/* find.c - Search directories for matching files. * * Copyright 2014 Rob Landley * * See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/find.c * Our "unspecified" behavior for no paths is to use "." * Parentheses can only stack 4096 deep USE_FIND(NEWTOY(find, "^HL", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config FIND bool "find" default n help usage: find [-HL] [DIR...] [] Search directories for matching files. (Default is to search "." match all and display matches.) -H Follow command line symlinks -L Follow all symlinks Match filters: -name filename (with wildcards) -path path name (with wildcards) -nouser belongs to unknown user -nogroup belongs to unknown group -xdev do not cross into new filesystems -prune do not descend into children -perm MODE permissons (prefixed with - means at least these) -iname PATTERN case insensitive filename -links N hardlink count -user UNAME belongs to user -group GROUP belongs to group -size N[c] -atime N -ctime N -type [bcdflps] type (block, char, dir, file, symlink, pipe, socket) -mtime N last modified N (24 hour) days ago Numbers N may be prefixed by a - (less than) or + (greater than) Combine matches with: !, -a, -o, ( ) not, and, or, group expressions Actions: -exec -print -print0 */ // find . ! \( -name blah -print \) // find . -o #define FOR_find #include "toys.h" GLOBALS( char **filter; struct double_list *argdata; int xdev, depth; time_t now; ) // Return numeric value with explicit sign static int compare_numsign(long val, long units, char *str) { char sign = 0; long myval; if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') sign = *(str++); else if (!isdigit(*str)) error_exit("%s not [+-]N", str); myval = atolx(str); if (units && isdigit(str[strlen(str)-1])) myval *= units; if (sign == '+') return val > myval; if (sign == '-') return val < myval; return val == myval; } static void do_print(struct dirtree *new, char c) { char *s=dirtree_path(new, 0); xprintf("%s%c", s, c); free(s); } void todo_store_argument(void) { error_exit("NOP"); } // pending issues: // old false -a ! new false does not yield true. // // -user -group -newer evaluate once and save result (where?) // add -print if no action (-exec, -ok, -print) // find . -print -xdev (should xdev before print) // Call this with 0 for first pass argument parsing, syntax checking. static int do_find(struct dirtree *new) { int pcount = 0, print = 0, not = 0, active = !!new, test = active, recurse; char *s, **ss; recurse = DIRTREE_RECURSE|((toys.optflags&FLAG_L) ? DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW : 0); // skip . and .. below topdir, handle -xdev and -depth if (active) { if (new->parent) { if (!dirtree_notdotdot(new)) return 0; if (TT.xdev && new->st.st_dev != new->parent->st.st_dev) return 0; } if (TT.depth && S_ISDIR(new->st.st_dev) && new->data != -1) return DIRTREE_COMEAGAIN; } // pcount: parentheses stack depth (using toybuf bytes, 4096 max depth) // test: result of most recent test // active: if 0 don't perform tests // not: a pending ! applies to this test (only set if performing tests) // print: saw one of print/ok/exec, no need for default -print if (TT.filter) for (ss = TT.filter; *ss; ss++) { int check = active && test; s = *ss; // handle ! ( ) using toybuf as a stack if (*s != '-') { if (s[1]) goto error; if (*s == '!') { // Don't invert if we're not making a decision if (check) not = !not; // Save old "not" and "active" on toybuf stack. // Deactivate this parenthetical if !test // Note: test value should never change while !active } else if (*s == '(') { if (pcount == sizeof(toybuf)) goto error; toybuf[pcount++] = not+(active<<1); if (!check) active = 0; not = 0; // Pop status, apply deferred not to test } else if (*s == ')') { if (--pcount < 0) goto error; // Pop active state, apply deferred not (which was only set if checking) active = (toybuf[pcount]>>1)&1; if (active && (toybuf[pcount]&1)) test = !test; not = 0; } else goto error; continue; } else s++; if (!strcmp(s, "xdev")) TT.xdev = 1; else if (!strcmp(s, "depth")) TT.depth = 1; else if (!strcmp(s, "o") || !strcmp(s, "or")) { if (not) goto error; if (active) { if (!test) test = 1; else active = 0; // decision has been made until next ")" } // Mostly ignore NOP argument } else if (!strcmp(s, "a") || !strcmp(s, "and")) { if (not) goto error; } else if (!strcmp(s, "print") || !strcmp("print0", s)) { print++; if (check) do_print(new, s[5] ? 0 : '\n'); } else if (!strcmp(s, "nouser")) { if (check) if (getpwuid(new->st.st_uid)) test = 0; } else if (!strcmp(s, "nogroup")) { if (check) if (getgrgid(new->st.st_gid)) test = 0; } else if (!strcmp(s, "prune")) { if (check && S_ISDIR(new->st.st_dev) && !TT.depth) recurse = 0; // Remaining filters take an argument } else { if (!strcmp(s, "name") || !strcmp(s, "iname")) { if (check) { if (*s == 'i') todo_store_argument(); // if (!new) { // } else { // name = xstrdup(name); // while ( test = !fnmatch(ss[1], new->name, 0); } } else if (!strcmp(s, "path")) { if (check) { char *path = dirtree_path(new, 0); int len = strlen(ss[1]); if (strncmp(path, ss[1], len) || (ss[1][len] && ss[1][len] != '/')) test = 0; free(s); } } else if (!strcmp(s, "perm")) { if (check) { char *m = ss[1]; mode_t m1 = string_to_mode(m+(*m == '-'), 0), m2 = new->st.st_dev & 07777; if (*m != '-') m2 &= m1; test = m1 == m2; } } else if (!strcmp(s, "type")) { if (check) { char c = stridx("bcdlpfs", *ss[1]); int types[] = {S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, S_IFIFO, S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK}; if ((new->st.st_dev & S_IFMT) != types[c]) test = 0; } } else if (!strcmp(s, "atime")) { if (check) test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_atime, 86400, ss[1]); } else if (!strcmp(s, "ctime")) { if (check) test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_ctime, 86400, ss[1]); } else if (!strcmp(s, "mtime")) { if (check) test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_mtime, 86400, ss[1]); } else if (!strcmp(s, "size")) { if (check) test = compare_numsign(new->st.st_size, 512, ss[1]); } else if (!strcmp(s, "links")) { if (check) test = compare_numsign(new->st.st_nlink, 0, ss[1]); } else if (!strcmp(s, "user")) { todo_store_argument(); } else if (!strcmp(s, "group")) { todo_store_argument(); } else if (!strcmp(s, "newer")) { todo_store_argument(); } else if (!strcmp(s, "exec") || !strcmp("ok", s)) { print++; if (check) error_exit("implement exec/ok"); } else goto error; // This test can go at the end because we do a syntax checking // pass first. Putting it here gets the error message (-unknown // vs -known noarg) right. if (!*++ss) error_exit("'%s' needs 1 arg", --s); } // Apply pending "!" to result if (active && not) test = !test; not = 0; } // If there was no action, print if (!print && test && new) do_print(new, '\n'); return recurse; error: error_exit("bad arg '%s'", *ss); } void find_main(void) { int i, len; char **ss = toys.optargs; // Distinguish paths from filters for (len = 0; toys.optargs[len]; len++) if (strchr("-!(", *toys.optargs[len])) break; TT.filter = toys.optargs+len; // use "." if no paths if (!*ss) { ss = (char *[]){"."}; len = 1; } // first pass argument parsing, verify args match up, handle "evaluate once" TT.now = time(0); do_find(0); // Loop through paths for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { struct dirtree *new; new = dirtree_add_node(0, ss[i], toys.optflags&(FLAG_H|FLAG_L)); if (new) dirtree_handle_callback(new, do_find); } }