How are we doing on implementing stuff so far?

Legend: {android} [posix] (development) <lsb> other implemented

The current status of toybox (as of 0.4.0 release):

These commands are reasonably finished:

basename cal cat catv chgrp chmod chown chvt cksum clear cmp comm count df dirname dmesg dos2unix echo env false gethostname killall link logname ls lsmod md5sum mkdir mkfifo mkswap mktemp nice nohup od oneit pwd realpath rev rm seq setsid sha1sum sleep sort swapoff swapon sync tac taskset tee true truncate tty uniq unix2dos unlink usleep wc which whoami yes

These commands are implemented but have pending todo items remaining:

bzcat bunzip2 chroot cp cut date du expand free head help hostname id insmod kill ln login mdev mknod modinfo mountpoint mv nc netcat passwd patch pidof printenv readlink rmdir rmmod switch_root tail touch uname unshare uptime vconfig vmstat w who xargs

Work on these is underway, but not usable yet:

bzip2 mke2fs more mount umount losetup sed tar sh grep/egrep/fgrep

See the todo list for details.