/* lsattr.c - List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system. * * Copyright 2013 Ranjan Kumar <ranjankumar.bth@gmail.com> * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <asura321@gmail.com> * * No Standard. * * TODO cleanup USE_LSATTR(NEWTOY(lsattr, "vldaR", TOYFLAG_BIN)) USE_CHATTR(NEWTOY(chattr, NULL, TOYFLAG_BIN)) config LSATTR bool "lsattr" default y help usage: lsattr [-Radlv] [Files...] List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system. (AacDdijsStu defined in chattr --help) -R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents -a List all files in directories, including files that start with '.' -d List directories like other files, rather than listing their contents -l List long flag names -v List the file's version/generation number config CHATTR bool "chattr" default y help usage: chattr [-R] [-+=AacDdijsStTu] [-v version] [File...] Change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system. -R Recurse -v Set the file's version/generation number Operators: '-' Remove attributes '+' Add attributes '=' Set attributes Attributes: A Don't track atime a Append mode only c Enable compress D Write dir contents synchronously d Don't backup with dump i Cannot be modified (immutable) j Write all data to journal first s Zero disk storage when deleted S Write file contents synchronously t Disable tail-merging of partial blocks with other files u Allow file to be undeleted */ #define FOR_lsattr #include "toys.h" #include <linux/fs.h> static struct ext2_attr { char *name; unsigned long flag; char opt; } e2attrs[] = { {"Secure_Deletion", FS_SECRM_FL, 's'}, // Secure deletion {"Undelete", FS_UNRM_FL, 'u'}, // Undelete {"Compression_Requested", FS_COMPR_FL, 'c'}, // Compress file {"Synchronous_Updates", FS_SYNC_FL, 'S'}, // Synchronous updates {"Immutable", FS_IMMUTABLE_FL, 'i'}, // Immutable file {"Append_Only", FS_APPEND_FL, 'a'}, // writes to file may only append {"No_Dump", FS_NODUMP_FL, 'd'}, // do not dump file {"No_Atime", FS_NOATIME_FL, 'A'}, // do not update atime {"Indexed_directory", FS_INDEX_FL, 'I'}, // hash-indexed directory {"Journaled_Data", FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL, 'j'}, // file data should be journaled {"No_Tailmerging", FS_NOTAIL_FL, 't'}, // file tail should not be merged {"Synchronous_Directory_Updates", FS_DIRSYNC_FL, 'D'}, // dirsync behaviour (directories only) {"Top_of_Directory_Hierarchies", FS_TOPDIR_FL, 'T'}, // Top of directory hierarchies {NULL, -1, 0}, }; // Get file flags on a Linux second extended file system. static int ext2_getflag(int fd, struct stat *sb, unsigned long *flag) { if(!S_ISREG(sb->st_mode) && !S_ISDIR(sb->st_mode)) { errno = EOPNOTSUPP; return -1; } return (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, (void*)flag)); } static void print_file_attr(char *path) { unsigned long flag = 0, version = 0; int fd; struct stat sb; if (!stat(path, &sb) && !S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { errno = EOPNOTSUPP; goto LABEL1; } if (-1 == (fd=open(path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK))) goto LABEL1; if (toys.optflags & FLAG_v) { if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETVERSION, (void*)&version) < 0) goto LABEL2; xprintf("%5lu ", version); } if (ext2_getflag(fd, &sb, &flag) < 0) perror_msg("reading flags '%s'", path); else { struct ext2_attr *ptr = e2attrs; if (toys.optflags & FLAG_l) { int name_found = 0; xprintf("%-50s ", path); for (; ptr->name; ptr++) { if (flag & ptr->flag) { if (name_found) xprintf(", "); //for formatting. xprintf("%s", ptr->name); name_found = 1; } } if (!name_found) xprintf("---"); xputc('\n'); } else { int index = 0; for (; ptr->name; ptr++) toybuf[index++] = (flag & ptr->flag) ? ptr->opt : '-'; toybuf[index] = '\0'; xprintf("%s %s\n", toybuf, path); } } xclose(fd); return; LABEL2: xclose(fd); LABEL1: perror_msg("reading '%s'", path); } // Get directory information. static int retell_dir(struct dirtree *root) { char *fpath = NULL; if (root->again) { xputc('\n'); return 0; } if (S_ISDIR(root->st.st_mode) && !root->parent) return (DIRTREE_RECURSE | DIRTREE_COMEAGAIN); fpath = dirtree_path(root, NULL); //Special case: with '-a' option and '.'/'..' also included in printing list. if ((root->name[0] != '.') || (toys.optflags & FLAG_a)) { print_file_attr(fpath); if (S_ISDIR(root->st.st_mode) && (toys.optflags & FLAG_R) && dirtree_notdotdot(root)) { xprintf("\n%s:\n", fpath); free(fpath); return (DIRTREE_RECURSE | DIRTREE_COMEAGAIN); } } free(fpath); return 0; } void lsattr_main(void) { if (!*toys.optargs) dirtree_read(".", retell_dir); else for (; *toys.optargs; toys.optargs++) { struct stat sb; if (lstat(*toys.optargs, &sb)) perror_msg("stat '%s'", *toys.optargs); else if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && !(toys.optflags & FLAG_d)) dirtree_read(*toys.optargs, retell_dir); else print_file_attr(*toys.optargs);// to handle "./Filename" or "./Dir" } } // Switch gears from lsattr to chattr. #define CLEANUP_lsattr #define FOR_chattr #include "generated/flags.h" static struct _chattr { unsigned long add, rm, set, version; unsigned char vflag, recursive; } chattr; // Set file flags on a Linux second extended file system. static inline int ext2_setflag(int fd, struct stat *sb, unsigned long flag) { if (!S_ISREG(sb->st_mode) && !S_ISDIR(sb->st_mode)) { errno = EOPNOTSUPP; return -1; } return (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETFLAGS, (void*)&flag)); } static unsigned long get_flag_val(char ch) { struct ext2_attr *ptr = e2attrs; for (; ptr->name; ptr++) if (ptr->opt == ch) return ptr->flag; help_exit("bad '%c'", ch); } // Parse command line argument and fill the chattr structure. static void parse_cmdline_arg(char ***argv) { char *arg = **argv, *ptr = NULL; while (arg) { switch (arg[0]) { case '-': for (ptr = ++arg; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == 'R') { chattr.recursive = 1; continue; } else if (*ptr == 'v') {// get version from next argv. char *endptr; errno = 0; arg = *(*argv += 1); if (!arg) help_exit("bad -v"); if (*arg == '-') perror_exit("Invalid Number '%s'", arg); chattr.version = strtoul(arg, &endptr, 0); if (errno || *endptr) perror_exit("bad version '%s'", arg); chattr.vflag = 1; continue; } else chattr.rm |= get_flag_val(*ptr); } break; case '+': for (ptr = ++arg; *ptr; ptr++) chattr.add |= get_flag_val(*ptr); break; case '=': for (ptr = ++arg; *ptr; ptr++) chattr.set |= get_flag_val(*ptr); break; default: return; } arg = *(*argv += 1); } } // Update attribute of given file. static int update_attr(struct dirtree *root) { unsigned long fval = 0; char *fpath = NULL; int fd; if (!dirtree_notdotdot(root)) return 0; /* * if file is a link and recursive is set or file is not regular+link+dir * (like fifo or dev file) then escape the file. */ if ((S_ISLNK(root->st.st_mode) && chattr.recursive) || (!S_ISREG(root->st.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(root->st.st_mode) && !S_ISDIR(root->st.st_mode))) return 0; fpath = dirtree_path(root, NULL); if (-1 == (fd=open(fpath, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK))) { free(fpath); return DIRTREE_ABORT; } // Get current attr of file. if (ext2_getflag(fd, &(root->st), &fval) < 0) { perror_msg("read flags of '%s'", fpath); free(fpath); xclose(fd); return DIRTREE_ABORT; } if (chattr.set) { // for '=' operator. if (ext2_setflag(fd, &(root->st), chattr.set) < 0) perror_msg("setting flags '%s'", fpath); } else { // for '-' / '+' operator. fval &= ~(chattr.rm); fval |= chattr.add; if (!S_ISDIR(root->st.st_mode)) fval &= ~FS_DIRSYNC_FL; if (ext2_setflag(fd, &(root->st), fval) < 0) perror_msg("setting flags '%s'", fpath); } if (chattr.vflag) { // set file version if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETVERSION, (void*)&chattr.version) < 0) perror_msg("while setting version on '%s'", fpath); } free(fpath); xclose(fd); if (S_ISDIR(root->st.st_mode) && chattr.recursive) return DIRTREE_RECURSE; return 0; } void chattr_main(void) { char **argv = toys.optargs; memset(&chattr, 0, sizeof(struct _chattr)); parse_cmdline_arg(&argv); if (!*argv) help_exit("no file"); if (chattr.set && (chattr.add || chattr.rm)) error_exit("no '=' with '-' or '+'"); if (chattr.rm & chattr.add) error_exit("set/unset same flag"); if (!(chattr.add || chattr.rm || chattr.set || chattr.vflag)) error_exit("need '-v', '=', '-' or '+'"); for (; *argv; argv++) dirtree_read(*argv, update_attr); toys.exitval = 0; //always set success at this point. }