/* i2ctools.c - i2c tools * * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/i2c/ * * Note: -y must have the same value in each toy for `confirm`. * * TODO: i2cdetect -q/-r and the "auto" mode? * TODO: i2cdump non-byte modes, -r FIRST-LAST? * TODO: i2cget non-byte modes? default to current read address? * TODO: i2cset -r? -m MASK? c/s modes, p mode modifier? USE_I2CDETECT(NEWTOY(i2cdetect, ">3aFly", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) USE_I2CDUMP(NEWTOY(i2cdump, "<2>2fy", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) USE_I2CGET(NEWTOY(i2cget, "<3>3fy", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) USE_I2CSET(NEWTOY(i2cset, "<4fy", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config I2CDETECT bool "i2cdetect" default y help usage: i2cdetect [-ary] BUS [FIRST LAST] usage: i2cdetect -F BUS usage: i2cdetect -l Detect i2c devices. -a All addresses (0x00-0x7f rather than 0x03-0x77) -F Show functionality -l List all buses -r Probe with SMBus Read Byte -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use) config I2CDUMP bool "i2cdump" default y help usage: i2cdump [-fy] BUS CHIP Dump i2c registers. -f Force access to busy devices -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use) config I2CGET bool "i2cget" default y help usage: i2cget [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR Read an i2c register. -f Force access to busy devices -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use) config I2CSET bool "i2cset" default y help usage: i2cset [-fy] BUS CHIP ADDR VALUE... MODE Write an i2c register. MODE is b for byte, w for 16-bit word, i for I2C block. -f Force access to busy devices -y Answer "yes" to confirmation prompts (for script use) */ #define FOR_i2cdetect #include "toys.h" #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/i2c-dev.h> printf_format static void confirm(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; if (toys.optflags & FLAG_y) return; va_start(va, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va); va_end(va); if (!yesno(1)) error_exit("Exiting"); } static int i2c_open(int bus, int slave, int chip) { int fd; snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/dev/i2c-%d", bus); fd = xopen(toybuf, O_RDONLY); if (slave) xioctl(fd, slave, (void *)(long)chip); return fd; } static unsigned long i2c_get_funcs(int bus) { int fd = i2c_open(bus, 0, 0); unsigned long result; xioctl(fd, I2C_FUNCS, &result); close(fd); return result; } static int i2c_read_byte(int fd, int addr, int *byte) { struct i2c_smbus_ioctl_data ioctl_data; union i2c_smbus_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); ioctl_data.read_write = I2C_SMBUS_READ; ioctl_data.size = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA; ioctl_data.command = addr; ioctl_data.data = &data; if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SMBUS, &ioctl_data) == -1) return -1; *byte = data.byte; return 0; } static void i2cdetect_dash_F(int bus) { size_t i; struct { int mask; const char *name; } funcs[] = { {I2C_FUNC_I2C, "I2C"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_QUICK, "SMBus Quick Command"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE, "SMBus Send Byte"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE, "SMBus Receive Byte"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BYTE_DATA, "SMBus Write Byte"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE_DATA, "SMBus Read Byte"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_WORD_DATA, "SMBus Write Word"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_WORD_DATA, "SMBus Read Word"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PROC_CALL, "SMBus Process Call"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_BLOCK_DATA, "SMBus Write Block"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BLOCK_DATA, "SMBus Read Block"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL, "SMBus Block Process Call"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_PEC, "SMBus PEC"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_WRITE_I2C_BLOCK, "I2C Write Block"}, {I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_I2C_BLOCK, "I2C Read Block"}, }; unsigned long supported = i2c_get_funcs(bus); printf("Functionalities implemented by %s:\n", toybuf); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(funcs); ++i) { printf("%-32s %s\n", funcs[i].name, (supported & funcs[i].mask) ? "yes" : "no"); } } static int i2cdetect_dash_l(struct dirtree *node) { int suffix_len = strlen("/name"); int bus; char *fname, *p; unsigned long funcs; if (!node->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE; // Skip the directory itself. if (sscanf(node->name, "i2c-%d", &bus) != 1) return 0; funcs = i2c_get_funcs(bus); fname = dirtree_path(node, &suffix_len); strcat(fname, "/name"); xreadfile(fname, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf)); free(fname); if ((p = strchr(toybuf, '\n'))) *p = 0; // "i2c-1 i2c Synopsys DesignWare I2C adapter I2C adapter" printf("%s\t%-10s\t%-32s\t%s\n", node->name, (funcs & I2C_FUNC_I2C) ? "i2c" : "?", toybuf, (funcs & I2C_FUNC_I2C) ? "I2C Adapter" : "?"); return 0; } void i2cdetect_main(void) { if (toys.optflags & FLAG_l) { if (toys.optc) error_exit("-l doesn't take arguments"); dirtree_read("/sys/class/i2c-dev", i2cdetect_dash_l); } else if (toys.optflags & FLAG_F) { if (toys.optc != 1) error_exit("-F BUS"); i2cdetect_dash_F(atolx_range(*toys.optargs, 0, INT_MAX)); } else { int bus, first = 0x03, last = 0x77, fd, row, addr, byte; if (toys.optflags & FLAG_a) { first = 0x00; last = 0x7f; } if (toys.optc != 1 && toys.optc != 3) error_exit("bad args"); bus = atolx_range(*toys.optargs, 0, INT_MAX); if (toys.optc == 3) { first = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 0, 0x7f); last = atolx_range(toys.optargs[2], 0, 0x7f); if (first > last) error_exit("first > last"); } confirm("Probe chips 0x%02x-0x%02x on bus %d?", first, last, bus); fd = i2c_open(bus, 0, 0); printf(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f\n"); for (row = 0; row <= 0x70; row += 16) { xprintf("%02x:", row & 0xf0); for (addr = row; addr < row + 16; ++addr) { if (addr < first || addr > last) printf(" "); else { if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, addr) == -1) { if (errno == EBUSY) { xprintf(" UU"); continue; } perror_exit("ioctl(I2C_SLAVE)"); } if (i2c_read_byte(fd, addr, &byte) == -1) xprintf(" --"); else xprintf(" %02x", addr); } } putchar('\n'); } close(fd); } } #define CLEANUP_i2cdetect #define FOR_i2cdump #include "generated/flags.h" void i2cdump_main(void) { int bus = atolx_range(toys.optargs[0], 0, INT_MAX); int chip = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 0, 0x7f); int fd, row, addr, byte; confirm("Dump chip 0x%02x on bus %d?", chip, bus); fd = i2c_open(bus, (toys.optflags&FLAG_f)?I2C_SLAVE_FORCE:I2C_SLAVE, chip); printf(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0123456789abcdef\n"); for (row = 0; row <= 0xf0; row += 16) { xprintf("%02x:", row & 0xf0); for (addr = row; addr < row + 16; ++addr) { if (i2c_read_byte(fd, addr, &byte) == -1) perror_exit("i2c_read_byte"); printf(" %02x", byte); toybuf[addr-row] = isprint(byte) ? byte : (byte ? '?' : '.'); } printf(" %16.16s\n", toybuf); } close(fd); } #define CLEANUP_i2cdump #define FOR_i2cget #include "generated/flags.h" void i2cget_main(void) { int bus = atolx_range(toys.optargs[0], 0, INT_MAX); int chip = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 0, 0x7f); int addr = atolx_range(toys.optargs[2], 0, 0xff); int fd, byte; confirm("Read register 0x%02x from chip 0x%02x on bus %d?", addr, chip, bus); fd = i2c_open(bus, (toys.optflags&FLAG_f)?I2C_SLAVE_FORCE:I2C_SLAVE, chip); if (i2c_read_byte(fd, addr, &byte) == -1) perror_exit("i2c_read_byte"); printf("0x%02x\n", byte); close(fd); } #define CLEANUP_i2cget #define FOR_i2cset #include "generated/flags.h" void i2cset_main(void) { int bus = atolx_range(toys.optargs[0], 0, INT_MAX); int chip = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 0, 0x7f); int addr = atolx_range(toys.optargs[2], 0, 0xff); char *mode = toys.optargs[toys.optc-1]; int fd, i; struct i2c_smbus_ioctl_data ioctl_data; union i2c_smbus_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); if (strlen(mode) != 1) help_exit("mode too long"); if (*mode == 'b' && toys.optc == 5) { ioctl_data.size = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE_DATA; data.byte = atolx_range(toys.optargs[3], 0, 0xff); } else if (*mode == 'w' && toys.optc == 5) { ioctl_data.size = I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA; data.word = atolx_range(toys.optargs[3], 0, 0xffff); } else if (*mode == 'i' && toys.optc >= 5) { if (toys.optc - 4 > I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX) error_exit("too much data"); ioctl_data.size = I2C_SMBUS_I2C_BLOCK_DATA; for (i = 0; i < toys.optc - 4; ++i) data.block[i+1] = atolx_range(toys.optargs[3+i], 0, 0xff); data.block[0] = toys.optc - 4; } else { help_exit("syntax error"); } confirm("Write register 0x%02x from chip 0x%02x on bus %d?", addr, chip, bus); fd = i2c_open(bus, (toys.optflags&FLAG_f)?I2C_SLAVE_FORCE:I2C_SLAVE, chip); ioctl_data.read_write = I2C_SMBUS_WRITE; ioctl_data.command = addr; ioctl_data.data = &data; xioctl(fd, I2C_SMBUS, &ioctl_data); close(fd); }