/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4:
 * find.c - find files matching a criteria
 * Copyright 2012 Tim Bird <tbird20d@gmail.com>
 * See http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/find.html


config FIND
  bool "find"
  default n
    usage: find [DIR] [<options>]

    -name <pattern>    match pattern
    -type [bcdflps]    match file type
    !, -a, -o          not, and , or
    (, )               group expressions  
    -mtime [-+]n       match file modification time (to within 24 hours)
    \t\t               +=greater (older) than, -=less (younger) than

    File types:
    b  block device  d  directory     l  symlink  s  socket
    c  char device   f  regular file  p  FIFO

/* To Do:
 * -exec action

#define FOR_find
#include "toys.h"

struct filter_node {
  struct filter_node *next;
  int op;
  union {
    char *name_regex;
    struct {
      int sign;
      time_t time;
    } t;
    mode_t type;
    struct {
      int arg_path_index;
      char **exec_args;
    } e;
  } data;

  char *dir;
  struct filter_node *filter_root;
  time_t itime;

/* filter operation types */
#define OP_UNKNOWN	0
#define OP_OR		2
#define OP_AND		3
#define OP_NOT		4

#define LPAREN		1 
#define RPAREN		5 

#define MAX_OP		5

#define CHECK_NAME	7
#define CHECK_MTIME	8
#define CHECK_TYPE	9

#define ACTION_PRINT	20
#define ACTION_PRINT0	21
#define ACTION_EXEC	22

#define IS_ACTION(x)    (x >= 20)

/* executes the command for a filter node
   returns 0 for failure or 1 for success
static int do_exec(struct filter_node *filter, struct dirtree *node)
  char *path = NULL;
  char **arg_array;
  pid_t pid;
  int status;

  arg_array = filter->data.e.exec_args;
  if (filter->data.e.arg_path_index) {
    int plen;
    path = dirtree_path(node, &plen);
    arg_array[filter->data.e.arg_path_index] = path;

  if (!(pid = fork())) xexec(arg_array);
  waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

  return !WEXITSTATUS(status);

/* prefix evaluator */
/* returns 0 for failure or 1 for success */
static int evaluate(struct filter_node *filter, struct dirtree *node,
  struct filter_node **fnext)
  int result;
  int op;
  static int skip = 0;

  /* if no filters, success */
  if (!filter) {
    *fnext = NULL;
    return 1;
  op = filter->op;

  if (op==OP_NOT) return !evaluate(filter->next, node, fnext);

  if (op==OP_OR || op==OP_AND) {
    result = evaluate(filter->next, node, fnext);
    if(!skip) {
      if (op==OP_OR) {
        skip = result;
        result = evaluate(*fnext, node, fnext) || result;
      } else {
        skip = !result;
        result = evaluate(*fnext, node, fnext) && result;
      skip = 0;
    else result = evaluate(*fnext, node, fnext);
    return result;

  // we're down to single operations, mark our position
  *fnext = filter->next;
  if(skip) return 0;

  // TODO: Do a regex comparison
  if (op==CHECK_NAME)
    return !strcmp(filter->data.name_regex, node->name);

  if (op==CHECK_MTIME) {
    long delta = (long)(((double)TT.itime - node->st.st_mtime) / 86400)
    return filter->data.t.sign == (delta > 0) - (delta < 0);
  if (op==CHECK_TYPE) return (node->st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == filter->data.type;

  if (op==ACTION_PRINT || op==ACTION_PRINT0) {
    char *path;
    int plen = 0;
    char terminator = (op==ACTION_PRINT)*'\n';

    path = dirtree_path(node, &plen);
    printf("%s%c", path, terminator);
    return 1;

  if (op==ACTION_EXEC) return !do_exec(filter, node);

  error_msg("Ran out of operations in filter list!");
  return 1;

static int check_node_callback(struct dirtree *node)
  struct filter_node *junk;

  /* only recurse on "." at the root */
  /* so, don't recurse on 1) non-root "." and 2) any ".." */

  if (node->name[0] == '.' && 
    ((!node->name[1] && node->parent) ||
    (node->name[1]=='.' && !node->name[2])))
    return 0;

  evaluate(TT.filter_root, node, &junk);

static void build_filter_list(void)
  struct filter_node *node_list, *op_stack, *node, *op_node, *next;
  char **arg;
  int j;
  int prevop = 0;
  int have_action = 0;

  /* part optargs here and build a filter list in prefix format */

  TT.dir = ".";
  node_list = NULL;
  for (arg = toys.optargs; *arg; arg++) {
    struct {
      char *arg;
      int op;
      int extrarg;
    } arg_map[] = {{"-o", OP_OR, 0},
                   {"-a", OP_AND, 0},
                   {"!", OP_NOT, 0},
                   {"(", LPAREN, 0},
                   {")", RPAREN, 0},
                   {"-name", CHECK_NAME, 1},
                   {"-mtime", CHECK_MTIME, 1},
                   {"-type", CHECK_TYPE, 1},
                   {"-print", ACTION_PRINT, 0},
                   {"-print0", ACTION_PRINT0, 0},
                   {"-exec", ACTION_EXEC, 1}
    char **arg_array;
    node = (struct filter_node *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct filter_node));
    node->op = OP_UNKNOWN;
    for (j=0; j < sizeof(arg_map)/sizeof(*arg_map); j++) {
      if (!strcmp(*arg, arg_map[j].arg)) {
        node->op = arg_map[j].op;
        if (arg_map[j].extrarg && !*(++arg))
	   error_exit("Missing argument to %s", arg_map[j].arg);

    switch(node->op) {
      case CHECK_NAME:
        node->data.name_regex = *arg;
      case CHECK_MTIME:
        switch(**arg) {
          case '+':
          case '-':
        node->data.t.time = atoi(*arg);
      case CHECK_TYPE:
        if (-1 == (j = stridx("fdcblsp", **arg)))
          error_exit("bad type '%s'", *arg);
        else node->data.type = types[j];
      case ACTION_EXEC:
        arg_array = xmalloc(sizeof(char *));
        for (j = 0; *arg && strcmp(*arg, ";"); j++) {
          /* new method */
          arg_array = xrealloc(arg_array, sizeof(char *) * (j+2));
          arg_array[j] = *arg;
          if (!strcmp(*arg, "{}")) node->data.e.arg_path_index = j;

        if (!*arg) error_exit("need ';' in exec");
        arg_array[j] = 0;
        node->data.e.exec_args = arg_array;

    have_action |= IS_ACTION(node->op);

    if (node->op == OP_UNKNOWN) {
      if (**arg == '-') error_exit("bad option '%s'", *arg);
      else TT.dir = *arg;
    }  else {
      // add OP_AND where necessary
      if (node_list) {
        int o1 = node_list->op, o2 = node->op;
        if ((o1>MAX_OP && o2>MAX_OP) ||
           (o1==RPAREN && o2>=OP_NOT && o2!=RPAREN) ||
           (o1>=OP_NOT && o1!=LPAREN && o2==LPAREN)) {
          struct filter_node *n = (struct filter_node *)
                                  xmalloc(sizeof(struct filter_node));
          n->op = OP_AND;
          n->next = node_list;
          node_list = n;
      /* push node */
      node->next = node_list;;
      node_list = node;


  /* now convert from infix to prefix */
  if(have_action) TT.filter_root = NULL;
  else TT.filter_root = &(struct filter_node){0, ACTION_PRINT};
  op_stack = NULL;
  node = node_list;
  while( node ) {
    int op = node->op;
    next = node->next;
    if (op==LPAREN || op==RPAREN) {
      node = 0;
    if (op<=MAX_OP) {
      if (prevop > op) {
        /* pop opstack to output */
        op_node = op_stack;
        while (op_node) {
          /* remove from op_stack */
          op_stack = op_node->next;
          /* push to output */
          op_node->next = TT.filter_root;
          TT.filter_root = op_node;
          /* get next node */
          op_node = op_stack;
      if (node) {
        /* push to opstack */
        node->next = op_stack;
        op_stack = node;
      prevop = op*(op!=RPAREN);
    else {
        /* push to output */
        node->next = TT.filter_root;
        TT.filter_root = node;
    node = next;
  /* end of input - push opstack to output */
  /* pop opstack to output till empty */
  op_node = op_stack;
  while (op_node) {
    op_stack = op_node->next;
    op_node->next = TT.filter_root;
    TT.filter_root = op_node;
    op_node = op_stack;
  if(!have_action) {
    node = TT.filter_root;
    TT.filter_root = (struct filter_node*) xmalloc(sizeof(struct filter_node));
    TT.filter_root->next = node;
    TT.filter_root->op = OP_AND;

void find_main(void)
  TT.itime = time(NULL);
  /* parse filters, if present */

  /* FIXTHIS - parse actions, if present */

  dirtree_read(TT.dir, check_node_callback);