/* telnet.c - Telnet client. * * Copyright 2012 Madhur Verma <mad.flexi@gmail.com> * Copyright 2013 Kyungwan Han <asura321@gmail.com> * Modified by Ashwini Kumar <ak.ashwini1981@gmail.com> * * Not in SUSv4. USE_TELNET(NEWTOY(telnet, "<1>2", TOYFLAG_BIN)) config TELNET bool "telnet" default n help usage: telnet HOST [PORT] Connect to telnet server */ #define FOR_telnet #include "toys.h" #include <arpa/telnet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/poll.h> GLOBALS( int port; int sfd; char buff[128]; int pbuff; char iac[256]; int piac; char *ttype; struct termios def_term; struct termios raw_term; uint8_t term_ok; uint8_t term_mode; uint8_t flags; unsigned win_width; unsigned win_height; ) #define DATABUFSIZE 128 #define IACBUFSIZE 256 #define CM_TRY 0 #define CM_ON 1 #define CM_OFF 2 #define UF_ECHO 0x01 #define UF_SGA 0x02 // sets terminal mode: LINE or CHARACTER based om internal stat. static char const es[] = "\r\nEscape character is "; static void set_mode(void) { if (TT.flags & UF_ECHO) { if (TT.term_mode == CM_TRY) { TT.term_mode = CM_ON; printf("\r\nEntering character mode%s'^]'.\r\n", es); if (TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.raw_term); } } else { if (TT.term_mode != CM_OFF) { TT.term_mode = CM_OFF; printf("\r\nEntering line mode%s'^C'.\r\n", es); if (TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); } } } // flushes all data in IAC buff to server. static void flush_iac(void) { int wlen = write(TT.sfd, TT.iac, TT.piac); if(wlen <= 0) error_msg("IAC : send failed."); TT.piac = 0; } // puts DATA in iac buff of length LEN and updates iac buff pointer. static void put_iac(int len, ...) { va_list va; if(TT.piac + len >= IACBUFSIZE) flush_iac(); va_start(va, len); for(;len > 0; TT.iac[TT.piac++] = (uint8_t)va_arg(va, int), len--); va_end(va); } // puts string STR in iac buff and updates iac buff pointer. static void str_iac(char *str) { int len = strlen(str); if(TT.piac + len + 1 >= IACBUFSIZE) flush_iac(); strcpy(&TT.iac[TT.piac], str); TT.piac += len+1; } static void handle_esc(void) { char input; if(toys.signal && TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.raw_term); xwrite(1,"\r\nConsole escape. Commands are:\r\n\n" " l go to line mode\r\n" " c go to character mode\r\n" " z suspend telnet\r\n" " e exit telnet\r\n", 114); if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &input, 1) <= 0) { if(TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); exit(0); } switch (input) { case 'l': if (!toys.signal) { TT.term_mode = CM_TRY; TT.flags &= ~(UF_ECHO | UF_SGA); set_mode(); put_iac(6, IAC,DONT,TELOPT_ECHO,IAC,DONT, TELOPT_SGA); flush_iac(); goto ret; } break; case 'c': if (toys.signal) { TT.term_mode = CM_TRY; TT.flags |= (UF_ECHO | UF_SGA); set_mode(); put_iac(6, IAC,DO,TELOPT_ECHO,IAC,DO,TELOPT_SGA); flush_iac(); goto ret; } break; case 'z': if(TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); kill(0, SIGTSTP); if(TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.raw_term); break; case 'e': if(TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); exit(0); default: break; } xwrite(1, "continuing...\r\n", 15); if (toys.signal && TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); ret: toys.signal = 0; } /* * handles telnet SUB NEGOTIATIONS * only terminal type is supported. */ static void handle_negotiations(void) { char opt = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; switch(opt) { case TELOPT_TTYPE: opt = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; if(opt == TELQUAL_SEND) { put_iac(4, IAC,SB,TELOPT_TTYPE,TELQUAL_IS); str_iac(TT.ttype); put_iac(2, IAC,SE); } break; default: break; } } /* * handles server's DO DONT WILL WONT requests. * supports ECHO, SGA, TTYPE, NAWS */ static void handle_ddww(char ddww) { char opt = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; switch (opt) { case TELOPT_ECHO: /* ECHO */ if (ddww == DO) put_iac(3, IAC,WONT,TELOPT_ECHO); if(ddww == DONT) break; if (TT.flags & UF_ECHO) { if (ddww == WILL) return; } else if (ddww == WONT) return; if (TT.term_mode != CM_OFF) TT.flags ^= UF_ECHO; (TT.flags & UF_ECHO)? put_iac(3, IAC,DO,TELOPT_ECHO) : put_iac(3, IAC,DONT,TELOPT_ECHO); set_mode(); printf("\r\n"); break; case TELOPT_SGA: /* Supress GO Ahead */ if (TT.flags & UF_SGA){ if (ddww == WILL) return; } else if (ddww == WONT) return; TT.flags ^= UF_SGA; (TT.flags & UF_SGA)? put_iac(3, IAC,DO,TELOPT_SGA) : put_iac(3, IAC,DONT,TELOPT_SGA); break; case TELOPT_TTYPE: /* Terminal Type */ (TT.ttype)? put_iac(3, IAC,WILL,TELOPT_TTYPE): put_iac(3, IAC,WONT,TELOPT_TTYPE); break; case TELOPT_NAWS: /* Window Size */ put_iac(3, IAC,WILL,TELOPT_NAWS); put_iac(9, IAC,SB,TELOPT_NAWS,(TT.win_width >> 8) & 0xff, TT.win_width & 0xff,(TT.win_height >> 8) & 0xff, TT.win_height & 0xff,IAC,SE); break; default: /* Default behaviour is to say NO */ if(ddww == WILL) put_iac(3, IAC,DONT,opt); if(ddww == DO) put_iac(3, IAC,WONT,opt); break; } } /* * parses data which is read from server of length LEN. * and passes it to console. */ static int read_server(int len) { int i = 0; char curr; TT.pbuff = 0; do { curr = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; if (curr == IAC) { curr = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; switch (curr) { case DO: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case DONT: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WILL: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WONT: handle_ddww(curr); break; case SB: handle_negotiations(); break; case SE: break; default: break; } } else { toybuf[i++] = curr; if (curr == '\r') { curr = TT.buff[TT.pbuff++]; if (curr != '\0') TT.pbuff--; } } } while (TT.pbuff < len); if (i) xwrite(STDIN_FILENO, toybuf, i); return 0; } /* * parses data which is read from console of length LEN * and passes it to server. */ static void write_server(int len) { char *c = (char*)TT.buff; int i = 0; for (; len > 0; len--, c++) { if (*c == 0x1d) { handle_esc(); return; } toybuf[i++] = *c; if (*c == IAC) toybuf[i++] = *c; /* IAC -> IAC IAC */ else if (*c == '\r') toybuf[i++] = '\0'; /* CR -> CR NUL */ } if(i) xwrite(TT.sfd, toybuf, i); } void telnet_main(void) { int set = 1, len; struct pollfd pfds[2]; TT.port = 23; //TELNET_PORT TT.win_width = 80; //columns TT.win_height = 24; //rows if(toys.optc == 2) TT.port = atolx_range(toys.optargs[1], 0, 65535); TT.ttype = getenv("TERM"); if(!TT.ttype) TT.ttype = ""; if(strlen(TT.ttype) > IACBUFSIZE-1) TT.ttype[IACBUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; if (!tcgetattr(0, &TT.def_term)) { TT.term_ok = 1; TT.raw_term = TT.def_term; cfmakeraw(&TT.raw_term); } terminal_size(&TT.win_width, &TT.win_height); TT.sfd = xconnect(*toys.optargs, TT.port, 0, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, 0); setsockopt(TT.sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &set, sizeof(set)); setsockopt(TT.sfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &set, sizeof(set)); pfds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; pfds[0].events = POLLIN; pfds[1].fd = TT.sfd; pfds[1].events = POLLIN; signal(SIGINT, generic_signal); while(1) { if(TT.piac) flush_iac(); if(poll(pfds, 2, -1) < 0) { if (toys.signal) handle_esc(); else sleep(1); continue; } if(pfds[0].revents) { len = read(STDIN_FILENO, TT.buff, DATABUFSIZE); if(len > 0) write_server(len); else return; } if(pfds[1].revents) { len = read(TT.sfd, TT.buff, DATABUFSIZE); if(len > 0) read_server(len); else { printf("Connection closed by foreign host\r\n"); if(TT.term_ok) tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &TT.def_term); exit(1); } } } }