/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4:
 * tail.c - copy last lines from input to stdout.
 * Copyright 2012 Timothy Elliott <tle@holymonkey.com>
 * See http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/tail.html


config TAIL
	bool "tail"
	default y
	  usage: tail [-n|c number] [-f] [file...]

	  Copy last lines from files to stdout. If no files listed, copy from
	  stdin. Filename "-" is a synonym for stdin.

	  -n	output the last X lines (default 10), +X counts from start.
	  -c    output the last X bytes, +X counts from start
	  -f   	follow file, waiting for more data to be appended

config TAIL_SEEK
	bool "tail seek support"
	default y
	depends on TAIL
		This version uses lseek, which is faster on large files.

#include "toys.h"

	long lines;
	long bytes;

	int file_no;

#define TT this.tail

#define FLAG_n 1
#define FLAG_c 2
#define FLAG_f 4

struct line_list {
	struct line_list *next, *prev;
	char *data;
	int len;

static struct line_list *get_chunk(int fd, int len)
	struct line_list *line = xmalloc(sizeof(struct line_list)+len);

	line->data = ((char *)line) + sizeof(struct line_list);
	line->len = readall(fd, line->data, len);

	if (line->len < 1) {
		return 0;

	return line;

static void dump_chunk(void *ptr)
	struct line_list *list = ptr;
	xwrite(1, list->data, list->len);

// Reading through very large files is slow.  Using lseek can speed things
// up a lot, but isn't applicable to all input (cat | tail).
// Note: bytes and lines are negative here.
static int try_lseek(int fd, long bytes, long lines)
	struct line_list *list = 0, *temp;
	int flag = 0, chunk = sizeof(toybuf);
	ssize_t pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);

	// If lseek() doesn't work on this stream, return now.
	if (pos<0) return 0;

	// Seek to the right spot, output data from there.
	if (bytes) {
		if (lseek(fd, bytes, SEEK_END)<0) lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
		xsendfile(fd, 1);
		return 1;

	// Read from end to find enough lines, then output them.

	bytes = pos;
	while (lines && pos) {
		int offset;

		// Read in next chunk from end of file
		if (chunk>pos) chunk = pos;
		pos -= chunk;
		if (pos != lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET)) {
			perror_msg("seek failed");
		if (!(temp = get_chunk(fd, chunk))) break;
		if (list) list->next = temp;
		list = temp;

		// Count newlines in this chunk.
		offset = list->len;
		while (offset--) {
			// If the last line ends with a newline, that one doesn't count.
			if (!flag) {


			// Start outputting data right after newline
			if (list->data[offset] == '\n' && !++lines) {
				list->data += offset;
				list->len -= offset;


	// Output stored data
	llist_traverse(list, dump_chunk);

	// In case of -f
	lseek(fd, bytes, SEEK_SET);
	return 1;

// Called for each file listed on command line, and/or stdin
static void do_tail(int fd, char *name)
	long bytes = TT.bytes, lines = TT.lines;

	if (toys.optc > 1) {
		if (TT.file_no++) xputc('\n');
		xprintf("==> %s <==\n", name);

	// Are we measuring from the end of the file?

	if (bytes<0 || lines<0) {
		struct line_list *list = 0, *new;

		// The slow codepath is always needed, and can handle all input,
		// so make lseek support optional.
		if (CFG_TAIL_SEEK && try_lseek(fd, bytes, lines));

		// Read data until we run out, keep a trailing buffer
		else for (;;) {
			int len, count;
			char *try;

			if (!(new = get_chunk(fd, sizeof(toybuf)))) break;
			// append in order
			dlist_add_nomalloc((struct double_list **)&list,
							   (struct double_list *)new);

			// Measure new chunk, discarding extra data from buffer
			len = new->len;
			try = new->data;
			for (count=0; count<len; count++) {
				if ((toys.optflags & FLAG_c) && bytes) {

				if (lines) {
					if(try[count] != '\n' && count != len-1) continue;
					if (lines<0) {
						if (!++lines) ++lines;

				// Time to discard data; given that bytes and lines were
				// nonzero coming in, we can't discard too much if we're
				// measuring right.
				do {
					char c = *(list->data++);
					if (!(--list->len)) {
						struct line_list *next = list->next;
						list->prev->next = next;
						list->next->prev = list->prev;
						list = next;
					if (c == '\n') break;
				} while (lines);

		// Output/free the buffer.
		llist_traverse(list, dump_chunk);

	// Measuring from the beginning of the file.
	} else for (;;) {
		int len, offset = 0;

		// Error while reading does not exit.  Error writing does.
		len = read(fd, toybuf, sizeof(toybuf));
		if (len<1) break;
		while (bytes > 1 || lines > 1) {
			if (toybuf[offset++] == '\n') lines--;
			if (offset >= len) break;
		if (offset<len) xwrite(1, toybuf+offset, len-offset);

	// -f support: cache name/descriptor

void tail_main(void)
	// if nothing specified, default -n to -10
	if (!(toys.optflags&(FLAG_n|FLAG_c))) TT.lines = -10;

	loopfiles(toys.optargs, do_tail);

	// do -f stuff