/* pmap.c - Reports the memory map of a process or processes. * * Copyright 2013 Ranjan Kumar <ranjankumar.bth@gmail.com> * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <asura321@gmail.com> * * No Standard. USE_PMAP(NEWTOY(pmap, "<1xq", TOYFLAG_BIN)) config PMAP bool "pmap" default y help usage: pmap [-xq] [pids...] Reports the memory map of a process or processes. -x Show the extended format. -q Do not display some header/footer lines. */ #define FOR_pmap #include "toys.h" void pmap_main(void) { while (*toys.optargs) { pid_t pid = atolx(*toys.optargs++); FILE *fp; char *line, *oldline = 0, *name = 0, *k = (toys.optflags & FLAG_x) ? "" : "K"; size_t len; long long start, end, pss, tpss = 0, dirty, tdirty = 0, swap, tswap = 0, total = 0; int count, xx = 0; snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%u/cmdline", pid); line = readfile(toybuf); if (!line) error_msg("No %lu", (long)pid); xprintf("%u: %s\n", (int)pid, line); free(line); // Header // Only use the more verbose file in -x mode sprintf(toybuf, "/proc/%u/%smaps", pid, (toys.optflags & FLAG_x) ? "s" : ""); if (!(fp = fopen(toybuf, "r"))) { error_msg("No %ld\n", (long)pid); return; } if ((toys.optflags & (FLAG_q|FLAG_x)) == FLAG_x) xprintf("Address%*cKbytes PSS Dirty Swap Mode Mapping\n", (sizeof(long)*2)-4, ' '); // Loop through mappings for (;;) { int off; line = 0; if (0 >= getline(&line, &len, fp)) break; count = sscanf(line, "%llx-%llx %s %*s %*s %*s %n", &start, &end, toybuf, &off); if (count == 3) { name = line[off] ? line+off : " [anon]\n"; if (toybuf[3] == 'p') toybuf[3] = '-'; total += end = (end-start)/1024; printf("%0*llx % *lld%s ", (int)(2*sizeof(long)), start, 6+!!(toys.optflags & FLAG_x), end, k); if (toys.optflags & FLAG_x) { oldline = line; continue; } } else { if (0<sscanf(line, "Pss: %lld", &pss) || 0<sscanf(line, "Private_Dirty: %lld", &dirty) || 0<sscanf(line, "Swap: %lld", &swap)) xx++; free(line); if (xx<3) continue; line = oldline; name = basename(name); xx = 0; printf("% 7lld %7lld %7lld ", pss, dirty, swap); tpss += pss; tdirty += dirty; tswap += swap; } xprintf("%s- %s%s", toybuf, line[off]=='[' ? " " : "", name); free(line); line = 0; } // Trailer if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_q)) { int x = !!(toys.optflags & FLAG_x); if (x) { memset(toybuf, '-', 16); xprintf("%.*s ------ ------ ------ ------\n", (int)(sizeof(long)*2), toybuf); } printf("total% *lld%s", 2*(int)(sizeof(long)+1)+x, total, k); if (x) printf("% 8lld% 8lld% 8lld", tpss, tdirty, tswap); xputc('\n'); } fclose(fp); } }