menu "Toys" config BZCAT bool "bzcat" default n help usage: bzcat [filename...] Decompress listed files to stdout. Use stdin if no files listed. config CATV bool "catv" default n help usage: catv [-evt] [filename...] Display nonprinting characters as escape sequences. Use M-x for high ascii characters (>127), and ^x for other nonprinting chars. -e Mark each newline with $ -t Show tabs as ^I -v Don't use ^x or M-x escapes. config COUNT bool "count" default n help usage: count Copy stdin to stdout, displaying simple progress indicator to stderr. config DF bool "df (disk free)" default n help usage: df [-t type] [FILESYSTEM ...] The "disk free" command, df shows total/used/available disk space for each filesystem listed on the command line, or all currently mounted filesystems. -t type Display only filesystems of this type. config DF_PEDANTIC bool "options -P and -k" default n depends on DF help usage: df [-Pk] -P The SUSv3 "Pedantic" option Provides a slightly less useful output format dictated by the Single Unix Specification version 3, and sets the units to 512 bytes instead of the default 1024 bytes. -k Sets units back to 1024 bytes (the default without -P) config ECHO bool "echo" default n help usage: echo [-ne] [args...] Write each argument to stdout, with one space between each, followed by a newline. -n No trailing newline. -e Process the following escape sequences: \\ backslash \a alert (beep/flash) \b backspace \c Stop output here (avoids trailing newline) \f form feed \n newline \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab config HELLO bool "hello" default n help A hello world program. You don't need this. config MDEV bool "mdev" default n help usage: mdev [-s] Create devices in /dev using information from /sys. -s Scan all entries in /sys to populate /dev. config MDEV_CONF bool "Configuration file for mdev" default n help The mdev config file (/etc/mdev.conf) contains lines that look like: hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660 Each line must contain three whitespace separated fields. The first field is a regular expression matching one or more device names, and the second and third fields are uid:gid and file permissions for matching devies. config MKE2FS bool "mke2fs" default n help usage: mke2fs [-Fnq] [-b ###] [-N|i ###] [-m ###] device Create an ext2 filesystem on a block device or filesystem image. -F Force to run on a mounted device -n Don't write to device -q Quiet (no output) -b size Block size (1024, 2048, or 4096) -N inodes Allocate this many inodes -i bytes Allocate one inode for every XXX bytes of device -m percent Reserve this percent of filesystem space for root user config MKE2FS_JOURNAL bool "Journaling support (ext3)" default n depends on MKE2FS help usage: [-j] [-J size=###,device=XXX] -j Create journal (ext3) -J Journal options size: Number of blocks (1024-102400) device: Specify an external journal config MKE2FS_GEN bool "Generate (gene2fs)" default n depends on MKE2FS help usage: gene2fs [options] device filename The [options] are the same as mke2fs. config MKE2FS_LABEL bool "Label support" default n depends on MKE2FS help usage: mke2fs [-L label] [-M path] [-o string] -L Volume label -M Path to mount point -o Created by config MKE2FS_EXTENDED bool "Extended options" default n depends on MKE2FS help usage: mke2fs [-E stride=###] [-O option[,option]] -E stride= Set RAID stripe size (in blocks) -O [opts] Specify fewer ext2 option flags (for old kernels) All of these are on by default (as appropriate) none Clear default options (all but journaling) dir_index Use htree indexes for large directories filetype Store file type info in directory entry has_journal Set by -j journal_dev Set by -J device=XXX sparse_super Don't allocate huge numbers of redundant superblocks config ONEIT bool "oneit" default n help usage: oneit [-p] command [...] A simple init program that runs a single supplied command line with a controlling tty (so CTRL-C can kill it). -p Power off instead of rebooting when command exits. The oneit command runs the supplied command line as a child process (because PID 1 has signals blocked), attached to /dev/tty0, in its own session. Then oneit reaps zombies until the child exits, at which point it reboots (or with -p, powers off) the system. config PWD bool "pwd" default n help usage: pwd The print working directory command prints the current directory. config READLINK bool "readlink" default n help usage: readlink Show what a symbolic link points to. config READLINK_FINAL bool "readlink -f" default n help usage: readlink [-f] -f Show final location, including normal files and multiple symlinks. config SYNC bool "sync" default n help usage: sync Write pending cached data to disk (synchronize), blocking until done. config TOUCH bool "touch" default n help usage: touch [-acmrt] FILE... Change file timestamps/length. Create empty or sparse files. -a -c -m -r -t config TOYSH bool "sh (toysh)" default n help usage: sh [-c command] [script] The toybox command shell. Runs a shell script, or else reads input interactively and responds to it. -c command line to execute config TOYSH_TTY bool "Interactive shell (terminal control)" default n depends on TOYSH help Add terminal control to toysh. This is necessary for interactive use, so the shell isn't killed by CTRL-C. config TOYSH_PROFILE bool "Profile support" default n depends on TOYSH_TTY help Read /etc/profile and ~/.profile when running interactively. Also enables the built-in command "source". config TOYSH_JOBCTL bool "Job Control (fg, bg, jobs)" default n depends on TOYSH_TTY help Add job cocntrol to toysh. This lets toysh handle CTRL-Z, and enables the built-in commands "fg", "bg", and "jobs". With pipe support, enable use of "&" to run background processes. config TOYSH_FLOWCTL bool "Flow control (if, while, for, functions)" default n depends on TOYSH help Add flow control to toysh. This enables the if/then/else/fi, while/do/done, and for/do/done constructs. With pipe support, this enables the ability to define functions using the "function name" or "name()" syntax, plus curly brackets "{ }" to group commands. config TOYSH_QUOTES bool "Smarter argument parsing (quotes)" default n depends on TOYSH help Add support for parsing "" and '' style quotes to the toysh command parser, with lets arguments have spaces in them. config TOYSH_WILDCARDS bool "Wildcards ( ?*{,} )" default n depends on TOYSH_QUOTES help Expand wildcards in argument names, ala "ls -l *.t?z" and "rm subdir/{one,two,three}.txt". config TOYSH_PROCARGS bool "Executable arguments ( `` and $() )" default n depends on TOYSH_QUOTES help Add support for executing arguments contianing $() and ``, using the output of the command as the new argument value(s). (Bash calls this "command substitution".) config TOYSH_ENVVARS bool "Environment variable support" default n depends on TOYSH_QUOTES help Substitute environment variable values for $VARNAME or ${VARNAME}, and enable the built-in command "export". config TOYSH_LOCALS bool "Local variables" default n depends on TOYSH_ENVVARS help Support for local variables, fancy prompts ($PS1), the "set" command, and $?. config TOYSH_ARRAYS bool "Array variables" default n depends on TOYSH_LOCALS help Support for ${blah[blah]} style array variables. config TOYSH_PIPES bool "Pipes and redirects ( | > >> < << & && | || () ; )" default n depends on TOYSH help Support multiple commands on the same command line. This includes | pipes, > >> < redirects, << here documents, || && conditional execution, () subshells, ; sequential execution, and (with job control) & background processes. config TOYSH_BUILTINS bool "Builtin commands" default n depends on TOYSH help Adds the commands exec, fg, bg, help, jobs, pwd, export, source, set, unset, read, alias. config WHICH bool "which" default n help usage: which [-a] filename ... Search $PATH for executable files matching filename(s). -a Show all matches config YES bool "yes" default n help usage: yes [args...] Repeatedly output line until killed. If no args, output 'y'. endmenu