/* printf.c - Format and Print the data. * * Copyright 2014 Sandeep Sharma * Copyright 2014 Kyungwan Han * * See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/printf.html USE_PRINTF(NEWTOY(printf, "<1", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config PRINTF bool "printf" default n help usage: printf FORMAT [ARGUMENT...] Format and print ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, using C printf syntax (percent escapes for cdeEfgGiosuxX, slash escapes for \abefnrtv0 or \0OCT or 0xHEX). */ #define FOR_printf #include "toys.h" GLOBALS( char *hv_w; char *hv_p; int encountered; ) // Calculate width and precision from format string static int get_w_p() { char *ptr, *str = *toys.optargs; errno = 0; if (*str == '-') str++; long value = strtol(str, &ptr, 10); if (errno || (ptr && (*ptr != '\0' || ptr == str))) perror_msg("Invalid num %s", *toys.optargs); if (*--str == '-') return (int)(-1 * value); return value; } // Add ll and L to Interger and floating point formats respectively. static char *get_format(char *f) { int len = strlen(f); char last = f[--len], *post = ""; f[len] = 0; if (strchr("diouxX", last)) post = "ll"; // add ll to integer modifier. else if (strchr("feEgG", last)) post = "L"; // add L to float modifier. return xmprintf("%s%s%c", f, post, last); } // Print arguments with corresponding conversion and width and precision. static void print(char *fmt, int w, int p) { char *ptr = fmt, *ep = 0, *format = 0, *arg = *toys.optargs; errno = 0; if (strchr("diouxX", *ptr)) { long long val = 0; if (arg) { if (*arg == '\'' || *arg == '"') val = arg[1]; else { val = strtoll(arg, &ep, 0); if (errno || (ep && (*ep || ep == arg))) { perror_msg("Invalid num %s", arg); val = 0; } } } format = get_format(fmt); TT.hv_w ? (TT.hv_p ? printf(format, w, p, val) : printf(format, w, val)) : (TT.hv_p ? printf(format, p, val) : printf(format, val)); } else if (strchr("gGeEf", *ptr)) { long double dval = 0; if (arg) { dval = strtold(arg, &ep); if (errno || (ep && (*ep || ep == arg))) { perror_msg("Invalid num %s", arg); dval = 0; } } format = get_format(fmt); TT.hv_w ? (TT.hv_p ? printf(format, w, p, dval) : printf(format, w, dval)) : (TT.hv_p ? printf(format, p, dval) : printf(format, dval)); } else if (*ptr == 's') { char *str = arg; if (!str) str = ""; TT.hv_w ? (TT.hv_p ? printf(fmt,w,p,str): printf(fmt, w, str)) : (TT.hv_p ? printf(fmt, p, str) : printf(fmt, str)); } else if (*ptr == 'c') printf(fmt, arg ? *arg : 0); if (format) free(format); } // Handle the escape sequences. static int handle_slash(char **esc_val) { char *ptr = *esc_val; int esc_length = 0; unsigned base = 0, num = 0, result = 0, count = 0; /* * Hex escape sequence have only 1 or 2 digits, xHH. Oct escape sequence * have 1,2 or 3 digits, xHHH. Leading "0" (\0HHH) we are ignoring. */ if (*ptr == 'x') { ptr++; esc_length++; base = 16; } else if (isdigit(*ptr)) base = 8; while (esc_length < 3 && base) { num = tolower(*ptr) - '0'; if (num > 10) num += ('0' - 'a' + 10); if (num >= base) { if (base == 16) { esc_length--; if (!esc_length) {// Invalid hex value eg. /xvd, print as it is /xvd result = '\\'; ptr--; } } break; } esc_length++; count = result = (count * base) + num; ptr++; } if (base) ptr--; else if (!(result = unescape(*ptr))) { result = '\\'; ptr--; // Let pointer pointing to / we will increment after returning. } *esc_val = ptr; return (char)result; } // Handle "%b" option with '\' interpreted. static void print_esc_str(char *str) { for (; *str; str++) { if (*str == '\\') { str++; xputc(handle_slash(&str)); //print corresponding char } else xputc(*str); } } // Parse the format string and print. static void parse_print(char *format) { char *start, *p, *f = format; int len = 0, width = 0, prec = 0; while (*f) { if (*f == '%') { start = f++; len++; if (*f == '%') { xputc('%'); break; } if (*f == 'b') { if (*toys.optargs) { print_esc_str(*toys.optargs++); TT.encountered = 1; } else print_esc_str(""); break; } if (strchr("-+# ", *f)) f++, len++; if (*f == '*') { f++, len++; if (*toys.optargs) { width = get_w_p(); toys.optargs++; } } else while (isdigit(*f)) f++, len++; if (*f == '.') { f++, len++; if (*f == '*') { f++, len++; if (*toys.optargs) { prec = get_w_p(); toys.optargs++; } } else { while (isdigit(*f)) f++, len++; } } if (!(p = strchr("diouxXfeEgGcs", *f))) perror_exit("bad format@%ld", f-format); else { len++; TT.hv_p = strstr(start, ".*"); TT.hv_w = strchr(start, '*'); //pitfall: handle diff b/w * and .* if ((TT.hv_w-1) == TT.hv_p) TT.hv_w = NULL; memcpy((p = xzalloc(len+1)), start, len); print(p+len-1, width, prec); if (*toys.optargs) toys.optargs++; free(p); p = NULL; } TT.encountered = 1; } else if (*f == '\\' && f[1]) { if (*++f == 'c') exit(0); //Got '\c', so no further output xputc(handle_slash(&f)); } else xputc(*f); f++; len = 0; } } void printf_main(void) { char *format = *toys.optargs++; TT.encountered = 0; parse_print(format); //printf acc. to format. //Re-use FORMAT arg as necessary to convert all given ARGS. while (*toys.optargs && TT.encountered) parse_print(format); xflush(); }