#!/bin/sh -e # Temporarily install python-mako to build mesa ( cd mako python3 setup.py build python3 setup.py install \ --prefix=/usr \ --root="$PWD/dist" ) pyver=$(python3 --version) pyver=${pyver##* } PYTHONPATH="$PWD/mako/dist/usr/lib/python${pyver%.*}/site-packages:$(python -c "import sys; print(':'.join(sys.path))")" export PYTHONPATH export DESTDIR="$1" export CFLAGS="-DGLX_X86_READONLY_TEXT $CFLAGS" # Fix issues with musl and firefox. # https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35268 # https://github.com/mesa3d/mesa/commit/9f37c9903b87f86a533bfaffa72f0ecb285b02b2 sed "/pre_args += '-DUSE_ELF_TLS'/d" meson.build >_ cat _ > meson.build; rm -f _ python3 bin/git_sha1_gen.py --output include/git_sha1.h platforms=x11 cpt l wayland-protocols >/dev/null 2>&1 && platforms=$platforms,wayland meson \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --localstatedir=/var \ --buildtype=release \ -Dplatforms="$platforms" \ . output ninja -C output ninja -C output install