/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: * * patch.c - Apply a "universal" diff. * * Copyright 2007 Rob Landley <rob@landley.net> * * see http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/patch.html * (But only does -u, because who still cares about "ed"?) * * TODO: * -b backup * -l treat all whitespace as a single space * -N ignore already applied * -d chdir first * -D define wrap #ifdef and #ifndef around changes * -o outfile output here instead of in place * -r rejectfile write rejected hunks to this file * * -E remove empty files --remove-empty-files * -f force (no questions asked) * -F fuzz (number, default 2) * [file] which file to patch USE_PATCH(NEWTOY(patch, "up#i:R", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config PATCH bool "patch" default y help usage: patch [-i file] [-p depth] [-Ru] Apply a unified diff to one or more files. -i Input file (defaults=stdin) -p number of '/' to strip from start of file paths (default=all) -R Reverse patch. -u Ignored (only handles "unified" diffs) This version of patch only handles unified diffs, and only modifies a file when all all hunks to that file apply. Patch prints failed hunks to stderr, and exits with nonzero status if any hunks fail. A file compared against /dev/null (or with a date in 1969) is created/deleted as appropriate. */ #include "toys.h" DEFINE_GLOBALS( char *infile; long prefix; struct double_list *plines, *flines; long oldline, oldlen, newline, newlen, linenum; int context, state, filein, fileout, filepatch, hunknum; char *tempname, *oldname; ) #define TT this.patch #define FLAG_REVERSE 1 #define FLAG_PATHLEN 4 static void do_line(void *data) { struct double_list *dlist = (struct double_list *)data; if (TT.state && *dlist->data != TT.state) fdprintf(TT.state == 2 ? 2 : TT.fileout, "%s\n", dlist->data+(TT.state>2 ? 1 : 0)); free(dlist->data); free(data); } static void finish_oldfile(void) { if (TT.tempname) replace_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname); } static void fail_hunk(void) { if (!TT.plines) return; TT.plines->prev->next = 0; fdprintf(2, "Hunk %d FAILED.\n", TT.hunknum); toys.exitval = 1; // If we got to this point, we've seeked to the end. Discard changes to // this file and advance to next file. TT.state = 2; llist_free(TT.plines, do_line); TT.plines = NULL; delete_tempfile(TT.filein, TT.fileout, &TT.tempname); TT.filein = -1; } static void apply_hunk(void) { struct double_list *plist, *buf = NULL, *check; int i = 0, backwards = 0, matcheof = 0, reverse = toys.optflags & FLAG_REVERSE; // Break doubly linked list so we can use singly linked traversal function. TT.plines->prev->next = NULL; // Match EOF if there aren't as many ending context lines as beginning for (plist = TT.plines; plist; plist = plist->next) { if (plist->data[0]==' ') i++; else i = 0; } if (i < TT.context) matcheof++; // Search for a place to apply this hunk. Match all context lines and // lines to be removed. plist = TT.plines; buf = NULL; i = 0; // Start of for loop if (TT.context) for (;;) { char *data = get_line(TT.filein); TT.linenum++; // Skip lines of the hunk we'd be adding. while (plist && *plist->data == "+-"[reverse]) { if (data && !strcmp(data, plist->data+1)) { if (++backwards == TT.context) fdprintf(2,"Possibly reversed hunk %d at %ld\n", TT.hunknum, TT.linenum); } else backwards=0; plist = plist->next; } // Is this EOF? if (!data) { // Does this hunk need to match EOF? if (!plist && matcheof) break; // File ended before we found a place for this hunk. fail_hunk(); goto done; } check = dlist_add(&buf, data); // todo: teach the strcmp() to ignore whitespace. for (;;) { // If we hit the end of a hunk that needed EOF and this isn't EOF, // or next line doesn't match, flush first line of buffered data and // recheck match until we find a new match or run out of buffer. if (!plist || strcmp(check->data, plist->data+1)) { // First line isn't a match, write it out. TT.state = 1; check = llist_pop(&buf); check->prev->next = buf; buf->prev = check->prev; do_line(check); plist = TT.plines; // Out of buffered lines? if (check==buf) { buf = 0; break; } check = buf; } else { // This line matches. Advance plist, detect successful match. plist = plist->next; if (!plist && !matcheof) goto out; check = check->next; if (check == buf) break; } } } out: // Got it. Emit changed data. TT.state = "-+"[reverse]; llist_free(TT.plines, do_line); TT.plines = NULL; done: TT.state = 0; if (buf) { buf->prev->next = NULL; llist_free(buf, do_line); } } // state 0: Not in a hunk, look for +++. // state 1: Found +++ file indicator, look for @@ // state 2: In hunk: counting initial context lines // state 3: In hunk: getting body void patch_main(void) { if (TT.infile) TT.filepatch = xopen(TT.infile, O_RDONLY); TT.filein = TT.fileout = -1; // Loop through the lines in the patch for(;;) { char *patchline; patchline = get_line(TT.filepatch); if (!patchline) break; // Are we processing a hunk? if (TT.state >= 2) { if (*patchline==' ' || *patchline=='+' || *patchline=='-') { dlist_add(&TT.plines, patchline); if (*patchline != '+') TT.oldlen--; if (*patchline != '-') TT.newlen--; // Context line? if (*patchline==' ' && TT.state==2) TT.context++; else TT.state=3; if (!TT.oldlen && !TT.newlen) apply_hunk(); continue; } fail_hunk(); TT.state = 0; continue; } // Open a new file? if (!strncmp("--- ", patchline, 4)) { char *s; free(TT.oldname); // Trim date from end of filename (if any). We don't care. for (s = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++) if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++; if (!strncmp(s, "\t1969-12-31", 10)) TT.oldname = xstrdup("/dev/null"); else { *s = 0; TT.oldname = xstrdup(patchline+4); } } else if (!strncmp("+++ ", patchline, 4)) { int i = 0, del = 0; char *s, *start; finish_oldfile(); // Trim date from end of filename (if any). We don't care. for (s = start = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++) if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++; if (!strncmp(s, "\t1969-12-31", 10)) start = "/dev/null"; *s = 0; // If new file is /dev/null (before -p), we're deleting oldname if (!strcmp(start, "/dev/null")) { start = TT.oldname; del++; } else start = patchline+4; // handle -p path truncation. for (s = start; *s;) { if ((toys.optflags & FLAG_PATHLEN) && TT.prefix == i) break; if (*(s++)=='/') { start = s; i++; } } if (del) xunlink(TT.oldname); // If we've got a file to open, do so. else if (!(toys.optflags & FLAG_PATHLEN) || i <= TT.prefix) { // If the old file was null, we're creating a new one. if (!strcmp(TT.oldname, "/dev/null")) { printf("creating %s\n", start); s = strrchr(start, '/'); if (s) { *s = 0; xmkpath(start, -1); *s = '/'; } TT.filein = xcreate(start, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0666); } else { printf("patching %s\n", start); TT.filein = xopen(start, O_RDWR); } TT.fileout = copy_tempfile(TT.filein, start, &TT.tempname); TT.state = 1; TT.context = 0; TT.linenum = 0; TT.hunknum = 0; } // Start a new hunk? // Test filein rather than state to report only the first failed hunk. } else if (TT.filein!=-1 && !strncmp("@@ -", patchline, 4) && 4 == sscanf(patchline+4, "%ld,%ld +%ld,%ld", &TT.oldline, &TT.oldlen, &TT.newline, &TT.newlen)) { TT.context = 0; TT.hunknum++; TT.state = 2; continue; } // If we didn't continue above, discard this line. free(patchline); } finish_oldfile(); if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) { close(TT.filepatch); free(TT.oldname); } }