" "" ""
testing "-ne" "arith_test -ne" "lg" "" ""
testing "-gt" "arith_test -gt" "g" "" ""
testing "-ge" "arith_test -ge" "eg" "" ""
testing "-lt" "arith_test -lt" "l" "" ""
testing "-le" "arith_test -le" "le" "" ""

# test ! = -o a
# test ! \( = -o a \)
# test \( ! = \) -o a
# test \( \)

#testing "" "[ -a -eq -a ] && echo yes" "yes\n" "" ""

# -e == -a
# -e == -a -o -d != -o
# \( "x" \) -a \) == \)
# \( ! ! ! -e \) \)

#  // () -a (() -a () -o ()) -o ()
#  // x -a ( x -o x ) -a x
#  // x -o ( x -a x ) -a x -o x

# trailing ! and (