<html><head><title>toybox current status</title> <!--#include file="header.html" --> <title>Toybox Status</title> <h1>How are we doing on implementing stuff so far?</h1> <p>Legend: [posix] <lsb> (development) {android} =klibc= #sash# @sbase@ *beastiebox* $tizen$ +request+ other <strike>implemented</strike></p> <!--#include file="status.gen" --> <h1>The current status of toybox (as of 0.5.2 release):</h1> <h3><u>These commands are reasonably finished (in defconfig)</u>:</h3> <blockquote><b> <span id=ready> acpi basename blkid blockdev bzcat cal cat catv chattr chgrp chmod chown chvt cksum clear cmp comm count cp cpio date df dirname dmesg dos2unix echo egrep eject env factor fallocate false fgrep find free freeramdisk fsfreeze fstype grep groups halt head help hostname id ifconfig inotifyd insmod install kill killall killall5 link ln logname losetup ls lsattr lsmod lspci lsusb makedevs md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mkpasswd mkswap mktemp mount mv nbd-client nc netcat nice nl nohup od oneit partprobe passwd paste patch pidof pivot_root pmap poweroff printenv pwd pwdx readahead readlink realpath reboot renice rev rfkill rm rmdir rmmod seq setsid sha1sum sleep sort split stat strings su swapoff swapon switch_root sync sysctl tac tail taskset tee time timeout true truncate tty umount uname uniq unix2dos unlink unshare uptime usleep uudecode uuencode w wc which who whoami yes sed mix base64 </span> </b></blockquote> <h3><u>These commands are at least partially implemented (in toys/pending) but have todo items remaining:</u></h3> <blockquote><b> <span id=pending> ar arp arping bc bootchartd brctl compress crond dhcp dhcpd diff dumpleases expr fdisk fold fsck ftpget getty groupadd groupdel host iconv init ip ipcs kexec klogd last logger mdev mix mke2fs modprobe more netstat openvt p9d pgrep ping printf ps reset route sh sulogin syslogd tar tcpsvd telnet telnetd test tftpd top traceroute tr useradd userdel watch xzcat </span> </b></blockquote> <h3><u>These commands predate the pending directory but also have unfinished todo items:</u></h3> <blockquote><b> <span id=pending> vmstat login du vconfig mountpoint chroot cut touch modinfo expand xargs </span> </b></blockquote> <p>There is also <a href="todo.txt">a todo list</a>, but development's moved on a bit since it was written.</p> <!-- #include "footer.html" -->