/* lsof.c - list open files. * * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project USE_LSOF(NEWTOY(lsof, "lp*t", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config LSOF bool "lsof" default n help usage: lsof [-lt] [-p PID1,PID2,...] [FILE...] List all open files belonging to all active processes, or processes using listed FILE(s). -l list uids numerically -p for given comma-separated pids only (default all pids) -t terse (pid only) output */ #define FOR_lsof #include "toys.h" GLOBALS( struct arg_list *p; struct stat *sought_files; struct double_list *all_sockets, *files; int last_shown_pid, shown_header; ) struct proc_info { char cmd[17]; int pid, uid; }; struct file_info { char *next, *prev; // For output. struct proc_info pi; char *name, fd[8], rw, locks, type[10], device[32], size_off[32], node[32]; // For filtering. dev_t st_dev; ino_t st_ino; }; static void print_info(void *data) { struct file_info *fi = data; // Filter matches if (toys.optc) { int i; for (i = 0; i<toys.optc; i++) if (TT.sought_files[i].st_dev==fi->st_dev) if (TT.sought_files[i].st_ino==fi->st_ino) break; if (i==toys.optc) return; } if (toys.optflags&FLAG_t) { if (fi->pi.pid != TT.last_shown_pid) printf("%d\n", TT.last_shown_pid = fi->pi.pid); } else { if (!TT.shown_header) { // TODO: llist_traverse to measure the columns first. printf("%-9s %5s %10.10s %4s %7s %18s %9s %10s %s\n", "COMMAND", "PID", "USER", "FD", "TYPE", "DEVICE", "SIZE/OFF", "NODE", "NAME"); TT.shown_header = 1; } printf("%-9s %5d %10.10s %4s%c%c %7s %18s %9s %10s %s\n", fi->pi.cmd, fi->pi.pid, getusername(fi->pi.uid), fi->fd, fi->rw, fi->locks, fi->type, fi->device, fi->size_off, fi->node, fi->name); } } static void free_info(void *data) { free(((struct file_info *)data)->name); free(data); } static void fill_flags(struct file_info *fi) { FILE* fp; long long pos; unsigned flags; snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d/fdinfo/%s", fi->pi.pid, fi->fd); fp = fopen(toybuf, "r"); if (!fp) return; if (fscanf(fp, "pos: %lld flags: %o", &pos, &flags) == 2) { flags &= O_ACCMODE; if (flags == O_RDONLY) fi->rw = 'r'; else if (flags == O_WRONLY) fi->rw = 'w'; else fi->rw = 'u'; snprintf(fi->size_off, sizeof(fi->size_off), "0t%lld", pos); } fclose(fp); } static void scan_proc_net_file(char *path, int family, char type, void (*fn)(char *, int, char)) { FILE *fp = fopen(path, "r"); char *line = NULL; size_t line_length = 0; if (!fp) return; if (!getline(&line, &line_length, fp)) return; // Skip header. while (getline(&line, &line_length, fp) > 0) { fn(line, family, type); } free(line); fclose(fp); } static struct file_info *add_socket(ino_t inode, const char *type) { struct file_info *fi = xzalloc(sizeof(struct file_info)); dlist_add_nomalloc(&TT.all_sockets, (struct double_list *)fi); fi->st_ino = inode; strcpy(fi->type, type); return fi; } static void scan_unix(char *line, int af, char type) { long inode; int path_pos; if (sscanf(line, "%*p: %*X %*X %*X %*X %*X %lu %n", &inode, &path_pos) >= 1) { struct file_info *fi = add_socket(inode, "unix"); char *name = chomp(line + path_pos); fi->name = strdup(*name ? name : "socket"); } } static void scan_netlink(char *line, int af, char type) { unsigned state; long inode; char *netlink_states[] = { "ROUTE", "UNUSED", "USERSOCK", "FIREWALL", "SOCK_DIAG", "NFLOG", "XFRM", "SELINUX", "ISCSI", "AUDIT", "FIB_LOOKUP", "CONNECTOR", "NETFILTER", "IP6_FW", "DNRTMSG", "KOBJECT_UEVENT", "GENERIC", "DM", "SCSITRANSPORT", "ENCRYPTFS", "RDMA", "CRYPTO" }; if (sscanf(line, "%*p %u %*u %*x %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", &state, &inode)<2) return; struct file_info *fi = add_socket(inode, "netlink"); fi->name = strdup(state < ARRAY_LEN(netlink_states) ? netlink_states[state] : "?"); } static void scan_ip(char *line, int af, char type) { char *tcp_states[] = { "UNKNOWN", "ESTABLISHED", "SYN_SENT", "SYN_RECV", "FIN_WAIT1", "FIN_WAIT2", "TIME_WAIT", "CLOSE", "CLOSE_WAIT", "LAST_ACK", "LISTEN", "CLOSING" }; char local_ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0}; char remote_ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0}; struct in6_addr local, remote; int local_port, remote_port, state; long inode; int ok; if (af == 4) { ok = sscanf(line, " %*d: %x:%x %x:%x %x %*x:%*x %*X:%*X %*X %*d %*d %ld", &(local.s6_addr32[0]), &local_port, &(remote.s6_addr32[0]), &remote_port, &state, &inode) == 6; } else { ok = sscanf(line, " %*d: %8x%8x%8x%8x:%x %8x%8x%8x%8x:%x %x " "%*x:%*x %*X:%*X %*X %*d %*d %ld", &(local.s6_addr32[0]), &(local.s6_addr32[1]), &(local.s6_addr32[2]), &(local.s6_addr32[3]), &local_port, &(remote.s6_addr32[0]), &(remote.s6_addr32[1]), &(remote.s6_addr32[2]), &(remote.s6_addr32[3]), &remote_port, &state, &inode) == 12; } if (!ok) return; struct file_info *fi = add_socket(inode, af == 4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6"); inet_ntop(af, &local, local_ip, sizeof(local_ip)); inet_ntop(af, &remote, remote_ip, sizeof(remote_ip)); if (type == 't') { if (state < 0 || state > TCP_CLOSING) state = 0; fi->name = xmprintf(af == 4 ? "TCP %s:%d->%s:%d (%s)" : "TCP [%s]:%d->[%s]:%d (%s)", local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port, tcp_states[state]); } else { fi->name = xmprintf(af == 4 ? "%s %s:%d->%s:%d" : "%s [%s]:%d->[%s]:%d", type == 'u' ? "UDP" : "RAW", local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port); } } static int find_socket(struct file_info *fi, long inode) { static int cached; if (!cached) { scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/tcp", 4, 't', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/tcp6", 6, 't', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/udp", 4, 'u', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/udp6", 6, 'u', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/raw", 4, 'r', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/raw6", 6, 'r', scan_ip); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/unix", 0, 0, scan_unix); scan_proc_net_file("/proc/net/netlink", 0, 0, scan_netlink); cached = 1; } void* list = TT.all_sockets; while (list) { struct file_info *s = (struct file_info*) llist_pop(&list); if (s->st_ino == inode) { fi->name = s->name ? strdup(s->name) : NULL; strcpy(fi->type, s->type); return 1; } if (list == TT.all_sockets) break; } return 0; } static void fill_stat(struct file_info *fi, const char *path) { struct stat sb; long dev; if (stat(path, &sb)) return; // Fill TYPE. switch ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT)) { case S_IFBLK: strcpy(fi->type, "BLK"); break; case S_IFCHR: strcpy(fi->type, "CHR"); break; case S_IFDIR: strcpy(fi->type, "DIR"); break; case S_IFIFO: strcpy(fi->type, "FIFO"); break; case S_IFLNK: strcpy(fi->type, "LINK"); break; case S_IFREG: strcpy(fi->type, "REG"); break; case S_IFSOCK: strcpy(fi->type, "sock"); break; default: snprintf(fi->type, sizeof(fi->type), "%04o", sb.st_mode & S_IFMT); break; } if (S_ISSOCK(sb.st_mode)) find_socket(fi, sb.st_ino); // Fill DEVICE. dev = (S_ISBLK(sb.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode)) ? sb.st_rdev : sb.st_dev; if (!S_ISSOCK(sb.st_mode)) snprintf(fi->device, sizeof(fi->device), "%d,%d", dev_major(dev), dev_minor(dev)); // Fill SIZE/OFF. if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) snprintf(fi->size_off, sizeof(fi->size_off), "%lld", (long long)sb.st_size); // Fill NODE. snprintf(fi->node, sizeof(fi->node), "%ld", (long)sb.st_ino); // Stash st_dev and st_ino for filtering. fi->st_dev = sb.st_dev; fi->st_ino = sb.st_ino; } struct file_info *new_file_info(struct proc_info *pi, const char *fd) { struct file_info *fi = xzalloc(sizeof(struct file_info)); dlist_add_nomalloc(&TT.files, (struct double_list *)fi); fi->pi = *pi; // Defaults. strcpy(fi->fd, fd); strcpy(fi->type, "unknown"); fi->rw = fi->locks = ' '; return fi; } static void visit_symlink(struct proc_info *pi, char *name, char *path) { struct file_info *fi = new_file_info(pi, ""); // Get NAME. if (name) { // "/proc/pid/[cwd]". snprintf(fi->fd, sizeof(fi->fd), "%s", name); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d/%s", pi->pid, path); } else { // "/proc/pid/fd/[3]" snprintf(fi->fd, sizeof(fi->fd), "%s", path); fill_flags(fi); // Clobbers toybuf. snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d/fd/%s", pi->pid, path); } // TODO: code called by fill_stat would be easier to write if we didn't // rely on toybuf being preserved here. fill_stat(fi, toybuf); if (!fi->name) { // We already have a name for things like sockets. fi->name = xreadlink(toybuf); if (!fi->name) { fi->name = xmprintf("%s (readlink: %s)", toybuf, strerror(errno)); } } } static void visit_maps(struct proc_info *pi) { FILE *fp; unsigned long long offset; char device[10]; long inode; char *line = NULL; size_t line_length = 0; snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d/maps", pi->pid); fp = fopen(toybuf, "r"); if (!fp) return; while (getline(&line, &line_length, fp) > 0) { int name_pos; if (sscanf(line, "%*x-%*x %*s %llx %s %ld %n", &offset, device, &inode, &name_pos) >= 3) { struct file_info *fi; // Ignore non-file maps. if (inode == 0 || !strcmp(device, "00:00")) continue; // TODO: show unique maps even if they have a non-zero offset? if (offset != 0) continue; fi = new_file_info(pi, "mem"); fi->name = strdup(chomp(line + name_pos)); fill_stat(fi, fi->name); } } free(line); fclose(fp); } static void visit_fds(struct proc_info *pi) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d/fd", pi->pid); if (!(dir = opendir(toybuf))) { struct file_info *fi = new_file_info(pi, "NOFD"); fi->name = xmprintf("%s (opendir: %s)", toybuf, strerror(errno)); return; } while ((de = readdir(dir))) { if (*de->d_name == '.') continue; visit_symlink(pi, NULL, de->d_name); } closedir(dir); } static void lsof_pid(int pid, struct stat *st) { struct proc_info pi; struct stat sb; char *s; pi.pid = pid; // Skip nonexistent pids sprintf(toybuf, "/proc/%d/stat", pid); if (!readfile(toybuf, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf)-1) || !(s = strchr(toybuf, '('))) return; memcpy(pi.cmd, s+1, sizeof(pi.cmd)-1); pi.cmd[sizeof(pi.cmd)-1] = 0; if ((s = strrchr(pi.cmd, ')'))) *s = 0; // Get USER. if (!st) { snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "/proc/%d", pid); if (stat(toybuf, st = &sb)) return; } pi.uid = st->st_uid; visit_symlink(&pi, "cwd", "cwd"); visit_symlink(&pi, "rtd", "root"); visit_symlink(&pi, "txt", "exe"); visit_maps(&pi); visit_fds(&pi); } static int scan_proc(struct dirtree *node) { int pid; if (!node->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE|DIRTREE_SHUTUP; if ((pid = atol(node->name))) lsof_pid(pid, &node->st); return 0; } void lsof_main(void) { struct arg_list *pp; int i, pid; // lsof will only filter on paths it can stat (because it filters by inode). if (toys.optc) { TT.sought_files = xmalloc(toys.optc*sizeof(struct stat)); for (i = 0; i<toys.optc; ++i) xstat(toys.optargs[i], TT.sought_files+i); } if (!TT.p) dirtree_read("/proc", scan_proc); else for (pp = TT.p; pp; pp = pp->next) { char *start, *end, *next = pp->arg; while ((start = comma_iterate(&next, &i))) { if ((pid = strtol(start, &end, 10))<1 || (*end && *end!=',')) error_msg("bad -p '%.*s'", (int)(end-start), start); lsof_pid(pid, 0); } } llist_traverse(TT.files, print_info); if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) { llist_traverse(TT.files, free_info); llist_traverse(TT.all_sockets, free_info); } }