/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: * * sort.c - put input lines into order * * Copyright 2004, 2008 Rob Landley <rob@landley.net> * * See http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/utilities/sort.html USE_SORT(NEWTOY(sort, USE_SORT_FLOAT("g")USE_SORT_BIG("S:T:m" "o:k*t:xbMcszdfi") "run", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config SORT bool "sort" default y help usage: sort [-run] [FILE...] Sort all lines of text from input files (or stdin) to stdout. -r reverse -u unique lines only -n numeric order (instead of alphabetical) config SORT_BIG bool "SuSv3 options (Support -ktcsbdfiozM)" default y depends on SORT help usage: sort [-bcdfiMsz] [-k#[,#[x]] [-t X]] [-o FILE] -b ignore leading blanks (or trailing blanks in second part of key) -c check whether input is sorted -d dictionary order (use alphanumeric and whitespace chars only) -f force uppercase (case insensitive sort) -i ignore nonprinting characters -M month sort (jan, feb, etc). -x Hexadecimal numerical sort -s skip fallback sort (only sort with keys) -z zero (null) terminated input -k sort by "key" (see below) -t use a key separator other than whitespace -o output to FILE instead of stdout Sorting by key looks at a subset of the words on each line. -k2 uses the second word to the end of the line, -k2,2 looks at only the second word, -k2,4 looks from the start of the second to the end of the fourth word. Specifying multiple keys uses the later keys as tie breakers, in order. A type specifier appended to a sort key (such as -2,2n) applies only to sorting that key. config SORT_FLOAT bool "Floating point (-g)" default y depends on SORT_BIG help usage: sort [-g] This version of sort requires floating point. -g general numeric sort (double precision with nan and inf) */ #include "toys.h" DEFINE_GLOBALS( char *key_separator; struct arg_list *raw_keys; char *outfile; char *ignore1, ignore2; // GNU compatability NOPs for -S and -T. void *key_list; int linecount; char **lines; ) #define TT this.sort // The sort types are n, g, and M. // u, c, s, and z apply to top level only, not to keys. // b at top level implies bb. // The remaining options can be applied to search keys. #define FLAG_n (1<<0) // Sort type: numeric #define FLAG_u (1<<1) // Unique #define FLAG_r (1<<2) // Reverse output order #define FLAG_i (1<<3) // Ignore !isprint() #define FLAG_f (1<<4) // Force uppercase #define FLAG_d (1<<5) // Ignore !(isalnum()|isspace()) #define FLAG_z (1<<6) // Input is null terminated, not \n #define FLAG_s (1<<7) // Stable sort, no ascii fallback at end #define FLAG_c (1<<8) // Check only. No output, exit(!ordered) #define FLAG_M (1<<9) // Sort type: date #define FLAG_b (1<<10) // Ignore leading blanks #define FLAG_x (1<<11) // Hex sort #define FLAG_g (1<<18) // Sort type: strtod() // Left off dealing with FLAG_b/FLAG_bb logic... #define FLAG_bb (1<<31) // Ignore trailing blanks struct sort_key { struct sort_key *next_key; // linked list unsigned range[4]; // start word, start char, end word, end char int flags; }; // Copy of the part of this string corresponding to a key/flags. static char *get_key_data(char *str, struct sort_key *key, int flags) { int start=0, end, len, i, j; // Special case whole string, so we don't have to make a copy if(key->range[0]==1 && !key->range[1] && !key->range[2] && !key->range[3] && !(flags&(FLAG_b&FLAG_d&FLAG_f&FLAG_i&FLAG_bb))) return str; // Find start of key on first pass, end on second pass len = strlen(str); for (j=0; j<2; j++) { if (!key->range[2*j]) end=len; // Loop through fields else { end=0; for (i=1; i < key->range[2*j]+j; i++) { // Skip leading blanks if (str[end] && !TT.key_separator) while (isspace(str[end])) end++; // Skip body of key for (; str[end]; end++) { if (TT.key_separator) { if (str[end]==*TT.key_separator) break; } else if (isspace(str[end])) break; } } } if (!j) start=end; } // Key with explicit separator starts after the separator if (TT.key_separator && str[start]==*TT.key_separator) start++; // Strip leading and trailing whitespace if necessary if (flags&FLAG_b) while (isspace(str[start])) start++; if (flags&FLAG_bb) while (end>start && isspace(str[end-1])) end--; // Handle offsets on start and end if (key->range[3]) { end += key->range[3]-1; if (end>len) end=len; } if (key->range[1]) { start += key->range[1]-1; if (start>len) start=len; } // Make the copy if (end<start) end=start; str = xstrndup(str+start, end-start); // Handle -d if (flags&FLAG_d) { for (start = end = 0; str[end]; end++) if (isspace(str[end]) || isalnum(str[end])) str[start++] = str[end]; str[start] = 0; } // Handle -i if (flags&FLAG_i) { for (start = end = 0; str[end]; end++) if (isprint(str[end])) str[start++] = str[end]; str[start] = 0; } // Handle -f if (flags*FLAG_f) for(i=0; str[i]; i++) str[i] = toupper(str[i]); return str; } // append a sort_key to key_list. static struct sort_key *add_key(void) { void **stupid_compiler = &TT.key_list; struct sort_key **pkey = (struct sort_key **)stupid_compiler; while (*pkey) pkey = &((*pkey)->next_key); return *pkey = xzalloc(sizeof(struct sort_key)); } // Perform actual comparison static int compare_values(int flags, char *x, char *y) { int ff = flags & (FLAG_n|FLAG_g|FLAG_M|FLAG_x); // Ascii sort if (!ff) return strcmp(x, y); if (CFG_SORT_FLOAT && ff == FLAG_g) { char *xx,*yy; double dx = strtod(x,&xx), dy = strtod(y,&yy); int xinf, yinf; // not numbers < NaN < -infinity < numbers < +infinity if (x==xx) return y==yy ? 0 : -1; if (y==yy) return 1; // Check for isnan if (dx!=dx) return (dy!=dy) ? 0 : -1; if (dy!=dy) return 1; // Check for infinity. (Could underflow, but avoids needing libm.) xinf = (1.0/dx == 0.0); yinf = (1.0/dy == 0.0); if (xinf) { if(dx<0) return (yinf && dy<0) ? 0 : -1; return (yinf && dy>0) ? 0 : 1; } if (yinf) return dy<0 ? 1 : -1; return dx>dy ? 1 : (dx<dy ? -1 : 0); } else if (CFG_SORT_BIG && ff == FLAG_M) { struct tm thyme; int dx; char *xx,*yy; xx = strptime(x,"%b",&thyme); dx = thyme.tm_mon; yy = strptime(y,"%b",&thyme); if (!xx) return !yy ? 0 : -1; else if (!yy) return 1; else return dx==thyme.tm_mon ? 0 : dx-thyme.tm_mon; } else if (CFG_SORT_BIG && ff == FLAG_x) { return strtol(x, NULL, 16)-strtol(y, NULL, 16); // This has to be ff == FLAG_n } else { // Full floating point version of -n if (CFG_SORT_FLOAT) { double dx = atof(x), dy = atof(y); return dx>dy ? 1 : (dx<dy ? -1 : 0); // Integer version of -n for tiny systems } else return atoi(x)-atoi(y); } } // Callback from qsort(): Iterate through key_list and perform comparisons. static int compare_keys(const void *xarg, const void *yarg) { int flags = toys.optflags, retval = 0; char *x, *y, *xx = *(char **)xarg, *yy = *(char **)yarg; struct sort_key *key; if (CFG_SORT_BIG) { for (key=(struct sort_key *)TT.key_list; !retval && key; key = key->next_key) { flags = key->flags ? key->flags : toys.optflags; // Chop out and modify key chunks, handling -dfib x = get_key_data(xx, key, flags); y = get_key_data(yy, key, flags); retval = compare_values(flags, x, y); // Free the copies get_key_data() made. if (x != xx) free(x); if (y != yy) free(y); if (retval) break; } } else retval = compare_values(flags, xx, yy); // Perform fallback sort if necessary if (!retval && !(CFG_SORT_BIG && (toys.optflags&FLAG_s))) { retval = strcmp(xx, yy); flags = toys.optflags; } return retval * ((flags&FLAG_r) ? -1 : 1); } // Callback from loopfiles to handle input files. static void sort_read(int fd, char *name) { // Read each line from file, appending to a big array. for (;;) { char * line = (CFG_SORT_BIG && (toys.optflags&FLAG_z)) ? get_rawline(fd, NULL, 0) : get_line(fd); if (!line) break; // handle -c here so we don't allocate more memory than necessary. if (CFG_SORT_BIG && (toys.optflags&FLAG_c)) { int j = (toys.optflags&FLAG_u) ? -1 : 0; if (TT.lines && compare_keys((void *)&TT.lines, &line)>j) error_exit("%s: Check line %d\n", name, TT.linecount); free(TT.lines); TT.lines = (char **)line; } else { if (!(TT.linecount&63)) TT.lines = xrealloc(TT.lines, sizeof(char *)*(TT.linecount+64)); TT.lines[TT.linecount] = line; } TT.linecount++; } } void sort_main(void) { int idx, fd = 1; // Open output file if necessary. if (CFG_SORT_BIG && TT.outfile) fd = xcreate(TT.outfile, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0666); // Parse -k sort keys. if (CFG_SORT_BIG && TT.raw_keys) { struct arg_list *arg; for (arg = TT.raw_keys; arg; arg = arg->next) { struct sort_key *key = add_key(); char *temp; int flag; idx = 0; temp = arg->arg; while (*temp) { // Start of range key->range[2*idx] = (unsigned)strtol(temp, &temp, 10); if (*temp=='.') key->range[(2*idx)+1] = (unsigned)strtol(temp+1, &temp, 10); // Handle flags appended to a key type. for (;*temp;temp++) { char *temp2, *optlist; // Note that a second comma becomes an "Unknown key" error. if (*temp==',' && !idx++) { temp++; break; } // Which flag is this? optlist = toys.which->options; temp2 = strchr(optlist, *temp); flag = (1<<(optlist-temp2+strlen(optlist)-1)); // Was it a flag that can apply to a key? if (!temp2 || flag>FLAG_b || (flag&(FLAG_u|FLAG_c|FLAG_s|FLAG_z))) { error_exit("Unknown key option."); } // b after , means strip _trailing_ space, not leading. if (idx && flag==FLAG_b) flag = FLAG_bb; key->flags |= flag; } } } } // global b flag strips both leading and trailing spaces if (toys.optflags&FLAG_b) toys.optflags |= FLAG_bb; // If no keys, perform alphabetic sort over the whole line. if (CFG_SORT_BIG && !TT.key_list) add_key()->range[0] = 1; // Open input files and read data, populating TT.lines[TT.linecount] loopfiles(toys.optargs, sort_read); // The compare (-c) logic was handled in sort_read(), // so if we got here, we're done. if (CFG_SORT_BIG && (toys.optflags&FLAG_c)) goto exit_now; // Perform the actual sort qsort(TT.lines, TT.linecount, sizeof(char *), compare_keys); // handle unique (-u) if (toys.optflags&FLAG_u) { int jdx; for (jdx=0, idx=1; idx<TT.linecount; idx++) { if (!compare_keys(&TT.lines[jdx], &TT.lines[idx])) free(TT.lines[idx]); else TT.lines[++jdx] = TT.lines[idx]; } if (TT.linecount) TT.linecount = jdx+1; } // Output result for (idx = 0; idx<TT.linecount; idx++) { char *s = TT.lines[idx]; xwrite(fd, s, strlen(s)); if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) free(s); xwrite(fd, "\n", 1); } exit_now: if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) { if (fd != 1) close(fd); free(TT.lines); } }